Misc. Erotica My stories, rather experiences or experiments --- SujaKerala
We reached the shop.
We got down from the taxi and walked into the shop.
There was Rani aunty the shop owner standing with Chitra aunty. They gave a big loud welcome to Santhy aunty.
After that Santhy aunty told to us "hey girls, this is Rani, the owner of this textile shop, and this is Chitra, the manager of the beauty parlor."

Then Santhy aunty pointed us and told "Rani and Chitra, this is Suja my neice. This is Merin, Shilpa and Preethi, all Suja mol's and Arjun's classmates.. And this is Meenu elder daughter of Viji my maid servant, this is Neenu her youngest."

The parlor girl Rekha was standing in a corner together with the textile shop sales girls Selvi and Private.

Then Chithra aunty told "OK, so these are the two customers for me."
After a pause she continued "so Meenu and Neenu, do you have enough money to pay me? You know that the beauty parlor are very expensive and not for free."
Poor Meenu and Neenu didn't know what to say. They just looked at Santhy aunty with a pale face.

Santhy aunty laughed and told "don't worry girls, Chitra is joking. You don't need to worry about money. Just be ready to be more beautiful and some enjoyment."
They both just nodded their heads.
Now we all could see really nervous face of both.

Chitra aunty then asked "Santhy, what all you need to give them, I mean the services."
Santhy aunty winked and told "anyway Rekha is here na, let her give them a nice full body massage. Then then make them clean by shaving unwanted hairs."
After a pause Santhy aunty continued "Meenu has some hairs in her underarm and pussy."

Both Meenu and Neenu were shocked on hearing that.
Santhy aunty was mentioning about Meenus pussy hairs to be shaved. That too infront of all, public.
Meenu and Neenu stared at each other's face.

Seeing this Santhy aunty smiling asked "Neenu, do you have also hairs down there?"
Neenu was really shocked. Santhy aunty was asking her directly whether she had pussy hairs.
We could see her face redden with shame.
She just hung her head down and nodded NO.
We all laughed on seeing that.

Then Rani aunty told "Oh, so it's a great work. So I think we can't do it here in the shop. Let's go to the room where Selvi and Priya lives."

Santhy aunty told "oh. OK, then we can go there. Where is Selvi and Priya living? Is it nearby?"
Rani aunty told "oh Santhy, they stay in a room just behind the stock room."

Santhy aunty told "OK then we go there. Come on Meenu and Neenu"
Rani aunty told "Selvi, close the shutter of the shop and put the 'shop closed' board. Priya, take them to your room."
Selvi walked to the main shutter of the textile shop to close.
We all walked, Priya leading towards the door to the stock room.

Priya was walking in the front.
Meenu and Neenu following them. Then Chita aunty, Rani aunty and Santhy aunty.
Rekha was following them with a box, the cosmetic and tools.
Myself, Merin, Shilpa and Preethi walked last.

We just reached the stock room and there were 4 boys.
Santhy aunty asked "Rani, are these new sales boys of your shop?"
Rani replied "No Santhy, they are college boys from the neighborhood. I called them for cleaning the racks and rearrange the stocks of dress. They are happy as they get some money and today is college holiday as it's Saturday also."

The boys looked like low class tamil boys. All of them wearing sleeveless vests which are dirty and 3 of them wearing pants and one was wearing shorts.
The 3 boys looked almost our age and the one wearing shorts looked like a year or two young.

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RE: My stories, rather experiences or experiments --- SujaKerala - by ddey333 - 18-10-2022, 12:56 PM

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