

I am Navin . I am presently 73 years old. I am narrating a story which happened when I was only a young boy. 

That time my father was working as a clerk in a private but reputed industrial establishment . One of our uncle was an excise inspector. That time he was posted in the hub of glass articles making industries. Since that place was at a distance of about three hours journey we were visiting each other’s place frequently.  

During one summer vacation we visited uncle’s house . We stayed there for a couple of days. Then our plan was to visit our native place which was over four hundred kms away. Our uncle informed that one of the Ashok Layland Truck carrying glass articles is going to the town close to our native. He said that the truck belongs to on of his trusted clues so we can travel in that truck safely. Since train or bus journey were very tiresome those days , my father opted to travel by that truck. 

Our uncle advised as well as warned truck driver and cleaner to take good care of us during the long journey of about 12 hours. 

If any of you had seen those trucks , you would recall that in the driver’s cabin there used to be about a 5 ft long bench behind the driver’s seat . My father seemed satisfied with the attangements. 

Finally , we boarded the truck at around 3.30 afternoon. Driver said that they will reach destination early morning the next day . 

Let me tell you about people who took that fateful journey . 

My father was about 42 years old. He was a strong built man but he was a very simple man. He used to trust everyone. 

My mother Renuka was about 35/36 years old . She was quite healthy , having right amount of flesh at right places . She was very much liked not only by men but by females also . She was very polite with everyone . And most importantly, she was beautiful as well as attractive. Till then I had not heard any scandals about my
mother. In fact, before that fateful journey I was knowing her as a mother only . But that journey changed my views about her as well as about all other females. 

Like my father I was also of strong buildup . Both father & son were doing regular exercise. When truck started , mother sat just behind driver’s seat . I sat beside her . Father took seat beside me and the cleaner took window seat beside father . 

My father talked freely with both the driver and the cleaner . Driver was of good health. He was looking quite strong. Where as cleaner was of normal figure , but he was handsome and young .Father enquired about their family and also told them about ourselves. 

Cleaner/—- Sahab , please forgive us but we have never seen any woman so beautiful like your wife . You are really very fortunate to have such a lovely  ady as your wife. 

Drivet — yes sir , Debu is right . We are travelling a lot . We must have seen thousands of women but we never saw any one better than your wife. 

Mother —- Don’t talk rubbish . I am like any other woman . 

After driving for about one & half hour driver stopped truck near a road side restaurant. 

Before getting down from the truck both driver and cleaner talked in local dialect . I heard each and every word they spoke . But I could not make out which machhali / fish both were talking about. 

Cleaner—- Gutu, do something . Tonight we must taste and eat fresh and hot machhli . Do something , I am very hungry for the fish. 

Driver —- yes, I also liked the fish . But it seems that the fish you are talking about is of very clean water. It would be very difficult to catch such fish . Beside, our masters will get very angry. He may throw us on the road. 

Cleaner— Forget master , do something to keep the owner of the fish away . I am ready to take all type of risk for such clean water fish . 

Driver —- Debu , are you ready for taking a risk?. 

Cleaner-   Yes guru , I am ready for any consequences. 

I did not understand what they talked about . Mother’s face had no expression. 

Father — About which fish both of you are talking ? Pay the right price and buy the fish. 

Both driver and cleaner nodded. 

Driver—- Saahab , before it starts raining, let’s go and have something to eat & drink . 

Driver got down from his side . Cleaner got down from the other side . He helped me to get down . He took my mother's hands also and pulled her down . In order to balance herself,  she put one of her hand on the cleaner's chest . Father also got down. We all entered that hotel. Mother whispered something in my ear. I asked the cleaner and cleaner took her towards the urinal . I don’t know what transcribed between them . Both returned after about ten minutes. After they returned, my father and I also went for urination . On return I saw mother talking with the cleaner laughingly. My father also joined them. 

We all had hot snacks with tasty tea . Mother liked tea so much that she ordered for the second cup . 

Father —- Bhsi , it’s a long journey. Can I get something so that we can get good sleep . Journey will pass out fast . 

Driver nodded . He talked with few people around and someone gave him a pouch containing few laddus. Driver gave one laddu to  each to us . 

Driver —- Sahab , these are laddus of bhaang / opium. You eat it and you will not know when journey came to an end. Father happily took that but both of us ( me & mother ) returned that to him. 

Mother—- I don’t have any problem with sleep and Munna ( me ) is too young for such things . 

Driver did not insist . But my father took that pouch and paid the man few notes. 

