Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
I would also like to think out loud and discuss some clues:

* Krish should (after waking up from unconsciousness) quietly and briskly sneak out of the house and take an Uber to the hospital without informing anyone. 
(Meera and Desai are so busy with themselves that they will only notice Krish's absence the next day)
This would then be important to see from Meera's reaction how much she cared for Krish and how deep her love and respect for him are!

* Krish keeps affirming that he loves Meera more than anything and cannot spend a single day without her.
This is another reason why he should NOT fulfil Desai's plan of "going to Mumbai".

Because the whole thing is simply paradoks ... (The author Krish described this clearly)

Krish is planning to give up his post and will no longer work for Desai. He has made that clear to him. Therefore, why should he leave his house, wife and town for Desai for several weeks, though he does not plan his future in that company anymore.

Krish made it very clear to the Dasei that he no longer agrees that he and Meera should not meet if he (Krish) is not there and everything should be done in his presence, otherwise not. 
He (Krish: No, Desai. I feel betrayed) !!

* * *
Krish should (he will have enough time now) go into himself and listen to his inner voice (without manipulation on the part of Desai and unfortunately also Meera) and soberly analyse and question Desai's actions, also Meera's behaviour especially in the last two meetings with Desai.
He must ask himself: what would have happened in the hotel if he had not called at the right moment and not a second later?
Desai (who calls him a friend, which of course is ONLY a calculation!!)) and his beloved wife had no compunction about betraying him and ultimately cheating on him.

* Krish must realise that he is faced with a vital decision and has only two options;
1. go to Mumbai, which would mean losing Meera forever to Desai,
2. stay at home with his beloved wife, stop working with Desai and take up a new professional challenge ...

In this sense 
All the best

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