There were a couple of decent comedy movies on cable that night that I kept switching back and forth between. And kept sipping on my scotch. An hour or so later, I was pretty buzzed when my phone buzzed. A text message from Priya  - "told em headache n left. ramon n i goin to bar. love you." So they had finally dumped the other group. I texted back a message saying I loved her too. And got back to watching the movies.

As I watched, I also kept thinking about Priya  and Ramon. I had always sort of pictured in my mind her being in the car with him. But now that I saw how he looked, the pictures were clearer, and I got turned on. The thoughts of a 19 year old tall burly guy with a baby-face having his way with my petite and pretty wife, ten years older than him, were very arousing. I wondered what he would do tonight. Dance with her, fondle and paw her in public in bars, as other men looked on and envied him for being with such a hot Indian woman. Maybe he'd take her to the bathroom in a bar or club and fuck her there. But that was almost as uncomfortable as doing it in a car.

Two hours passed and it was almost midnight when I got another text message from Priya  - "am bein such a notty girl tonite. flrting with all his friends. dancing with em n all. love you." His friends? Where did his friends come from? I thought it was going to be just Ramon and her. But clearly there were others too. That worried me and turned me on at the same time. The idea of Priya , all dolled up, flirting and dancing with a bunch of guys in a bar while getting drunk was very exciting. But I was also concerned. Her with just one guy she knew and trusted was one thing. But a bunch of guys, all drunk, seemed a little scary. However, I just sent her back a text message saying I was glad she was having fun.

Another hour passed and another text message from Priya . This one was full of spelling errors so she was obviously very drunk by now - "ala gusy luv me. bt am nt letng thm do much. gonan go 2 carlos huse wit ramon." Okay, who the fuck was Carlos? Obviously, one of Ramon's friends, but why was she going to his house. I decided it was time to get some information, so instead of texting back I called her up. But she didn't answer and it went to voicemail. Five minutes later, I called her again, but no answer. Fifteen minutes later, my phone rang, and it was Priya  finally returning my call.

"Hiiiiiiiii" she squealed, sounding very drunk.

"Hey honey, what's happening?" I asked.

"I love you soooooo much." she said.

"I love you too." I answered.

"I am in the ladies bathroom." she said. "I could not answer your call because the guys were all around."

"Ok. Who is this Carlos whose house you're going to?"

"He is Ramon's cousin. We're goin to his place for some drinks... the bar is about to close. Can I go?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"Okay, will you be spending the night there?" I asked.

"Nooooo. Just a little time. I'll get a cab home in an hour." she said, "Anyway, gotta go."

And with that she hung up. I sat there wondering if I should intervene or do something, or tell her to come home at once. But I was curious to see what would happen. I poured myself my umpteenth scotch for the night and sipped on it. I thought about whether Ramon and Carlos would both fuck her. Maybe together. Would she really come home, or would she just spend the night? I kept thinking about worrying questions and erotic scenarios and I didn't realize when I fell asleep on the couch.

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