Two factoids wrestled with each other to shine themselves on my brain. The first, that all these people were just 19 or 20. And then I was surprised that I had not guessed it earlier. Priya  was doing a bachelor course after all. So most students were bound to be that young, almost a decade younger than her.

And of course, the second fact, that Ramon was sitting a few feet away from me. I took a couple of steps to the other car, and saw him. He flashed me half a smile and nodded. He did look tall, well-built and handsome, and I could see why Priya  or anyone else would feel attracted to him. He had a light brown skin, like Hispanics usually do. Although his body was like a boxer's, his face gave away his age. His face still had the innocence, confusion and bravado of a 19-20 year old. I walked up to him and extending my hand, said,

"Hi, I'm Ajit."

"Hey man." he said in a thick Mexican accent, "Ramon."

He didn't say much else, and did not look chatty or friendly like the others. He was probably nervous about meeting the husband of the woman he was banging. A woman, almost a decade older than him. I nodded at him and walked to the front car.

"So no drinking tonight?" I asked looking at Max and Kristen.

"Nah, we could if Priya  here agreed to buy booze for us. But she refuses." Kristen chirped.

"Hey, if I get caught, I'll be deported!" Priya  protested.

"yeah, we know. Just givin you a hard time, Priya ." Kristen laughed. "Anyway, we gotta get going to our alcohol-free dance club. Have a nice night, Ajit. We'll get your wife back safe and sound."

"Have a good time, all of you." I said, leaning into the rear window and pecking Priya  on the cheek.

I stepped back and they drove away. Ramon nodded at me again as he drove past me. I stood there for a while, surprised at myself for not realizing how young he was. I smiled as I realized that when Priya  and I had our first kiss in high school, Ramon was probably 6-7 years old, watching cartoons on TV. When Priya  and I slept together for the first time, Ramon was years away from puberty. And this guy was now banging my wife. Seemed funny and a little sad at the same time.

I headed back into the house, and wondered what I should do. I took a bottle of scotch out of the liquor cabinet, turned on the TV and sat there, drinking and watching. I figured out another reason Ramon wanted to break away from their group. The rest of the group, all white, innocent and looking like Disney teen stars, were not going to drink. Ramon had a fake ID and he had a hot woman of legal drinking age. Of course, he'd want to break away and go to actual bars and clubs with her, instead of "alcohol-free dance clubs". -------

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