Adultery Our Second Dirty Weekend by indian_exec2000
It is almost two o'clock in the afternoon when we drive into my forest bungalow. My trusted caretaker has cooked hot lunch for us and withdrawn out of sight, leaving the bungalow to ourselves. We gulp down a couple of glasses of fresh chaas (a drink made from yoghurt) to quench our thirst. You snuggle up to me and your hand rubs my crotch as you raise your face for a kiss. You've become horny again during our drive and are eager to get fucked.

"Wait, just look at yourself! I'm not going to fuck a filthy bitch like you! Let's get you cleaned up first!" I exclaim.

You are taken aback at this and catch your reflection in a mirror. There is no doubt that you indeed look like something the cat dragged in. Your face is streaked with dust, sweat & smears of dried semen. Your hair is disheveled and dirty, your white top is now an indescribable shade of dusty reddish brown, streaked with dried semen and your skin shines with sweat. A rank odor of sweat & semen emanates from your body. You feel all icky, sticky & itchy too. In truth, I look only marginally cleaner, mainly because my clothes are khaki colored & I have not been rubbing semen over myself...


I have in fact anticipated that you will be this way and have prepared a treat for us both. I lead you to the spare bedroom in which there is a single bed with a stiff cotton mattress. The room is cool & softly lit with the afternoon sunlight seeping in through curtained windows. I spread a couple of large, thick Turkish towels on the mattress. I ask you to wait for me while I disappear into the kitchen.

I fetch a large bowl and some milk from the kitchen and a big bottle of coconut oil from the bath room. I then remove a few packets of "uttan" from my back pack that I have purchased from a little shop in Vile Parle last week. "Uttan" is a finely powdered mixture of various fragrant herbs & spices like sandalwood, poppy seeds, shikakai, khus root etc. and is used to cleanse the body prior to taking a ritual bath on auspicious occasions like Diwali. It has a gritty texture and acts as cleanser & exfoliant.

You look on curiously as I mix the uttan powder with generous squirts of coconut oil and stir in some milk, to make a thin, fragrant, gritty paste. At my suggestion, you tie your hair in a knot high on your head, so that it doesn't come in the way. I strip down to my shorts and get ready to give you a thorough cleansing.

You sit on the mattress & hold your hands out. I remove your rings, watch & bangles & then apply the paste on your hands and arms. I start with light strokes & make sure that the mixture spreads evenly all over & then start rubbing it in firmly. Soon I kneel before you and you rest your hands on my shoulders to keep them positioned properly as I rub them down vigorously. You giggle initially as you feel a bit ticklish, but then sigh pleasurably as the pressure and the heat builds up. You watch with fascination as tiny rolls of dried paste form & drop off, taking with them an exfoliated layer of dead skin cells and tiny body hair, leaving behind a healthy, shiny pink skin. The skin tingles due to the stimulation. You obediently raise your hands to let me pull off & discard your top.

I give your breasts a quick squeeze before continuing the cleansing massage. I smear the gritty paste in your armpits & rub it into the hairy tufts. You wince as some hairs are pulled out. I continue with massaging your slim neck and beautiful alabaster back. You moan pleasurably as you feel the pressure and heat all over your sensitive skin. I make you lie on your stomach and pull off your shoes, track suit and your little anklets.

"Aahhh... aahhh... aahh...!" Your moans turn to cries of pleasure mixed with pain as I massage your sore ankles, stiff calves and aching thighs. I put the full weight of my body into the massage and my sweat drips all over your skin.

"No! Don't!" You yelp & curl your toes as I vigorously rub down the soles of your feet. I then pull off your panties, exposing your full rounded rump.

"Mmm..." You respond as you feel cool air on your bare ass and hold your breath in anticipation of what's coming next... Soon, I am massaging the taut, satin skin of your pillowy globes. I find myself getting an erection as I see your ass cheeks flatten under the pressure of my hands and then bounce back to their natural round shape. I massage the "uttan" paste into the crevice between your ass cheeks too. You've never received such a massage in your life and lap up the experience eagerly.

Your face is a mask of incredible lust as I flip you over on your back and see your passion filled eyes. I then continue to massage your shoulders, chest and belly with the "uttan" paste, then moving down & covering your taut thighs too. I take my pleasure of you plump womanly body as massage it with "uttan", cleaning off all the dirt accumulated on your skin.

I nudge your thighs apart and spread the "uttan" on your pubic thatch. I massage the pubic thatch with my fingertips and gently rub the paste into the creases where your thighs join your torso, taking care not to get the gritty paste into your cunny slit.

Your entire body is now clean; all the dust, dirt, scum and dead skin cells have been scrubbed away. Your deep pink nipples and a dark purple suck mark on your shoulder stand out contrasting against your taut, fair healthy skin glowing with an oily sheen. Yet, your the natural fragrance hasn't been washed off. Your skin exudes an incredible scent of your natural musk, enhanced by the fragrance of the "uttan". It is a veritable olfactory feast.

I wipe off the gritty "uttan" from my hands, spread your thighs apart and dribble coconut oil into your slit.

"Nnhh... nnhh... nnhh...!" You moan as I hold you open with one hand and my fingers rub oil into the folds and crevices of your cunny lips. I see clear, sticky fluid dribble out of your pussy.

"Aahhh..." You scream ecstatically as I lean forward and lick up your nectar. I spread your thighs apart with my hands and continue to lick your fragrant pussy & savor its salty, slightly pungent taste to my heart's content. This is the first time I've licked your pussy. In fact, this is the first time anyone has licked it -- your hubby would never do that! You are overwhelmed by the experience.

My cheeks are wet with your juices as I sit up. You respond with little mewling sounds and jerky movements of your hips as my fingers continue to stroke your slit. It is slick with a mixture of oil and your secretions. Just naturally, my finger moves further down & lightly brushes your anus. Your eyes are locked into mine as you suddenly stiffen in response to the new sensation. In a moment, you relax & exhale softly. You spread your legs a little further apart, and your eyes film over with passion. Thus encouraged, my fingers start rubbing oil gently up & down your slit, lightly gliding over the tightly closed opening of your rectum. You seem to like my fingers touching you there. I become a little bolder & circle your anus with the oily pad of my finger. Once again, you hold your breath & stiffen and then relax. Emboldened further, I squirt more oil & press my finger a little more firmly. Amazingly, I find your sphincter relaxing a bit and feel your body heat on my fingertip as it gains entry inside.

Soon, I hear your throaty moans as you react to my finger lightly fuck your anus. I use gentle pressure & plenty of oil. I actually feel your hips jerk and push yourself back at my finger. Eventually, my finger goes in up to the second joint. You feel no discomfort and in fact enjoy the strange new sensations. I am happy that I have accidentally opened up another source of mutual pleasure in our affair & decide to return to it later...

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RE: Our Second Dirty Weekend by indian_exec2000 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-05-2019, 03:57 PM

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