Adultery North Politics - The game behind politics
Episode 15

[Image: shah-rukh-khan-bollywood-celebs-at-rohin...tos072.jpg]

Shalini decided to wear a long blue frock. It was decent enough to cover her shining legs, but the upper part failed to hide her big boobs. Her gorgeous cleavage was hardly visible to everyone. 

It was 6:30 PM. There was a man at the front gate of the RIH hotel. The area was a high-security zone. A few Pakistani security officers came to the front gate and took the stranger inside. He behaved respectfully. He saluted all Indian security officer and army officers and submitted his identity documents. There was nothing to suspect about him. He had a bag, but a Pakistani officer grabbed the bag before checking the security officers. Since the bag was with a Pakistani officer, the Indian army and security officer officers did not try to prevent it. The bag was a normal one. Nothing was to be an issue. 

What is the reason you came here, Mr. Bahi? One of the Indian officers asked him.

This is one of my relatives who lives in Noida. So he brought some Indian food items to my pregnant wife. She is the nephew of Mr. Bahi, the Pakistan officer who grabbed the bag and said he would open the bag. There was nothing to be skeptical about, so Indian officers stopped him from opening and gestured to them to leave.

Fucking idiots, Bahi murmured.

He directly entered Kadar's room. 

Bahi, you perfectly did the job. 

Salam Ji, 

Now, you have to go in my vehicle to Anzari's place. You can go with me in my car, but I will go somewhere else in my personal BMW. Anzari will instruct you once you get there. You have to take these two bags. 

Jiba, You and two persons should be here and make them (Indian officers) notice a few of you guys are here. After the plan is completed, Bahi, you should come here again, and then you may leave the hotel as usual. Since Jiba is here, they would think you were also here and go after some time.

Jiba (The man grabbed the bag at the gate), OK, sir, I will send him once he returns. 

OK, Ji, Bahi said.

The drama was going on the stage. As per Kadar's plan, he turned his personal BMW at the center of Koikar, a junction in north Noida. 2 vehicles left for Noida's key hall. A special guest, Prof. Abdul bash, was a veteran professor in chemical and nuclear science. 2 vehicles left for Anzari's place. 

Kadar and his team purely manipulated this. With the dispute situation between the two countries, they could grab the opportunity for their benefit. Since Kadar was a VIP, they requested exceptional security for him. That is how he could bring his vehicle, personal security officers.

Kadar drove his BMW to the hotel where Shalini stayed. He had not a specific plan for Shalini, but he wanted to taste her. He just rang Shalini's phone. After a few minutes, Shalini and Anjali walked out through the main door. 

Kadar got a quick and massive erection as he saw Shalini. She was like an angel who was wearing a blue frock. It was long enough to hide her shining legs, but it failed to conceal her vibrant curves and milky chest area. Someone who owned an eagle eye would be able to see a fraction of her juicy cleavage. Kadar noticed that men and ladies around stared at Shalini.

How does this fucking big head bitch get such a sexy figure? I think a single man can never empty both of her milk tanks. What size? Shape and shine? Kadar spontaneously rubbed his penis. 

Due to the lights, She was purely like an angel shining. Kadar did not get down if he wanted to imply to Shalini that he was too careful of her privacy. 

Shalini had a plan. She wanted to escape any sexual scene with Kadar.
Shalini was careful to make Anjali sit on the front seat. It could be hopeless for Kadar. But Kadar could say nothing. He just kissed Anjali.

How are you, my little princess doll?

I am good, Uncle, and how are you?

Good, good baby, so

Anjali , Where do you want to visit? Kadar asked.

Kadar was tactical too. He wanted to imply that he was thinking of Anjali and prioritize her. He was cautioned not to ask anything from Shalini for a few minutes.

uncle, I wanna watch "Godzilla vs. King Kong."

Oh, sure, then we shall go.

Shalini, are you OK?