Cleaner—- let’s go inside the truck , it is going to rain heavily. 

It was the beginning of the rainy season. There was loud thunder and lightning. We walked towards the truck . But it started raining  . I ran fast and boarded the truck. Father followed me . Driver also took his seat from the other side . But , by the time mother came near the truck she was wet. I don’t know whether father saw it or not but I saw it clearly . Cleaner pushed both her hips with his both hands and I pulled her up . 

Now father has taken seat where mother was sitting earlier . 

Cleaner also boarded . He pulled the door shut. Cleaner kept  caressing  and pressing her hips and thighs. He was standing very close to her. Their bodies were rubbing each other. Neither mother pushed his hands away nor she told him to remove his  hand. His hand remained moving over his hips and thighs. After a couple of minutes she sat beside father . 

Cleaner—— Saahab , madam’s  cloth is fully wet . She may get sick , tell her to remove the saari . 

Father moved his hands over her thighs and sides. 

Father —- yes Renu , he is right . Your saari is wet . Remove it . 

Mother looked sternly at father but she started unfolding saari. She did not get up from the seat but pulled her saari out of her body . Instead of keeping  saari aside or giving that to me or father she gave that to cleaner. 

Mother — spread it in such a way that it gets dried up early . 

Cleaner spread that saare on the bonnet . 

Neither she herself get up to get another saari  nor father told her  to wear another saari . Our both suitcase and bag were kept overhead. She sat comfortably. I wanted to sit beside her but cleaner took hold of my hand . 

Cleaner/— Munna , let your parents sit comfortably. You sit on this chair . 

Then I gave attention. While we were at the hotel someone put a chair and a car seat inside the cabin . Chair was kept in the corner very close to the windscreen. Car seat was kept beside that . 

Mother  ( to the cleaner)—- you sit on the chair let Munna sit beside me. 

Driver — madam , he ( cleaner ) has to take stock of traffic so he necessarily has to sit close to the window so that he can look outside now & then . I think it would be better for both of you & sahab if Munna sits on chair . He will also feel comfortable there. 

Mother —- ok , why that seat of car is here?  It was not there earlier. 

Driver — if anyone of you would like to sleep , that seat would be kept on this bonnet and you can lie-down very comfortably. It is very cozy . 

Though I had crossed my 18th birthday I did not have any experience of sex. Except girls of our family I did not have any girlfriend. I had heard stories of sex . I also heard that rich people buy girls and ladies for sex. Only time when I had squeezed breasts of bhabhis , cousin sisters and other ladies was on the day of Holi . Till that time I did not have even thought that both these cleaner and driver had made up their mind to fuck my mother in the running truck. My parents also did not sense that . Mother told me to sit on the chair . 

I sat on the chair . 

Cleaner—- madam , let sahab sit  properly. Please move this side . 

Mother looked sternly at the cleaner. She whispered something to him . 

( in fact she told him -“ should I sit on your lap “ ) 

Mother —— don’t address me madam. I don’t like it . Both of you are of my age only . You can call me by my name . My name is Renuka. I liked to be called Renu . 

Mother said and she moved towards cleaner. Her thighs touched highs of the cleaner. Though mother said that both of them are of her age but that was not correct. My mother Renu was of 35-36 years, driver was in mid 40s whereas cleaner was only of 24-25 years. In hotel also I had seen that mother was talking freely with this cleaner. Here also she sat so close to him. Though, driver was looking more strong and masculine than the cleaner. It seemed that she liked cleaner more 

( while the cleaner took Renu towards the urinal in the hotel,  all along he kept appreciating her beauty . He told her that not only her face , each and every limb is best. He also told her in open words that her breasts ( chuchi) are best . When he said that he has never seen such an attractive pair of breasts she softly slapped him on his cheeks . He directed her towards the urinal . Not only that,  he waited for her. She came out and became very pleased to see him waiting for her . While returning back she teased him that he wants to marry a woman of his mother’s age . And she blushed when he said in clear words that he really wants to marry her so that he can enjoy looking at her nude body and fuck her day and night . She was a rural woman. Type of talk she had with the cleaner was a common talk . Cleaner was not the only one many men had told her that they want to fuck her day and night . She did not get angry with the cleaner instead she liked his boldness. She did not tell him but she made up her mind that if opportunity comes she will allow this cleaner to fondle her body . That’s why when cleaner caressed and pressed her hips and thighs she did not object at all . In fact she enjoyed that some one is bold enough to fondle her in presence of her husband and son.) 

