Misc. Erotica eXBii Erotic Story Contest – 2013 & 2015
Prithvi was suddenly jolted back to reality. He could not believe what he was reading. Was Rahul his father about whom his mother Priya had never told him? He proceeded to read the rest of the letter.

“It was not me who killed Anjali and Ali. It was there Karma. When I had injected poison in that wine in France, I never knew that Anjali was having an affair and was planning to kill Rahul. If that wine would have been consumed by Anjali earlier, you would have been right in calling me a killer. But it was their bad deeds which finally caught up with the couple. The timing of their death makes me believe that God wanted them to die and he just used me as a pawn in his game. As a compensation, I received Rahul’s property. Anjali and Ali were the real killers. I was just a God’s medium to fulfil His wishes.

God always wanted me to take good care of you. He was responsible for your birth. Me and Rahul had taken all the precautions in the world to ensure that I don’t become pregnant. But in front of God, all our precautions are wasted. We only do what He wants us to do. You call it Karma or you call it God’s wish, the truth is that those two had this coming to them. This is why I have been able to live in peace with myself for long


Prithvi could not suppress his smile after reading the letter. How can his mother be so dumb? How can she be such a great believer in Karma and expect that her sins will not come back to haunt her? This time God had used Prithvi as his agent. He had bribed the nurse and the doctor in the hospital to kill his mother and give a report of heart failure. He needed the money to pay off his debts but his mother was not giving that to him. What else was Prithvi supposed to do? Wait for her to die after a month? No ways. He had taken matter into his own hands and had done the right thing. Now the only thing left was to pay the money.

As soon as he stood up, someone from back inserted a knife in his lungs. He could feel the air escaping through the gaping hole. Then the same guy punctured his other lung. Within a few minutes, Prithvi was lying motionless in a pool of his blood. The security officer found the house ransacked and noted the time of death as somewhere between 6 and 7 pm. They closed the file after somedays without any arrests. For them it was a clear case of a robbery gone wrong. Little did they know that Karma had claimed another victim in the form of Prithvi. Yes indeed, Karma is really a bitch. It waits and waits for the right time and bites people when they least suspect it. Look around and tread carefully, for you may not know when you become the next victim of Karma.
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RE: eXBii Erotic Story Contest – 2013 - by ddey333 - 31-07-2022, 08:37 PM

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