Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
My gosh are you going to call her.
Not now but surely will keep in touch.
It is very bad she interrupt. There was sort of mixed feeling disgust as well jealousy.
If at all I call her it will be because of you and nothing more I assured her, then there was bit relaxation on her face.
No need to call for my sake, what you have done already is more than enough. Hence forth I shall climb stairs on my own and prove you that I am capable of.
We were still in cuddling position her face was on my chest she placed her hand on my chest. Now her both boobs were touching my side. Though I had no feelings for her still my dirty cock was on its own thinking, he began stirring in pant. I wanted to get up before she noticed it. We continued speaking in short time she slept as she was bit tired .i had no choice but to lay like that.
Her body was arousing my mind, nearness of such a beauty was playing its chemistry on my body, still I controlled myself and soon I too slept. After short nap she was awake, I could feel some one is staring at me, it was none but didi.
You looks cute while sleeping she said when I opened my eyes.
Thanks dear, but tell me how i look when I am awake.
You like a scoundrel and flirt hehehehe. That is too bad of you didi, you are insulting a naïve boy I made face. I was just kidding she replied and kissed my forehead. Come on getup are you going to sleep like this forever she asked.
Why not if a sexy and beautiful girl keeps hugging me I can sleep like this forever I replied with a wicked smile. You naughty she smiled at me while she hit on my chest playfully. This time she was not angry that relived me. So what is plan for rest of day she asked me.
I don’t have specific plan you tell me where you want to go.
It is already evening where we can go she asked. We discussed about visiting some malls for shopping or cinema and so on. It was decided to go for shopping. We both got ready and we left for one mall. We roamed around mall she purchased few things there. While coming out I saw prathibha jewelers my favorite shop.
I took her there , owner knows me as I am frequent visitor. Welcome shree he greeted me as we entered in shop. She looked at me, how come you know him she asked. Welcome madam I think for the first time you are coming here, he is our old and trusted customer we know each other very well. By the way beta who is this madam he asked me.
She is my cousin didi, I gave brief introduction as he knows malli as we had visited this shop earlier with her. How is your mom he asked her, she was happy that he remembers her mom also. I purchased a diamond necklace I asked her to try she began singing same song, if I wear it I won’t part it. So better don’t force me . if that is the case you can keep it for yourself I replied with smile. At last I had to bow for her say, I hold it between mirror and her to see how she would if she wears it, that did really suit her. No question of suiting her beauty of necklace enhanced by she wearing it. I was completely satisfied and brought it. For whom it is she asked casually , that is for my closest girl friend I replied.
Who is the lucky girl I she asked.
There is someone who is very special for me I replied.
Tell her name da she was asking curiously. I won’t tell her name may be I shall show her today if possible I added. She was happy and bit sad also, I could not understand heart all. So what next she asked. As per your program I replied.
How about roaming around city she asked.
We can see city any time but today is your birthday we shall do something where you feel more excited and spend some quality time together so that you won’t regret spending time without your family.
You are my family dear, you are more than those two dumbos who thought more of selfish than spending day with me. You have already made my day. I have-not seen any films in theatre we shall go to some good movie she suggested. That is fine idea we shall go to some movie, you chose some I suggested. She began searching for the movies running in city. At last we finalized some movie. But for our bad luck by the time we reached theatre it was house full.
Leave it didi we can do something else I said looking at her dull face. By the way you were telling that you used to dance .
Yes I used to dance and I am still good at it ,but what it has to with present situation she asked.
How about visiting some disco I suggested.
Are you crazy you want to take your didi to disco. It does not suit only couples do visit there.
So what you can treat me as your boy friend for today.
You stupid you want to be boy friend of your didi, you are nut she said in mild anger.
Come on didi we are not going to do like lovers do in disco,I am just giving company to you for spending some good time. I know you can’t do it with your hubby as he is officer and can’t visit such places. But we are free to do anything we like. Moreover we are out of city and there is none who recognize you or me. Don’t think too much, but I would like to add one thing here, if you are scared of misbehavior of me then we shall drop idea.
No shree I was not thinking like that. I had never visited such place and I would be happy if I could go with my hubby. As you have clarified I and hubby are not supposed to visit such place at least in the country for his office. After little more persuasion and convincing she got ready to go. But there was a issue of her dress. See i am wearing saree it won’t be appropriate to visit there. Take me back to room I shall change to pant and top she said with blushing.
Yes that is there I agreed but before heading to hotel I remembered about the bag I had kept in car. Don’t worry about dress I shall arrange but we need to have some makeup which is suitable for the program I suggested.
You are such a dumb you are not taking me to room and you are suggesting for makeup and dress change. Do you want to make me nude in car for changing dress and you keep ogling at my nude body hehehehe.
