Adultery My Mother transformed into a Slut woman in USA
Part 12

In the 2nd sex orgy party on the 4th month MR. ANDERSON spent most of his time with SREELEKHA in private manner, that party was held in MR. Anderson’s place. Though my mom had not any interest to attend his private party but she did not ignore him anymore because of these earlier sex orgy party experience and their pictures. 

After flirting for a while HE GAVE HER STRAIGHT PROPOSAL TO START LIVE IN TOGETHER AFTER THE PARTY. But my mom said she was already has a boy friend and a 19 year old son who studies in INDIA. Then he replied that he HAVE NOT ANY PROBLEM ABOUT HER SON. HE CAN EASILY lived with us. There are over 40 rooms in his mansion. If she will ready to go with him he would settled her and her son’s FUTURE.  In ANOTHER WAY she does not have to care of his male partners, THEY KNOW THIS KIND OF LADY hunters for many years, when they will leave a classy lady you and got another chick at the same day. If she will want She would keep physical relationship with them but only whenever I was not present inside your bedroom, when I goes for  work, you can do whatever you want. Officially she would become his woman. Then she said  I came here live with my younger sister, I love her as my daughter so how can I leave her and settle with different man. At the same stage I cannot think to get permanent man in my life after my husband.  He died only just 7 months ago. I still love him so much and I should not give his place to another man.

Then Mr. Anderson said “oh come on you can meet your sister and his family almost in every weekend. We are very close to them. And I don’t tell you forget your first hubby who is your first lover, first love and first lover is always special. But one thing I can say it now, you should be proud of your new husband one day. I will make you happy in every field what a woman need. Come on give me few months of time to proof myself, let spents some quality time together then if we both liked each other then we shall get marriage at the end quarter of upcoming year.  So what are you say?

Mom got spellbound after hearing his speech. He continued his conversation much longer. Then  He  included one after another all about his power and business relationship with Mr. smith and Daniel. If he bring back his shares mr.smith would become bankrupt. So my mother fallen in deep trouble. She bought some time near that big money man. But she could not stop to lose her remaining virginity once again near that old play boy. She lost her virginity already on the previous occasion. she did it again, this time my mother had to sleep  inside MR. ANDERSON’S place on his bed. Before sent my mother towards the bed Mr. Anderson enjoyed every spot of  her body In that party, After taking couple pegs of wine she turned on in her sexual heat. Mr. Anderson made her ready to doing sex after getting plenty of touches though her whole body. He touched her nipples and fingering in her pussy. after conversation getting more old MR. Anderson became more naughtier infront of MY MOTHER. He hold her arms and pushed my mom in nearest corner where darkness was large in number.  He put off her dresses one after another, my helpless mom stood like robot there. after get her almost nude he did French kisses through 3-4 minutes, after that he let her down on that corner sofa and he putt off panty out from her. then he did separate rounds of sexual intercourses with my mother inside the running party. One of his son came forward to watch them enjoying sex. HE HOLD MOM’S HANDS AND HELPED HIS FATHER TO GET UNLIMITED PLEASURE FROM HER BODY. 

After 40 minutes of sexual intercourse MR. Anderson SPREAD HIS rich traditional sperm inside her cunt hole. HE took a little  break then  His son came out in place of him , He could not allow my mother taking rest, His son  took charge of my mother in that moment. He cleaned sperm from the mom’s pussy whole with a tissue paper. After doing that he also let down on her body. He did  hardcore fuck in her pussy whole. he could not hold much longer his sperm near my mom’s seductiveness. He spread his sperm in just 10 minutes. After his son came out MR. ANDERSON took the charge again. In that way father son replaced their positime 4 time while doing sex with SREELEKHA. It started on the running party but ended up in side a large well furnished bedroom.  

Aftera doing heavy sexual attempt on my mom   THEY turned up it into the next level. They DID THREESOME GROUP SEX WITH MY MOTHER. HER BREST BELLY BACK AND ASS SIDE BECAME RED IN THEIR CONTINUOUS TOUCHES AND PRESSING. MR. ANDERSON ALLOWED HIS SON took her virginity infront of his father and father’s friend MR. Smith. IT all started  inside a sex orgy party.  it was turned into a great moral defeat for my mother. After party he said his SECRET intention to his childhood friend MR. SMITH. His friend passed the message to Daniel and company. 