Yes, sure, we shall go to watch the movie, Shalini smiled and said. 

Kadar drove the vehicle to a luxury film hall in the town. It was opened only for the wealthiest. He parked the car at the ground car park. 

Anjali wanted to go to the first row when they entered the hall. 

Anjali beta, do not go there. It is not suitable for your eye health, so that we will sit here, and he will show you a row on the balcony. Shalini was tactical in this event. She realized that Kadar could sit next to her. She just made Anjali sit and requested Kadar to sit next to her. It was the plan she made.

Oh, sorry, Shalini, I think I have a call. Please give me a few minutes. He left the balcony. So Shalini sat next to Anjali, expecting Kadar would sit next to Anjali. 

You got everything from Anzari, you go in the vehicle he gave you and come back to the club then come to the hotel from our cars. No one will suspect you as there are a lot of vehicles coming and going. Once you go there, call me. I have informed you of everything; Kadar just disconnected the line. 

Shalini was sitting on a chair next to the wall. So Kadar missed every possible way to sit next to her. Kadar was hopeless. But he was too bright. He was a man who could convert any situation for him. 

The film started, and Anjali was watching curiously. Shalini noticed that Kadar was looking at her from time to time, but she did not want to look back. She was trying to chat with Raj. It seemed that he was not available. He may be busy due to It was daytime in the USA. She could not find a curiosity with such types of thriller movies. Kadar realized that Shalini was not much interested in the film. He sent a message to Shalini.

Shalini looked at him and blinked with a playful smile. Kadar was lost entirely with her sexy action. He just realized that pre-cum was already on his tip-top. 

He sent a message again " WOW, so sexy."

Shalini kept one of her fingers on her mouth and said shut up. 

Kadar just put his right hand over Anjali's chair and touched Shalini's bare shoulder. The lighting was slashing through her body. His rough touch froze her. For a few seconds, she was completely inactive. She felt the same roughness as Janus.

She quickly regained and tried to push his hand away. Kadar could not make more movements because it was a cinema and many people were watching the movie. 

Until the break, he could not move. Shalini did not want to go out with Kadar at the break. Kadar understood the situation, and he was left alone. 

He came back with a few chips and three bottles of fruit juice. During the break, Shalini did not talk with Kadar much. but Kadar was talking with Anjali. Kadar understood the situation. He did not want to move as there were a lot of people. He felt that he had made a mistake. 

Bahi took the three bags to jin of place, famous for its waste management area. There was a massive lot of clinical waste brought here from various locations in India. Kadar just received a call while the movie was going on. Shalini just looked at him, and she noticed that he quickly and suddenly answered the phone. 

Yes, give it to him, and he disconnected the line. She heard in a low tone. 

Meanwhile, at Jinof,

Bahi handed over the three bags to a security guard, and he stored them in a warehouse. 

The film was finished, and they came out.

Anjali, are you happy now, beta? Kadar asked.

Yes, uncle, you are so good, uncle,

He again received a call from Anzari. 

Kadar was walking away and answered the phone.

Ji, Everything was OK. I sent Bahi back to the hotel, and Jinof people are waiting for your answer. Borge said he wanted to call you now, Anzari said.

Why is that? I am a bit busy now.

No idea Ji, He said it was too urgent and called him.

The line was disconnected.

When the movie was finished, Kadar lifted Anjali and fondled her like his own child. Shalini was looking at this and she smiled purely at Kadar because of his genuine adorable feeling towards Anjali.

Don't you have kids Kadar, Shalini asked him while walking to the exit.

I have 3 kids, Shalini but all of them lived in the USA with their mom. My wife and I got separated a long time ago.

Oh, I am sorry Kadar,

No, It is ok Shalini. It was 3 years back. She was struggling to separate from me. So finally I understood that a relationship will not be effective if one party refuses it. 

Hmm, what was the reason?

It is a long story about Shalini. I think you may get bored.