Come on didi I have answer for everything. Without giving any clue I took her to beauty parlor. Go inside and have some nice makeup so that you look like a college girl again. She was protesting to go for beautician and added we have an hour or two before visiting , what should I do till then with that kind of makeup .
We don’t know there may be waiting list and we may have to wait. Other thing is while you are in I shall go for shopping for suitable dress for you for the occasion. Somehow i convinced her and took her to beauty parlor. Once she was inside I called supervisor and gave all the details of what is needed .she began smiling at me, sir you seem to be crazy lover. Will she agree for all those things she hesitated?
Tell her that it is customary and for the occasion it is highly advised to be like this. Yu have minimum choice here, she may get angry and threaten you by saying she won’t need that all will go out. You have to say that already your dresses have been handed over to sir and you can’t go out like this. So she will be compelled to sit tight even she may scold you, but you will have to bear it for me, I shall compensate for that I smiled wickedly. Ok sir done I know how to handle situation. Usually I don’t handle customers myself but as a special case I shall take care of her. I gave her dress, she looked at it and said sexy. Sir your lover is lucky to have such a boyfriend she smiled at me. I didn’t tell her that she is not lover but my didi. I stuffed one 500 note into her hand, she was more than happy, but was denying saying it is too much. Come on madam keep it with you, we don’t know we may meet again I winked at her; she blushed and ran inside laughing.
Once didi came out I could not stop whistling, she looked at me in anger. what is this shree I had not expected it from you, how dare you to make all this to me she began scolding me. I kept silent without giving any reply, but pushed her inside car and started engine, she was trying to stop car was asking for her saree. But I kept moving not bothering to her protests as well abuses.
She stopped after she was tired of scolding. why the hell you are not replying she asked atlast. Now I don’t want to move with you, your intention seems to be wrong, take me back to hotel or let me get down I shall go to hotel she shout at me.
If you are finished let me speak I replied after long.
I am waiting for that only she snarled.
See didi we are going to disco we need to dress as per the venue not saree or anything. You don’t know how beautiful you look in this dress. She was all the time pushing her skirt down to conceal her thighs which had rode while sitting.
She was dressed in short skirt and tight top. Redtop had enhanced her beauty, white skirt was knee level , that did show her curves perfectly, her slim waist and little big ass was making any one go crazy for her. She was looking like killer in her new attire.
Why don’t you add sexy as your routine remark she snarled again.
You look that too , I will bet you will have many glances in disco. Be just cool and enjoy there is no harm in this dress. I want you to look most beautiful among the crowd and you are I am sure of that. We are not going to quarrel today. You know my decisions won’t go wrong. Today is your b day and I dont want your mood be spoils. I want you to obey for a day and only today. I shall assure you if you don’t feel right we shall return the very moment without any word. Why don’t you understand my opinion, I am not fool to embarrass you. I am your kid bro, you should have at least little trust in me. Somehow I convinced her and at last she threw her weapon and agreed to go along.
If anyone recognize me she asked as last resort.
This is not our city, it is state capital Bangalore there won’t be any one to recognize us. And for your kind information nobody is bothered about others they are in their own world. Just chill and enjoy your most magnificent b day. If you still insist me, we shall go back and call it a day.
Ok shree as you feel right. But promise me if anybody passes comments like oldie is wearing such dress or any bad comment we shall leave the place instantly. I agreed for that and be assure nobody would comment bad about you, if at all anyone says it I shall break their teeth.
As expected many boys were feeling envy of me to be with hot dame. And even girl much younger to her were also were looking and praising her beauty with eyes. Slowly didi adjusted to the new climate when she didn’t hear any bad comments. So far we were seated in a corner table I had not asked her to dance. We had fruit juice enjoying the people dancing to the music. I let her be comfortable for some more time, now she was enjoying the music and dance, her feet were tapping to the tune of music. After some time I hold her hand and asked for dance. She thought for a moment and asked me to wait for some more time.
How long we are going to sit idle let us enjoy. I have seen you tapping your feet to the tune do the same thing on stage not here. She got up reluctantly and moved to the stage. As others observed we coming to stage few boys gave space by moving and let us join them. Before we music resumed I said I am not good at dancing, you should not curse me if I fail to match your steps. Don’t worry dear I shall guide you but you need to take care that you don’t stamp my feet hehehehe.
Then music started it was slow one we were dancing looking into each other’s eyes. She is good dancer no doubt about it.
I was feeling nice to dance with though my steps could not match wither still we kept dancing. We had maintained good distance from each other and mostly looking at each other. After music stopped we went back to table.
Waiter approached us, looking at aunt I asked whether one more juice or would you care to have some beer. She was shocked by my offer. She kept silent I asked waiter to come after few minutes.
Have you gone mad you are offering beer she asked in uneasiness.
What is there didi see most of the girls are drinking hot you can have beer it is very common I forced her a bit. Don’t tell me that you have never drink beer I told so confidently as if I had seen her drinking beer.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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