Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
@ lollobionda

Thank you for bringing out the reality and gist of the stories in adult online sites. There are nothing to dis-agree with your views. The stories are fictitious and mostly rely on imagination. It is always better not to compare with realities and fit the characters in real life. By doing so, we unnecessarily put ourselves in psychological embarrassment.
While saying so, still there are some buts. Thousands of stories are published in these sites with wild imagination on human sexual relationships. We seek temporary pleasure sometimes imagining ourselves in the shoes of characters. Some remote similarities boost our egos and ultimately fall in prey of our own imaginations and shortcomings in our real life.
While thousands of stories are read and forgotten, a few stand exclusive on their specialties. Vivid sexual descriptions may become reasons for great attention for some stories, but, they are short lived. Ultimately a few stories survive time testing. These stories survives on some specialty beyond sexual description and time tested. Rather, while such story build ups reasonably, down the line, readers look for other things other than vivid sexual description. For me, this story sequence fall in that category, which compete to stay survived against time decay.
I admit, (The same may be true to many readers) I no longer search for vivid sexual description in it. While loosely glancing through description of actual sexual acts, I search for character build up, story build ups and try to simulate characters behaviors with the events, commensuration with natural flow. Obviously, my limitations come into play while decoding the characters and events under prevalent socio-economic cultural environment.
I could have been happy to imagine the part-I as the concluding part of this story sequence. I could fill the gaps with some unsolved, unknown question marks. Travelling through part-II and present part-III, unknown questions are mostly solved. Gaps are no longer required to be filled with imagination.
 ‘Love’ is a buzz word which always fascinates me. There could be no precise, concrete definition of love. However, every one of us frame a definite mindset on the nature and behavior of this buzz word. One aspect of ‘Love’ is definite. It’s intrinsic. It’s psychological. It is created, manifested and destroyed within environment of individual’s mind stimulated by external or internal stimulus. Outcome of ‘Love’ generally bestowed on other objects in various forms as reactions. We measure reactions in vector form and quantify the quality and intensity of ‘Love’. Under influence of similar stimulus, effect and external behaviors of human varies greatly. That makes every individual different from each other. We always think and associate ‘love’ with intended positive outcomes acceptable to our individual mindset. Effect of ‘Love’ is something leads to wellbeing and prosperity of the objects bestowed upon. Effect of ‘Love’ should never destroy or harm an object in long run. There could be some apparent, short lived harmful effect, but ‘Love’ always look for betterment in future. In brief, ‘Love’ is always associated with positive outcome.
We are mostly associated with love at first sight. Unfortunately, there is no such love. It is nothing but infatuation. It could be lust or weakness or attraction or admiration. Initially, sensory organs examines and transmits positive signals to satisfy our egos matching with our likings. In favorable situations, ‘Love’ could grow gradually once mind accepts. Acceptances grow within mind about sacrifices we are committed for ‘love’.
Coming back to sequence of this story, many readers find ‘Love’ of Meera for Krish in Meera’s behavior which I miserably failed to appreciate. In the absence to peep directly into Meera’s mind, I explore the reactions to derive. It is beyond doubt, Meera loves wild sexual domination and I find nothing wrong in fulfilling her dreams within albeit of a willing husband. Cuckold relationship is different from cheating on marital relationship only on one condition. The condition is the arrangement of mutual love and understanding. Both partners need to be transparent and set a well-thought and accepted boundary of actions. It is the self-belief that my partner is committed to me is only driving force for this relationship to continue on mutual gratification. Once it is lost, the cuckold relationship is one sided and forced upon. It can’t be called mutual.
What we find it here is hide and seek game. Boundaries are not set. What we observe is manipulations for each other keeping the other partner into darkness. Where is mutual love?
We observed Meera initiated adultery without involvement of Krish. Leaving it aside as an isolated incident, even considering Meera submitted initially for Krish’s enjoyment, subsequently she is attracted in adulterous life and takes active part in fulfilling her own enjoyment. Krish’s cuckoldry has only helped her to manipulate and achieve her dream. Krish has never physically forced her into the game. The game was never spelt out clearly and Meera willingly involved into the game. There is not a single incident, which indicates Meera had seriously tried to stop the game or made an attempt to cure Krish’s mental sickness. From her conversations, she accepts Krish’s behavior as abnormal. She admits, Krish’s behavior is not tenable, but in reality she willingly accepts and performs to the utmost of her satisfaction.  Mutual ‘Love’ dictates, reaction should be oriented for recovery and rectification of Krish’s self-destructive behavior. Instead, she fuelled his imagination to push him further down the hill.
Meera had two options to express her caring & loving solidarity for Krish. First, she could seek medical or social help with or without submitting to his cuckold demand. Second, she could leave him for natural recovery.
 She did neither. At the end of first part, she did leave krish. The reason was not attributed to Krish’s cuckoldry. Jealousy was portrayed as a reason as Meera discovered Krish with another woman. To tell truth, I still consider the event as forced one. Further events following her departure did not fit her character build ups. It was a mismatch. The event was allowed to happen for future expansion of the story.
It is quite natural for any normal woman to search for a stable, happy life. Obviously, Meera can never find that life with a (never ready to improve) cuckold. Her quest for finding a reciprocating life partner is commendable. Without brining legality and morality in discussion, she has the right to properly shape her own life. An unfortunate incident of marriage should never be consider as absolute end of one’s righteous life demand. She need to amputate the rotten organ to save the rest.  She is also clever enough, in her search. She adopts and utilizes the opportunities in possible best ways in her favour to find a suitable life partner for future stable life.
Everything is fine. But where is ‘love’ for Krish? I agree, Krish does not deserve to be loved in present situation. In my observation, Meera is opportunist and manipulative. She dreams for life full of luxuries in abundance. This may be reasons for being selective about long term sexual partners. Why Ashis did not qualify is a puzzle. She even had to resign from job! Age and experience could be a reason? Or dominating, painful, rough sex combined with anal could be another reason? Alas! There is no proper clue. Again, why did she leave Krish at the end of part-I? How her decision had benefitted her in her quest? Or was it impulsive?  A bad decision without any thought process? I am unable to link ‘Love’ with the progress of part-II. Again return back on flimsy reason with little persuasion at the end of part-II. I am unable to discover positive reactions to attach with ‘love’.
For a lengthy novel like this, we generally expect proper characterization and create a model of main character. Meera is not different. Considering our knowledge limitation up to Krish’s memory, a few attributes can easily be assigned which are explicit.