Kadar was in an upset mode and had a lot of sighs. Shalini quickly picked up his real feeling and felt sad about him.

No, you may just tell with me Kadar,

She looked at him with an innocent look.

We had so many disputes like fighting, blaming many more because she always found me as a cruel personality. A few months later, I found that she had another affair and both of them now lived in New York.

Your kids are also with them?

Yes Shalini,

Shalini felt that Kadar was in an upset mode. She felt sad for him.

Hey, uncle, why are you in a sad mood, Anjali asked playfully.

Shalini smiled.

No baby, Why am I sad? Where do you wanna go next?

I need an ice cream,

Oh sure,

Anjali was talking with Kadar very friendly. Shalini was looking at both of them. She just felt that Kadar was very friendly with her daughter because he lives without his kids or wife.

Shalini was smart, clever and intelligent, but Kadar possessed a super cunning brain. His entire story of family was a manipulation. His wife separated from him because he  was accused by the media, opposite parties and public as a terrorist and corrupt politician. Her younger brother herited a huge number of properties in Lahore and .,abad. Kadar used his properties forcefully for some illegal activities like offering temporary residence for terrorists. He had connections with African continent terrorists. Eventually the Pakistan army revealed this and her younger brother was directly accused of this. Kadar hid behind his political face. Due to this reason, She left Kadar and separated from him. She left Pakistan because she felt that the country was no longer safe for us.

Kadar realized that his manipulated story was effective. It had created a good impact on Shalini.

Kadar did not forget to stare at Shalini while talking with Anjali. 

Since both of them sat each other, he could look at Shalini's bare cleavage like a free show. Her cleavage was not showing much. But that a few centimetres were enough for any man to understand the liberty of her cleavage. It was shining under the light. Shalini realized that kadar was staring at her cleavage. She got a little smile. 

Shalini needed to tease kadar for no reason. She did not do special thing. She just lifted her hair and just  brushed her hair. That little moment was one of the finest times in kadar's life. He could see world's one of the clean, shining and milky white armpit. That was the juiciest armpit he saw in his entire life. Nothing to mention. He just ejected a few drop of pre- cum. He smelled that cherry mix strawberry aroma when Shalini lifted her arms. Kadar was looking at that without blinking. 

Shalini noticed that well. 

He forgot everything. Anjali saw that kadar was looking at her mom like an animal.

Shalini just realized that and she wanted to break the silence. 

Oh, darling you finished ?

No, mom

Ok, ok, you may eat. You need something else?

Yes, I need some snacks,

Kadar left to buy snacks. His feeling was nervous. He wanted to kick Shalini's juicy shining armpits badly. His erected penis was getting large again and again as he recollect ed her sweet armpits. He wanted to kick her entire armpits badly. 

When kadar looked back, he noticed Shalini's juicy and glowing bare shoulders from get blue frock. 

Kadar's phone received a message. It was on the table. 

Ji, it is done. All three bags gave to him. I am back.

Shalini could read the message. But she did not notice what was it. 

Kadar was walking to them with a few snacks.

Kadar, you received message from bahi.

What, Shalini perfectly noted how kadar's face changed. 

What the hell this man doing, kadar said and walked out taking the phone hurrily.

Shalini could not understand what happened. He acted as s calm person so far. But he converted suddenly to a nervous character.

Kadar did not come for another 30 minutes. Shalini's uncertainty was soaring. He looked around to find him but she could not find him.

Anjali was having snacks.

Bahi, what the hell you doing idiot. I told you not to call me. What the hell fucker you doing. You need to spoil all plans. I will kill you bastard. Mother fucker bitch, kadar was blaming on bahi. 

Bahi did not understand why he blamed him. He done the job perfectly. 


Yes ji,

Once that fucker arrived to your place, send him some somewhere else. Otherwise I will kill that bitch. Mother fucker gonna spoil all plans.

Ansari understood kadar's frustration. He was not gonna say anything. 

