23-10-2022, 02:36 AM
(23-10-2022, 02:33 AM)BETA_BOI Wrote: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ummmmmmm aaaaaa (getting all of it at once in an instant )
I wanted to move around as to adjust the sudden pain... but as you hold my hands sitting on top of me.. I could not move an inch from my position.... whimpering there ummmm ummm ummmm
You... You are my daddy....
( i was about to relieve my 4 day stress into u )
( i let ur wrist go and hold ur hip thigh intersection and pulled my dick back and now instead of pushing bbc in i pulled ur hips back as if showing " yes i know i am ur daddy")
( now i pushed ur middle section down making ur belly almost rub the bed)
chapppp chaoppppp chappppppppppp thappppppppppp thappppppp thacpppppp chakkkkkkkkkkkkk ( banging u like a silicone meat )
ahhh ( my balls htting ur asscheeck )