They started the process of convince my mom at any cost that she had no agenda of living a life with out began
 live in with that big money man. And after live in for couple of months they will get marriage each other. 

It will be his 4th successive legal marriage if all will go according to the plan. His first 2 wives were died and 3rd one got divorced 2 and half YEAR AGO.  HE HAD TOTAL 3 CHILDREAN 2 SONS AND 1 DAUGHTER. Except his 8 year old daughter  SONS were adult in age. Elder son was 31 year old. OTHER SON was 25 YEAR OLD. They all lived together at their big mansion.  He is ready to spent lots of dollar to marry my beautiful mother. It was grand business deal for them. In other way HARRY chrummly and other friends were very happy to hear that great news. They demand treat to celebrate this occasion. HARRY was not ready to promote their physical relationship into the marriage. He was very much happy to hear that she would available for 1 day every week. And chummly works in MR. ANDERSON FIRM, so he did not go against this  particular man for my mom's control.

Within 2 days Daniel and co successively convince my mother about take such a big decision.  Primary words has been done already between two party. Before marriage that man want to live in together with my mother. The fact was very much clear. Marriage was not any big deal to him, he might leave her so easily if he found another hot mature woman who could replace my mom. It will take lots of time to find another woman. My mother should be perfect as his stop gap partner in that moment. 

Then She bought some time before take such a big decision. Finally 2 months later of that 2nd successive sex orgy party mom left MITIN auntie’s apartment and shifted in to the MR. ANDERSON’S mansion. In that manner SREELEKHA BEGAN A NEW EPISODE OF HER LIFE.  She achieved that mark in her 6th month of live in NEWYORK city. In this case she was fast learner than her loving sister MITINA TOOK more time to promote herself in that level. It was unbelievable stuff for me. My mother started live in with a foreigner. At the begin she hide that news from me in shame. 1 month later I got confirmation about her live in with Mr. Anderson.

It is true fact that our conversation became more irregular in last 2 months. She went more out of reach after start live in with that big money man. Actually she had not get much time to stay connected with her original family. She has been so much busy with semi pro modeling, office work and fulfill anderson’s wishes one after another. After I got the confirmation news of her live in with MR. ANDERSON, I VISITED outside of our engineering college campus with one of my friend. He took me into the railway station. He had some work there. Whenever he went towards ticket reservation counter I visited to the book stalls, there I watched some fashion magazine’s pages. Suddenly my eye was struck on GQ NAMED magazine pages. I found my own mother’s 5-6 bold pictures in this magazine. This magazine was published from New York city twice in every month. So I bought this edition with 300 rupees price and put it on my bag. It was unexpected shocking experience for me that I found my mother’s pic in foreign branded fashion magazine. She looked ravishing hot and much younger in those pictures. After that I bought that particular magazine regular basic. As expected I found more attractive hot modeling pictures of my mother who acted as a semi pro model in a particular series. There she acted as a model of a new western nightwear and ladies cosmetics manufacturer brand.  

In her 8th month of live in NEWYORK, I got news that She would come back in INDIA very soon. But she cannot stay here for long time. SHE SHOULD wait for me until my study will continue, after I got degree she should cut all the relation and touches from her motherland and take me with her in Their NEWYORK life. WHENEVER MY STUDY WAS OVER She will sell our old apartment and return back in New York WITH ME FOR EVER. She can’t live in INDIA ANY MORE because suddenly she was involved in some important business IN NY. She WILL arrange a new apartment there, she was ready to shift there with her new live in partner. As per as shifting and home decorating works was in progress she got herself so much busy. In the other way I checked her latest updates in the social networking site. In her profile she shared latest pictures where she stood very close with ANDERSON and his son jack. She had couple of solo pictures with jack. He was 25 year old guy. There he was very close and intimate with my mother in picture. 

 I was terribly upset when I heard this confirmation news from my loving mother. She cleared the fact in very few words to me. Within 8-9months, she successively built her own new world in that abroad city. She got deeply attached with their lifestyle that she forget old days so easily. My mom got very usual with their fast moderate lifestyle. 

AFTER COMING to MITIN auntie’s sweet words she made her decision to stay at NEWYORK forever. That decision changed whole dimension of her life. She Became more American woman by heart than being an Indian. She could not carry forward her own INDIAN culture any more after coming in Daniel’s life.

To be continued...
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RE: My Mother transformed into a Slut woman in USA - by Suronjon - 27-06-2022, 10:29 PM

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