Ok ji, I will.

Ansari knew that kadar was not a good man to play games. He was so angry. That is why he just accepted what he said.

Kadar walked after 40 minutes. Shalini could noticed that his face was nervous.

Shalini was skeptical of him. 

What he was shocked when he received a message. 
Why his face was changed when she about someone Bhai.
What three bags
Who is bahi.
Why he took such a long time to come back.

Shalini already knew that a lot of media accused his presence in India. But she did not believe them. She did not need to show any difference from her. 

Where have you gone, I searched you.

Sorry Shalini, just a business matter in Pakistan. My assistance sent me a message about some business issues. Sorry again. 

Anjali baby, how about snacks, tasty? He asked.

Shalini quickly knew that he was lying. She saw the message came from an Indian number not a Pakistani number.

Shalini, do you need anything ?
Wait I will bring something for us.

Shalini quickly took out her mobile and searched about kadar on internet. He has banned from entering to some European countries. A person who directly a caused from public and opposition parties involved with drug trafficking and human trafficking. Not only that, terrorist supporter.

She could just grab a lot of details about him. But he never showed something. Shalini just saw kadar was back. He normally put her phone on the hand bag. 

Oh, you have bought many things, Shalini said.

Just some boiled vegetables with sausages, kadar said.

Wow lovely,

Hmm, I guessed you will love with it because I know this curvy body needs a good treatment, kadar said.

Shalini got it in. She decided to give a teasing reply.

Achaa, mister, I get enough treatment so you do not need to worry, Shalini said

I can see you received good treatment when I saw your curvy figure, kadar told.

Shalini blinked and smiled. 

 But, kadar paused.

Whether that treatment is enough for me?? Shalini gave a very teasing reply and playful smile. 

Kadar found Shalini was so ravishing. He directly looked at Shalini's huge breast and Shalini just noticed that. 

She just smiled and told hey mister, do not stare at unnecessary things. 

Kadar just wicked and said i just assumed that which basket more milk has, he said showing strawberry flavoured milk bottle. 

Kadar was talking with Shalini and Anjali while having snacks. He used the time to be familiar with Anjali more and more. 

Once they finished the snack, kadar lifted Anjali and asked her 

Cutee, where do you want to go now?

Kadar, I think it is enough. I have a severe headache, Shalini said. 

Oh, what is the reason? Are you ok? Kadar looked like he was worried. He put his right hand around Shalini's milky white bare shoulders. 

Are you fine Shalini?

Shalini felt kadar's hand was like a support. 

No, it is bit fine.

Kadar was tactical at this time. He pulled Shalini towards him.

We shall go to vehicle asap Shalini. Then you may be ok. 

Kadar seemed he was worrying.

Kadar was planning next few minutes in his mind. Anjali was in a sleepy mode. 

When they came near the car, he opened front door and put Anjali there. 

Then, opened the rear door and Shalini got in. Kadar was very tactical. He did not get into driving seat. He just got in to the rear seat. Shalini was now at left side rear seat and kadar on right side rear seat.

How are you Shalini now? He asked.

Nothing changed kadar.

He just switched on the A/c.

I think that sausages was the issue, Shalini said.

Kadar just hold Shalini's left shoulder and gently pulled her towards him and started rubbing her head gently.

Shalini felt somewhat relax with his gentle rubbing. Kadar was gently rubbing her head.

Her husband is away from her. A lady should have a man who can look after her. A lady has naturally been created to get a backup from a man. Shalini was alone with her daughter for nearly one month. She was not doubtful regarding Rohan's love. He was treating her with a gentle manner. It mixed up with pure love. but Kadar was doing that only for love? Anyone who sees this scene may think they are a married couple. That is how Kadar was gently rubbing her head. Everyone would see the pure love of it, but what was inside his mind?

