26-08-2022, 03:19 PM
My husband had an affair with my daughter's friend
My 16-year-old daughter has just told me that her best friend (also 16) has been having an affair with my husband, who is 42.She found out because girls of that age tell each other everything. She is really angry with her friend.
The girl was seeing other married men at the same time, and although my daughter told my husband this he refused to believe it until the whole horrendous affair became very public.
My husband claims he had some sort of breakdown and can't understand why he did it. The girl looks considerably younger than her age and is very thin.
My husband is desperate to make the marriage work, as am I, but now I feel incredibly old and fat at a size 12.
He is having counselling via the GP but I am told that I am well adjusted and don't need help. How can I put this behind me, especially as the girl lives nearby?
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