Adultery Our Second Dirty Weekend by indian_exec2000
Late on a weekday morning, I get ready to go to office. I'm the only one at home; my wife has gone visiting her parents (again), to attend to some property matters. I call you on your cell phone just as I step out into the lobby.

You too are home alone; your aunt & her husband have left for work earlier in the morning. You've had a late evening the previous day & have no appointments until the afternoon. You have returned to bed after your morning ablutions, intending to catch some more sleep. Your cell phone rings just as you are drifting asleep.

"Hello?" Your voice is thick with sleep.

"Come to the door!" I say gruffly.

"What..! Ohh, yes!!" You respond after a momentary hesitation as you recognize my voice. Your heart skips a beat.

"Damn! What'll I do now?" You think. You've promised yourself not to meet me again. You're scared of your obsession with me & worried that you're going to become a slave to my will. Your inner voice tells you to just ignore the call & go back to sleep. But then, you think it would be rude not to tell me to my face. You decide to meet me at the door & break off our liaison once and for all.

Having so decided, you find your legs sprinting to the bathroom. After quickly splashing water on your face to drive away the remnants of sleep, you hurry to the door, combing your fingers through your disheveled hair.

In the mean time, I wait patiently in the lobby, sure that you'll come. My patience is rewarded as your door clicks open & you stand there, looking good enough to eat. You're dressed in frilly pink pajamas. Thick, dark disheveled hair frames your face. Bright sunlight in the room behind you shines through your hair, creating a halo around your head. Your eyes are still sleepy, but your cheeks have a high color and you are breathing fast, as if you've just climbed a couple of flights of stairs.

Your face lights up the moment you see me. In spite of your best effort, you are unable to control your body's reaction; your heart leaps into your mouth, you feel a shiver run up your spine, your pussy tingles and nipples stiffen. Quite unconsciously, your stance changes; you pull your shoulders back, thrust out one hip just a little & straighten your back. There is a saucy glint in your eyes and a welcoming smile on your face.

I spend a few moments taking in your visage. I sense rather than see the change in your physique. As I eye your heaving bosom, I notice the stiff nipples poking up under the soft fabric of the pajama top. In fact I can also see the shadowy outline of dark aureole through the translucent fabric. As you see me eyeing your breasts you feel moist between your legs...

"Let's go out this weekend." I say, coming straight to the point. We are standing at the open door of your apartment. The lobby is brightly lit by sunlight streaming in through the glass front. No one else is in sight.

"No... I don't think so..." You whisper.

"Why not?" I ask.

"It's not right... We should end this... thing..." You stutter unconvincingly. Your conscience & your body are fighting it out. At this point your conscience has the upper hand.

"OK, if you say so!" I shrug, pretending not to care but nevertheless hoping that you'll change your mind.

"Thanks!" You whisper, relieved that there is no unpleasantness, at the same time disappointed that I've not persisted.

"But let me tell you, you look great!" I compliment you.

"Thank you!" You respond, blushing prettily.

Then I gesture to you to raise your arms over your head & turn around. Against your better judgment, you find yourself complying, knowing fully well that anybody chancing to come by will surely see the spectacle. Ever the exhibitionist, you are turned on by that possibility. You hold your arms high overhead, folded at the elbows & slowly turn around, standing just inside the wide open door.

The short sleeves of the pajama top slide off your arms & a luxuriant growth of underarm hair is visible through the large arm holes. It's not as if you have consciously decided to let them grow, as I've asked you to. It is just that you've not gotten around to shaving them, these past few weeks. Furthermore, you've chosen to wear short sleeved tops on a few occasions and have been gratified by the quick double takes of people as they've caught glimpses of the underarm growth... As you turn around, the outline of your breasts is clearly revealed by the backlight shining through the thin pajama top.

"Wow!" I whisper.

You blush again. All thoughts of fobbing me off dissolve as a liquid spark leaps from your nipples to your pussy. I too feel my excitement grow in my crotch. I point to your breasts and motion to you to expose them. You shake your head in the negative, dropping your arms & crossing them in front of your chest.

"Oh, c'mon! Just this once!!" I say hoarsely.

After a little hesitation your fingers creep downwards & grasp the hem of the pajama top. The thrill of exposing yourself to your lover in an open doorway with the very real possibility of someone else barging in casts a hypnotic spell on you. Entranced, you raise the hem slowly, oh so slowly... Your nicely rounded tummy with its dainty belly button is first exposed, followed gradually by the full lower curves of your breasts. You pause tantalizingly for a while and then with a gentle tug raise the top off of your breasts.

A few weeks of regular workouts have given a new tautness to your body. Your waist has lost a few inches and shows off your wide, well rounded, made-for-childbearing hips to best advantage. Although after years of marriage and a childbirth your breasts have lost their virginal stiffness, the toned pectoral muscles underneath give them a visible lift and they seem to ride higher on your chest, nicely rounded & perky. Your nipples are so engorged with arousal that they ache. Your globes rise & fall rapidly as you pant in excitement.

"Ding!" The elevator stops at the floor below. The magic moment is broken by the noise. You quickly lower your pajama top & cross your arms over your chest. Your heart continues to pound against your rib cage.

"Coffee?" You whisper, wanting to prolong our meeting. Your treacherous body has finally won the battle over your conscience. I know that I have won the weekend date.

"Why not!" I growl, quickly stepping inside your apartment & shutting the door behind me.

My hips pin you against a wall and with one hand I hold both your arms above your head. My other hand roams all over your torso. I rub my fingers against your thick armpit hair & sniff the feminine musk clinging to them. My hand sneaks under your pajama top and fondles your breasts.

"Uhhh..." You moan as I dry hump you and play with your breasts & armpits, your legs barely able to support your weight. We exchange a deep, open mouthed kiss. I nip your lower lip before disengaging. I have grown fully hard & want to take you there & then.

"I've got to go now. I've an important meeting lined up. But let's enjoy a great weekend!" I tell you, reluctantly pulling back. I explain the plan for the weekend & ask you to be ready on time. You nod wordlessly. You return to bed savoring the memory of our brief contact, breathlessly wondering what I might have in store for you on the weekend...

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RE: Our Second Dirty Weekend by indian_exec2000 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-05-2019, 03:55 PM

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