Shalini naturally kept her head on Kadar's left shoulder while he gently rubbed her head. Kadar was very calm. Shalini felt his gentleness and warm feeling immediately. She looked at him and said Thank you Kadar.

Oh, Don't think about it Shalini, I do this with a gentle mind.

Then, he again started rubbing her head while brushing her hair. It was a strange feeling. Shalini was getting hot inside. She understood that, but carefully decided not to show in front of a stranger.

Kadar was clever enough to realize Shalini's feelings and mind. He was cunning. He did not rush his movement. He gently gave a massage to Shalini which ultimately, shockingly, reduced her headache. Shalini slowly got up from his shoulder and said thank you.

It is OK Shalini, then shall we go?

Yes, sure now it is almost 12:00. Anjali is also sleeping. Shalini left Anjali in the front seat and she was in the rear seat. Kadar did not think so and safely drove the vehicle to Shalini's hotel.

Shalini, Anjali are already sleeping. Could you lift her or do you need help from me? Shalini felt that it was a genuine request. That is the nature of Kadar. he could do anything secretly but everyone would think it is genuine. Shalini was apparently trapped by Kadar.

But, Shalini did not need his assistance.

Acha, This is my daughter, I can hold her, Shalini said playfully and got down from the car. She lifted Anjali from the front door.

Thank you Kadar, she said affectionately and left. Kadar was staring at her rhythmically swaying hip licking his lips.

I will empty your milk tanks soon bitch, Kadar said.

Kadar drove his BMW to the hotel where he stayed. He received a call from one of his security guards who left for Jinof.

He answered the phone suddenly.

Yes. Amul.

Sir. Are you coming to the hotel?

Yes, Amul, I am on my way. why?

Then, do not visit the hotel. A special unit has visited the hotel. Don't know the reason. Maybe they want to spy on us. I informed the head of the Indian security officer unit at the hotel, we will be late because you visited a friend's place.

Is that? Then, it is sure they need to spy on us. excellent point you have given. I will visit one of my friend's places now. If they contacted you again, then tell them you are waiting for me to come.

Ok, Sir.

This thing should be an early sign because Noida is like a time bomb, Kadar thought. He should take action to hide his plan. Visiting Ansari's place might be an issue. It would point him out.

After Anjali slept, Shalini had a nice shower. She remembered Kadar's gentle massage again and again. Raj has massaged her hair many times, but he could fail to give her such a gentle and rough massage. Shalini understood that.

She had a nice shower and wore a nightie. She wanted to find out about Kadar. Shalini realized that he was a strange person. He found some details about him at the restaurant. Shalini wanted to know about him. Time was around 12:15 AM. One of her best friends, Kajal, was working for IPS. She checked if she was on-line. Luckily, she was on-line.

Hi Kajal,

Oh, Shalini, after long time,

Yes, Kajal, I was so busy.

I know, you have been promoted as the IAS too.

Congratulations Shalini.

Thank you. How is your family Kajal?

They are all fine Shalini.

Kajal, I wanna know about a person in Pakistan. He is a politician. Think you know about him

who is that Shalini?

His name is Kadar. a politician in Pakistan, Shalini said.

and he has arrived in India now, Kajal completed while Shalini was shocked.

He is a dangerous man, Shalini. but we have not found any proof to prove this. Every interligent services realized that he has a connection with drug dealers and terrorists. He is a multi million dollar person. Pakistani security officer were unable to verify his income sources or properties. Even he owns many properties around the world. in Noida too.

He owns many accounts in Swiss banks, so we are not able to reveal his identity so far. He has done with great coverage. He has been a politician because he wants a cover. It is the opinion of all intelligence services. The only problem is that we have no proof.

Why did you ask Shalini, do you know him?

Actually not Kajal, but I met him during the ongoing meeting in Noida.

Oh, you are there. yes he is in Noida now as i know.

Please be careful, Shalini. do not talk with him much.

Thank you for advice Kajal, then i will talk to you later, Shalini said.

