Misc. Erotica Kidnapping My Sweet Housewife Padma
After milking the cows my mom used to take milk in a container and sell it to the Govt Milk Procuring Center and the Milk Procuring Assistant used to pay my mom.  After everybody at the Milk Procuring Center left and there was nobody around, the Milk Procuring Assistant used to kiss my mom’s lips and take her inside the godown.  Since the godown in our village was made only of woven coconut leaves, me and my cousin could easily drift the coconut leaves weaves aside and watch the Milk Procuring Assistant and my mom have fun.  My dad was a farmer who had a decent amount of land, and was spending most of his time attending the panchayats, as he was one of the important leaders of the panchayat.  Though he loved my mom and gave her all the new clothes and ornaments, it was the Milk Procuring Assistant who was giving what my mom really wanted and i.e. attention and Sex.

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RE: Kidnapping My Sweet Housewife Padma - by novelistcasanova - 02-10-2022, 07:04 PM

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