Meera is beautiful, charming, highly capable young woman. She is manipulative and systematic liar. She is greedy and looks for luxurious life style. She has high affinity for males outside marriage irrespective of age and social status. She enjoys wild sex especially painful anal. She enjoys experiments in sexual acts. To some extent, she enjoys voyeurism.

With little imagination, the other side of Meera character could be that she is also a perverted psychological patient. She is sex nympho and fulfills her physical and psychological needs in disguise. She leaves no stone unturned, while reaching to her prospective sexual partners.

She has no love and respect for her cuckold husband and manipulates him to fulfill her dreams. She is staying in marital relationship to achieve personal goals.

Most of her behaviors are explained within ambit of above model.
When I try to assign love attribute, the heaven breaks. Apparently, many events lack understanding of our brain. Generally, we create a model role for any character. We are in a state of ‘love at first site with Meera’. A positive, loving mindset is pictured for Meera. An infatuation. Now, our minds are not ready to accept Meera in different way. So, there is confrontation. Confrontation in our mind between infatuation and reality. Possibly, an error in judgment. But again, why to mix reality with virtual world?
Here you comes @ lollobionda. You are precise, perfect and to the point.

Krish being cuckold, (as portrayed) will enjoy seeing his wife being taken sexually by others. Krish is a psychological patient and naturally should behave abnormally. Cuckolds derive pleasure out of sharing love partners. ‘Love’ is integrally embedded to cuckold. In the absence of love, cuckold does not exists. The best reaction of Krish’s love we observed when he made arrangement for job for Meera when she had abandoned him in part-II. He did it for his self-satisfaction, not dictated by cuckoldry attitude.
Once you love somebody, the other person may not love you. Even the other person may hate you. This is painful but acceptable. You may continue life with self-satisfaction without expecting any return. But in the event, when you believe somebody loves you, but discover later that you were wrong. Against your belief, you are convinced that the other person does not love you. This is not only painful but also destruction of your soul. You are shattered as you don’t get any self-satisfaction from this discovery.
A cuckold considers his partner equal in terms of love. He believes all actions by his partner are centered on him for him. He believes in devotion. He believes in physical sharing but not emotional. He derives his energy in anticipation of reciprocation of love. If love is removed from cuckoldry relationship, the motive force is eliminated and the excitement vanishes. Once a cuckold discovers his love partner does not love him, rather the basic reason for her submission to other persons are entirely different, he is mentally dead. Cuckolds are very sensitive and delicate in love aspects. Not only he is pained, he internally blames himself for everything accepting full responsibility and defeat. He becomes clueless on future outcomes.
Krish is on the threshold of this discovery.
When cuckold Krish would discover Meera’s love no longer exists in his life, how he resolves his life is left to penmanship of author Krish.
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