And now she was seated beside that cleaner. Their thighs were rubbing each other. 

Driver was trying to concentrate  on the driving but he could not resist temptations. Every now & then he was glancing towards my mother . She was seated in a petticoat and blouse . It was not at all an exciting scene for me. I was used to see her in this dress. Many times I saw her topless. Many time I saw her moving in the house wrapping a towel around her waist. 

But both the driver & cleaner were extremely excited to see my mother in blood red colour petticoat and blouse . 

No one talked for sometime . It was already dark all around . One dim light was on inside the cabin. 

Cleaner— Guru , switch off the light . 

Cleaner told the driver to switch off the light but mother promptly countered. 

 “ no , let’s this light be on “ 

She said and smilingly looked at the cleaner. 

Driver —- this much light will remain on all the time . 

Few more minutes passed . I looked at them and I felt my cock tightening . I saw one of his around the waist of my mother and other hand on her thighs . Mother pushed his hand away from her thighs . 

Mother -   Debu, it seems that you are seeing a woman for the first time . Why are you troubling me ? If you want a woman so much then go to your wife or find some randi . I am not a randi . 

She talked loudly. 

Driver —- Renu , it is not his fault . Anyone who will see you even once would like to fuck you day and night . I am on the road for over 15 years now . I am fucking randi and also women of good houses regularly but I never seen such a beautiful woman like you . Please have mercy on you . 

I was listening to their talks . I never knew that my mother can talk so dirty . 

Mother asked name of the driver. He replied , 

“ Balvant “ 

Mother —- Balvant, you said that you have fucked many women . I believe you . Then you must have experienced that irrespective of women , when you penetrate any women you get same kind of pleasure and satisfaction. 

She asked driver but Debu replied . I again saw his hand on her upper thighs . 

Debu —- Renu darling, guru ( driver ) might have fucked hundreds of women. But , so far I have penetrated my cock in thirteen cunts only . Two of them were virgin . When I fucked my wife frst she was not virgin. No doubt penetrating cock inside count of any women itself give a sense of satisfaction but it does not give same type of pleasure. I did not enjoy with three others of my women. 

Driver—- Debu is right . Like different men gives different type of  pleasure to the same woman, man also enjoy and get pleasure differently from different women. You are so beautiful and attractive . Many men must have fucked you . So you know how different pleasure you get from different men. How many cocks have entered into your cunt . 

Driver was speaking and I saw that Debu hugged my mother tightly and kissed her cheeks. Somehow she pulled herself away . She did not scold cleaner . She pushed his hands away from her thighs . 

Mother —- Balvant dear , never ask any women about her lovers or men with whom she fucked . I don’t know whether I am beautiful or not but my daughter Rashmi who is one & hand year younger to Munna is very very beautiful. I am very happy with my husband . Munni’s father fucks me daily and I am very happy and satisfied with him. Now let me sleep . Uff Debu , you are very bad , don’t squeeze my cunt . 

I saw Debi’s hand between thighs of my mother. Though she “ don’t squeeze my cunt “ , she did not pushed his hands away . And suddenly Debu’s other hand reached on mound of one breast . He squeezed breasts. 

Debu —— Guru, these breasts are tighter as well much bigger than the breasts of Rupa. 

Mother again did not make any move to push his hands away . She has accepted her fate that both of these men are bound to fuck her in presence of her son and husband . She understood that she or her son can not fight and stop them . Her husband was in deep sleep . He was under influence of opium . 

Mother — Who is Rupa ? 

Driver —- She daughter of our owner Gupta ji . She is only 20 years old and we both have fucked her togther twice . 

Mother -  It seems both of you are obsessed with my beauty . I am ready to show you my real beauty but nothing is free . And Debu, if you don’t move your hands away from me I will complain to Munni’s uncle and you know what he will do to both of you and also your masters. 

Debu pulled his hands away and sat straight . 

Driver —- Debu , see how much money we are having ? 

Hearing driver , the cleaner opened a drawer which was exactly below where mother was sitting. He took out a black bag. He emptied the bag on the seat beside mother . Mother did not touch money . Debu counted . 

Debu —- it is seven thousand thre hundred fifty . 

Driver — give her all , we will borrow from Sardar . 

Debu put those currency back in the bag and gave that bag to mother . She took the bag and gave that to me. 

Mother —- for this money I will sit nude inside the truck . Both of you can fondle me as much as both of you can but no penetration , no Chudai. Debu , except penetration do whatever you like to do . 

