Misc. Erotica Some Lines should be never crossed
I am currently in a situation where i cant get out of the car and i cant stay in the car. All i could do is cry now and driver is not worried about my tears because his full concentration is back to my boobs again and he has not even realised i am crying or he don't want to acknowledge that i am crying. And he is not getting bored my bust even after playing with them for such long time. I am really in a frustrated and tensed mood because of my current situation and i shouted at him in anger and said

"You have played with for hours still you are looking at it like its the first time". There is anger in my voice but the words that came out of my mouth were wrong and not helped the situation at all.

[Image: 54457928_792127207818467_8942890958196107555_n.jpg]

"No madam. not at all. These boobs are made to be stared for ever. And when the first time i have seen these, they are pale in colour even though milky white tone. But now because of my hard work (with a smile of achievement by rubbing his hand) they are red in colour, kind of an orange with a cherry on top, but an orange i say like more of a coconut" and he laughed whole heartedly on his crude.

His explanation had made feel humiliated and shamed for my self, that a driver is explaining my boobs to me which even my husband didnt do till now in this way. But i dont know why i am feeling horny as well at the same time.

I am still wasting the time thinking on how to escape of the situation, but i am not able to get any idea at all apart from telling the truth to the driver.
and even the driver has started to ask me 
"Madam what do you think about going to your house even without pallu on the top. I will go out and look and if there are no one on the road you could go and run even may be. I have not seen them bounce when you are running. It would be a really good ending for our erotic journey till now. What say?" and he started to get out of the car.

So i stopped him and told 
"I have something to say, but please don't get angry on me. Ok? Please?"

"Tell me what it is madam, i will not get angry on you I promise. The things you let me do is a life time achievement to me. So you can say anything to me".

His explanation has started to irritate me very much, he is pushing the incident in every sentence he is talking, but i cant get angry on him anymore. Because i am dependent on him now.

"Actually, please dont get serious as you have promised me. ok. The thing is, this is not my house. I brought you to a wrong address to escape from you. So i cant go out just by covering in this pallu. So please understand and give me my blouse back. You can keep the bra as a souvenir if you want. Please".

I have expected him to react angrily on me because of my lie and i feared that the most and he smiled with my response and i got surprised with his response, but within sometime a chill rundown in my spine. I have seen this smile few times today and that didnt go well for me at all. This smile always led to pushing bit more on what he is doing to me.

He continued to smile and responded:
"Its fine madam, it happens, we all are humans and its our natural instinct to do the things to make us feel safe. So i am not going to get angry on you. But punishment, you have to take it now."

"Whatever punishment you want to give, you can give me tomorrow when you come to collect the fare, but for me please drop me at my house. I will even run topless to my house as you have asked. So please let me go."

"Well madam, your lie is not only about the wrong house address, its about the fare you have to pay me. You wanted to escape from that. You are not going to give my play time with your boobs tomorrow. So thats one more. So with all these things, its guaranteed that you are going to run topless to your house today. But i need more as a compensation for all your lies" he replied every cool way.

"What more do you want than this? I have already did lot more unthinkable things today which i have never even thought could happen to me. So please let me go today"

"I will let you go as well madam. Because i don't to be to late tomorrow to come to your house as well right. So for now to go to your actual house, i want a kiss from you. Thats it. Kiss me and go to your house".

[Image: akash_puri_ketika_sharma_romantic_trailer.jpg]

"Kiss are you out of your mind. What made you think i am going to kiss you. How dare you to even think that?"

"Why are you over reacting madam. I am just asking for a kiss. You didnt had any problem when i played with your boobs. And i thought those are more sacred things than lips."

        He always talks in such a convincing way that i almost got convinced. And in a way even his points were right. I have let him played with my boobs, so what difference the kiss is going to make. Also this is not the first time i am kissing someone today. Already rocky has his way with me today. So i will let him kiss today and will forget this day as a nightmare in my life. And while i am in my thought the driver has started to pinch my nipples again, just to remind me on what he can do to me. 

        I have kept staring at him and he looked at my eyes, trying to read me and he slowly he stopped pinching my nipples and rubbed across my boobs in a sensitive way that gave me goosebumps' Looks like he figured out my weak points in one evening which my husband took months to do. And he suddenly took hold of both the boobs in this both hands and gave a strong grab to them and slowly started to bring his one hand to the top and the other is still playing with my boobs. And he slowly brought his hand to my lips and twisted them a bit and i kept on looking at him and not saying anything. As i dont know how to say to him that he can kiss me. But looks like he figured that out himself that i am ok with the kiss. he slowly took his hand to the back my head and to my neck and slowly pulled me towards him without loosing an eye contact with me.

       Instead of feeling ashamed, i felt horny with his play with my boobs and his confidence to pull me to give a kiss and brought me close that there is just an inch distance between our lips. I can feel my lips shiver and the driver is testing to see if i am going to kiss him first and if he hold me like that for few more seconds i am going to do that by myself.
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RE: Some Lines should be never crossed - by bobby - 02-05-2020, 01:54 AM
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RE: Some Lines should be never crossed - by Mampi - 30-09-2023, 01:19 PM

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