Adultery Indian wife konika (Collected) Part 1
Fifteen minutes later, we were driving back. Yousuf and Heera had helped me clean up with water from a tap outside. Obviously, they had felt me up all over while doing so. I had dried myself using one of the sheets, and gotten dressed. I was too exhausted to drive, so Heera was the one driving my car, and I was in the back seat between Yousuf and Jaggu. Both kept fondling me and feeling me up all the way. Yousuf even kissed me in his amazingly passionate way a few times. It was decided that since I was too tired to drive, they'd all drive me back to my home, and get rickshaws from there to get to there home. I should have made them stop a little way off my building, but I was too tired to think straight.
So it was only when Heera pulled up the car to in front of my building that I realized the risks. What if someone saw me with these men? Yousuf got out and I got out after him and scanned the surroundings. It was just past midnight, so luckily none of my neighbors were around. The night watchman was on his chair inside the gate, but was luckily sleeping. Phew, dodged a bullet. Or so I thought.

After I got in to the driver's seat, Babu came up to me and said,

"I am sure you had a great time tonight. We'll tell you soon when we can do this again. And next time, Kajal will join in too."

I didn't say anything, just nodded. As Babu stepped away, Yousuf came to the window.

"Good night." he said with a smile, then lowered his head into the car, and kissed me for a good minute or so. I tried pulling away, but could not resist. Once he broke the kiss and stood up, I whispered in a voice full of anger,

"Are you crazy? The watchman is right there! He can see us."

"Don't worry." Yousuf laughed and said. "He is fast asleep." and started walking away with his three friends.

I sat there in the car for a minute or so until the four men were far enough. The watchman was sleeping. I thought I'd wait for a couple of minutes more before waking him up to open the gate of the building. Just then he opened his eyes, looked at me, and gave me a very lecherous smile.

"Open the gate." I said to him.

He kept smiling and unlocked the gate, opening it for my car. I pulled it inside the gate, and for some reason said in a stern voice,

"You should not be sleeping, you know. You are a night watchman. It is your job to be awake all night."

"Don't worry Madam. I just had my eyes closed. I wasn't asleep. I was awake enough to see enough." he said and winked.

I didn't say anything, and drove my car into our assigned parking space. As I got out and turned around, I noticed he still had that creepy smile on as he kept staring at me. He kept staring at me as I went to the elevator and got in.

To be continue....
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RE: Indian wife konika (Collected) - by Riktritz - 15-07-2022, 11:59 PM
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RE: Indian wife konika (Collected) - by Riktritz - 16-07-2022, 12:38 PM
RE: Indian wife konika (Collected) - by Riktritz - 16-07-2022, 06:45 PM
RE: Indian wife konika (Collected) - by Riktritz - 16-07-2022, 06:50 PM
RE: Indian wife konika (Collected) - by Riktritz - 16-07-2022, 07:01 PM
RE: Indian wife konika (Collected) - by mate4u - 06-03-2023, 09:14 AM
RE: Indian wife konika (Collected) Part 1 - by Riktritz - 16-07-2022, 08:51 PM

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