Adultery Adventures of Ruby (Naïve and Innocent housewife)
Ruby finds herself on the couch in the exact same position physically as in the animal Ruby's narration, with one leg bent at the knee on the couch and the other on the floor as if one guy is in her pussy and the other in her ass. She starts to shake with the sudden orgasm she gets by just hearing the narration from the animal. She shudders and fall flat on her face onto the couch, where the first guy would have been, according to the animal Ruby.
The sound of the door bell ringing brings Ruby back to the real world. Ruby quickly realizes her situation and runs into the bedroom to change her panties. She checks herself in the mirror and makes herself presentable.
She slowly walked towards the door and opened it, to find the same delivery guy standing there.

He smiled and asked her, "Can I get a glass of water?"

A new adventure coming up.........
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RE: Adventures of Ruby (Naïve and Innocent housewife) - by sugahdaddy15 - 13-07-2022, 11:08 PM

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