Driver — but we both want to fuck you whole night , as many time as we can do . Please let us fuck you once each & then at next stop we will give you more . 

There was silence for few minutes . 

Mother — Give another three thousand. Thereafter both of you can fuck me . Till then just keep looking at me. 

She stood up . Because of low roof she could not stand erect . 

Mother — Debu, undress me . 

Forget driver and cleaner, my mother has also forgotten me. Father was in deep sleep but I was wide awake . Still she told someone else to undress her . But before undressing her Debu himself became nude . I smiled to see his cock . It was almost of my size both in thickness and length . But mother did not say anything. 

As such Renuka liked Debu . While he was wearing loose she did not give any thought to his features. But she got impressed by seeing his wide and muscular chest . She also loves liked the cock of Debu which was fully tightened and saluting her . Though she liked the length and thickness of the cock she remained quite. 

Debu stood behind my mother . I could see his cock pushing between hips of mother . He pushed both his hands through sides of mother . He squeezed breasts few times and doing so he unbuttoned the blouse . He pulled flaps apart . 

Debu —- Guru see these maals. Did you ever see such a nice looking big and hard breasts. I can’t believe that mother of two grown up child can have such a nice figure. 

Driver —- Munna , pull blouse off your mother’s body . 

I thought that mother would get angry on hearing driver . But she did not say a word. I got up and without speaking a word I pulled blouse off her body . I could not control my self . My both hands began moving on her body . As Debu was holding her both breasts I did not touch breasts . I moved hand over her belly and sides . 

Me —— maa, though I have seen you half nude , I have seen your breasts many time but I did not know that that your skin is soo smooth . 

Mother did not tell me to stop touching her . 

Driver —- Munna , put that seat on the bonnet . 

Debu was enjoying with the breasts of my mother . I lifted that car seat and put it on the bonnet . Driver told me to pull out a bedsheet and pillow from the same drawer. I had seen Debu taking out bag full of money . So I pulled out a bed sheet and pillow from there. I covered that car seat with the bedsheet . I also placed pillow as driver directed me . 

Driver — Munna , you said that you have seen your mother topless many time but did you see the place from where you have come out . That holy place is covered by that red petticoat . Pull that off and see your birthplace . You can do puja of that divine hole . Let us see how she keep your birthplace ? Remove petticoat. 

Like both of them I was also hypnotised by the beauty and nudity of my mother . I did not think a bit . I pulled off petticoat. It fell down and my mother was standing nude . 

I did not wait for driver’s instruction. I bend , I caressed her pubic area, I kissed cunt many time . No one has ever told me about how to live a hunt , I ran my tongue tip along the length of slit of her pubic area. She did not push me away . After kissing and caressing cunt few times I moved away . 

Cleaner pushed her on the bonnet . He placed her head nicely on the bed. Cleaner positioned himself between his legs . 

Mother pushed her one hand down and took hold of his cock . 

Mother —- I said , no penetration means no penetration. Beside, when I myself was getting nude shamelessly in presence of husband and son then what was the need of telling son to touch mother’s cunt. I know it very well that after seeing me nude with you people , if not tonight then very soon he will also fuck me . Now I am behaving worst than a randi so I will take don’s cock in my cunt happily. But unless you pay me full no penetration by any body . Balvant show me your cock and Munna , if you also want your mother to see your cock you can also undress. 

Telling that mother moved her other hand between thighs of Balvant. He did not brake truck. He just slowed down, drove it on the side of the road and pulled his trouser and underwear down . Mother pushed those down on his knees . I saw mother holding yet another cock . Cock of Balvant was long , at least 8 inch long. Not only that it was thicker than cock of mine as well as of Debu . Mother kept pressing that cock . 

Mother —.   man , how are you pushing such a thick cock in any cunt?  I am fucking now for long still  
I will not be able to take this rod easily in my cunt . Debu , don’t hesitate , other than penetrating cock in my cunt or ass hole you can do anything you desire. 

Now she was holding two cocks , one each in her two hands. As She said , many times I had seen her topless and semi nude condition. But that was the first time I saw her totally nude . She was nude in presence of her young 19 years old son. Not only that she was holding two cocks in her hands. I concluded that she must have been fucking around without our knowledge. 

It seems she read my mind . 

Mother —— beta ( me ) , seeing me acting so shamelessly you would be thinking that I am a slut . I have fucked with many men . But my son, whatever promise you take , in the name of God and your loving sister I say that before this fateful night except your father , no one else had seen me nude or fucked me . I myself don’t know that why I have started behaving so shamelessly. 

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