Misc. Erotica Some Lines should be never crossed
      Driver is taking his own time to drive me to my home and concentrating 90% of his time to feast on my jiggling boobs. Its surprising that he has not crashed into anyone as his main concentration is on my boobs than on the road. He took almost an hour to reach my locality which shouldn't take more than 30 min. I could feel goosebumps on my hands and my boobs and my nipples are erect from last 4-5 hours from the time i have visited my friends house. And still my nipples are not tired and still standing proud. The colour of my nipples turned from pale pink from the morning to dark red now because of all the rough handling and continuous grabbing. I felt really tensed when i have started this topless drive, but it only made the things worst with a prolonged waiting orgasm from the long time making more hornier. Driver staring at my boobs while we are driving on a road where there is some traffic has made me more hornier than making me worried or tensed.

      In all this thought process, driver reached my locality and asked me
"Mam where should i take you now? with a smirk on his face.

    But i could here his double meaning dialogue like where he wants to have me, may be because of my horniness. But somehow my brain has triggered and gave enough warning signals to me to be careful. I have immediately decided that i should not take him to my house, he might harass me for more and till now the things he did to me there is 100% chance for that. So i thought of asking him to drop me at a wrong location, so that i can escape from him. So i took him to some house two streets way from my house to drop me .

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       At last he stopped the car and my one hour of my topless journey at someones house and looked at me and my boobs for one last time before i get out. And i almost opened my door to get out and than the driver reminded me of me being topless. I almost forgot about that as i am getting comfortable being topless. So i immediately closed the door and asked him to give me my blouse and bra back.

But again he looked at me with a cunning look and replied:

"Madam anyway you have decided to get down without your blouse or a bra? So why cant you go out like that?"
"Are you out of your mind? How can i go out topless?"
"But madam you are topless for more than 10 km and for more than 2 hours, So whats the problem now?"
"No i cant do that, what if my neighbours see me like this?"
"Madam you are about to get out topless and if i have not stopped you to go out. You would have done that. So i am asking you to do what you have stopped just now?"

So my small mistake has came back to bite me back strongly and i am doing this all this bargain again that to sitting their topless as if its very casual thing that to in front of a taxi driver whose name also i don't know. That's when i have realised how shameless i have been from last few hours.

[Image: FZo8QFdUUAIQNjd?format=jpg&name=900x900]

          So i had pulled my pallu to my boobs and started to beg him again to leave and give me my blouse and bra back. But he immediately pulled my pallu down and told me that 

     "I am going to keep your things as a token of remembrance that I played with the boobs of such a beautiful and hot girl. Also i don't mind you sitting here topless and bargaining, because i got nothing to loose to stare at you Or to get a kick to see a girl walking on the road topless and me being the reason for that. So its a win-win situation for me in both the cases. So again, ball is in your hand"

       From all the experience till now with this driver made me realise that he is not going to step back on his decision. But i cant do that as this is not my house. If its mine at least i would run quickly into my house, but i dont have that option. And if i say to him that this is not my actual house than it will only make him more angry. If i wanted to walk, my house is two streets away and me walking with a transparent saree pallu to cover will attract more and unnecessary attention because usually its very common for me to people stare at me or turn their heads at least once if not more from my teenage. So that is also not an option. So i am stuck here and i don't know what to do now?
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RE: Some Lines should be never crossed - by bobby - 02-05-2020, 01:54 AM
RE: Some Lines should be never crossed - by writerschoice24 - 10-08-2022, 11:38 PM
RE: Some Lines should be never crossed - by Mampi - 30-09-2023, 01:19 PM

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