Fantasy | Updated - Part 49 | - Breaking Purvi - **Ragging, Forced, Humiliation, Rough Sex**
**Part 42.**

Sugumaran was disappointed.  

His son was standing in front of him like a deer trapped in headlights. To make matters worse, he was in his underwear. What was this fucking idiot thinking. He knew the other two boys as well, sons of his political contacts. He did not have a say in their actions nor did he bother about them.  

“Ap … Appa … “, Ganesh was lost for words. Standing there like an idiot.  

On the floor between the three boys, was a young girl. She looked like a student. The first thing that caught his eye was the size of her breasts, but that was not the issue right now.  


Sugumaran came from the slums, these slums to be precise. He grew up in one of the villages close by. His parents were farmers, dirt poor farmers. He grew up having barely enough to get by, let alone to eat. He watched as his parents slowly succumbed to disease and famine.  

At 12, his neighbor claimed the land that was rightfully his as theirs and kicked him out to the streets. What could he do? It’s not like he had any documentation to prove it. Even if he did, they took it away from him. The men in the neighboring family beat him to an inch of his life and left him to die, telling him never to come back here. Everything he had, or thought he had, belongs to them now.  

Sugumaran walked, sometimes crawled into town, passing out multiple times from pain and hunger. He scavenged from rubbish dumps for bottles to sell, ate food from dustbins, begged on the streets. He was humiliated and insulted by every single person he met, until he turned 14.  

From the time he spent on the streets, he learnt. He watched as gangsters prowled the roads, living their best lives, flaunting money, expensive cars and women. He knew the hideouts; he knew which men to stay away from.  

His luck changed one night, Sugumaran was begging outside of an expensive whorehouse when there was a shootout between a known gangster, Raghav and a rival gang. Raghav’s men were pinned down, at least 3 were dead, their bodies lay in the middle of the street. Sugumaran was pinned in the middle, expecting to be shot and killed that night. Instead, adrenaline kicked in as he picked up a loaded gun and began to shoot back, indirectly killing the leader of the rival group by accident. Raghav’s men noticed this and took the opportunity to take their leader and run before the security officer showed up.  

About a week later, one of the men from Raghav’s gang saw Sugumaran on the streets, begging. He recognized the boy. Sugumaran was brought before Raghav, who offered him a job, shelter and food as a thank you gesture.  

Sugumaran started as a help around the big mansion, cleaning and learning to cook until he started to grow. At 16, Raghav offered him a place in his gang. Starting from the bottom, Sugumaran worked as a henchman, doing the dirty work. He learnt to kill, slaughter and disable rival gang businesses. He was street smart and quickly rose the ranks as the most dangerous of the lot until he became one of Raghav’s most trusted advisors. 

He saw many ways to expand the business, but was always limited by Raghav’s shortsightedness. The small-town gangster was happy being just that, a small-town gangster. Sugumaran wasn’t. He wanted more, and Raghav knew that the person who had once saved his life was now starting to become a threat.  

One night, in a private meeting with a dealer, Sugumaran staged an attack on Raghav, making sure the gangster was shot in the head, thus by right, giving him the opportunity he needed to become the new leader of the group. He claimed everything Raghav had as his. The few who dared to oppose him saw their families get fucked and killed, with them being made to watch before getting their throats slit.  

Sugumaran was not a stupid man. He made sure to play the game right, getting lawyers involved to sign off all of Raghav’s assets as his own to start building his empire. From the small-time drug dealers that they were, Sugumaran’s gang expanded rapidly – prostitution, political murder, kidnapping, bribery. His empire rose so rapidly that politicians began to notice him, making him an ally for their dirty work.  

With the money he made, he quickly purchased properties, land and legalized businesses while slowly expanding his illegal businesses. His men and him quickly found success and notoriety.  

His proudest moment was coming back to his childhood village, finding the neighbors who had wronged him before still living on the land that was rightfully his. The joy he felt when he brought out every man, woman and child to the middle of the field and personally shot them in the head before killing the head of the family, the same man who beat him and left him to die. He built this particular warehouse on top of their dead bodies. The warehouse means nothing to him as it is only a showcase of power, but he does store his goods here before distribution due to the strategic location of this little village.  

He has every family with a 10KM radius of this warehouse in his pocket, paying them to notify his men if there ever is a security officer presence. But fortunately for him, the local politicians deem him important enough to stay out of his business. He has fucked, killed and slaughtered anybody who gets in his way. He is the king of kings, and nobody dares to tell him otherwise.  


“What ... the … fuck … are you doing?’’, Sugumaran said softly, reading the situation in the room. Both of Ganesh’s friends backed away, leaving the fat boy standing to face his father with Purvi on the floor.  

Purvi’s face changed, she recognized the old man from the videos that Viraj had shown her. He was in the room with Nila, the three boys and the dog. The old man knew why she was brought to the warehouse.  

“Uncle, we ... we were just … “, Viraj stammered, his voice shaky. Purvi had never once seen Viraj scared, but the look in his eyes was enough to tell her that he genuinely feared this man. 

“Was I talking to you?”, the deep voice boomed, “I was talking to my son.” 

Viraj sunk backwards, moving behind Ravi.  

“Appa … no … nothing … we were just playing around … “, Ganesh looked to his feet, then at Purvi. “It … it was her. She wanted to see the warehouse. “, he pointed his stubby finger.  

The big man looked down at Purvi’s scared and teary face. Mohan, the old man slowly stepped to the side, gently lifting Puri up by her arms until she stood beside Ganesh. She was lost, unable to read the room. What was going to happen now? Will he force the boys to let her go? Will she finally be set free from them? 

“Do you think of me as a fool, Ganesh?”, the man walked around the room, looking at Viraj and Ravi, who both dared not look up. “Do you know what I keep here? Why are there so many people here? Why did you bring this stranger here? What if she goes to the security officer? What if this warehouse is raided, and you are caught? What if any of you are caught?”, that last line was aimed at Viraj and Ravi, “Do you know what it would cost your fathers? What it would cost me? Is this a fucking game to you?”    

Nobody said a word. Purvi felt out of place. The fear of this man was starting to kick in. She could be a witness that they needed to keep quiet. He could kill her and bury her here and nobody would know.  

“She ... she won’t say anything, Pa.”, Ganesh mumbled, “We will make sure of it.”  

“You fucking idiots. All of you. How many people have you brought here?” 

“Uhh .. “ 

The big man’s dark face was red. He stood in front of his son, staring down at him from top to bottom. Ganesh kept his head hung, looking at the floor. Purvi realized his eyes were watering. She felt so out of place, afraid for her life.  

“Get out. You’re a fucking disappointment.”, the big man said softly.  

Viraj and Ravi quickly rushed past Mohan out to the exit. Ganesh stumbled backwards, grabbing his jeans off the floor and struggled to put it on. The old man, Mohan watched quietly as Ganesh slowly picked himself up and moved towards the door. The big man did not take his eyes off his son.  

Purvi was lost. She decided she would just follow Ganesh out the door and leave whatever that happens next up to fate. She did not want to be in the same room with this man. From the boy's reaction, she knew he was not someone she wanted to be stuck with alone.  

Ganesh looked at his father and slowly walked towards the door, with Purvi in tow. She kept her head down, walking briskly, trying to figure out her next move.  


They both froze. Purvi was sweating hard, the back of her shirt drenched with sweat.  

“You stay here. You go home Ganesh. I will deal with you later.” 

Ganesh turned around, taking a look at Purvi then at his father. Without saying a word, he left, closing the door softly on his way out. She stood there, looking at the wall, her legs trembling as she was now alone with these two strange men.  


**End of Part 42.**
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