TC, Shalini.

Shalini realized the incident. He received that mystery call and he lied to her too. I should be careful, She thought.

Time was around 12:45 AM. Shalini's mobile phone rang. She suddenly answers the phone because Anjali was sleeping. It was Kadar.

Shalini, are you sleeping?

Hmm, No Kadar, what is the reason?

Shalini, I had a small issue with some documents about one of the buildings in Noida. I tried to contact my lawyers but they did not answer. I am sure you know about these things. I should present them in the morning to the Pakistani embassy. Could you help me?

Shalini was careful. but one half of her mind wants to help him and the other part said be careful. She was thinking for a few seconds.

Shalini, are you there?

But, It is 1:00 AM, Kadar.

Yes, Shalini but I need to show this in the morning. I tried to contact my friends too, but they did not answer.

Hmm Okay? But you have to pay me, Shalini said playfully.

Yes, sure Mrs. Shalini. I will pay you? credit card accepted?

Hmm, No cash,

Oh then,

Hmm, I need a beautiful Pakistani saree.

Ok, sure....

Shalini could not understand her mind. Why did she invite him at this time? She knew that she and her little kid were only in the room. Then why did she invite him? Is it because of her honesty with his friendship? or his gentle caring nature? or his emergency request? What would be the reason?

Her door bell rang after 15 minutes. Shalini did not change her dress. She was still in her night dress. As a dutiful wife and mother, she should change her dress from night dress to something decent, but why did she not change it? purposely or did not think too much about it?

She was clever enough to pretend as she was sleeping. Kadar was shocked when he saw Shalini. He first time saw her in a night dress and her hair was messy while her look was bold. He could not believe her beauty. He murmured WOW that Shalini could hardly hear.

Shalini noticed that Kadar had not changed himself. It means he has not visited his hotel so far. Kadar could read her mind.

I had no time to go to hotel Shalini. I received a message from my assistant while I drove to the hotel. Tried to contact my lawyers in Pakistan and get some help from my Indian friends, but all of them were silent. I visited you at this time because This is really urgent, Shalini.

Hmm, Shalini looked at him in a playful look and mummered.

You might be so tired after a few hours with us, Shalini told me.

Kadar was very cunning. That was the point, He thought.

Yes, absolutely Shalini. I am so tired. I wanted to take a shower, but I think it would be another hour if this IAS officer did not allow me to have a shower at the washroom.

Shalini winked and threw her towel at Kadar without thinking much. Kadar hurried and left for the washroom.

Then, Shalini regained it.

Oh My goodness, what did I do? I should not give him permission to have a shower. I must refuse it politely. But why the heck did I give the towel to him? Shalini realized that it was not good for an Indian married woman to give permission to have a shower in her washroom when her husband is away. She was with Anjali. what would happen if Anjali woke up and saw this?

She was completely lost. She could not think about a way to escape him. Meanwhile, Kadar finished and he came out only with just a towel. Shalini did not want to show a difference.

She said, I do not have a dress to offer you Kadar. You cannot be like this.

It is fine. I think my dress will dry in an hour. I put them in the dryer.

But, Shalini felt something strange. How can I be in a room with a man who is only in a towel. This is hell. This is utter nonsense.

She did not show it to Kadar, but he understood that. Even he did not want to show it to her.

Shalini regained her normal position and she could not forget the strange feeling she received from Kadar while he was rubbing her head. She understood that as a genuine help for her.

Kadar took out some documents from a bag.

Shalini, these documents are related to one of my plant premises in Noida. Could you check and advise me if these are in order. I did not want to reject them from the Noida IAS office.

She took the documents and sat on the bed. Kadar sat on the Sofa.

Shalini focused on the documents. She did not need to talk with him. She understood that It would be risky. He was just in a towel and she was in a night dress.

Kadar was tasting Shalini's delicious figure from his eyes.

He did not talk with her. After 25 minutes, he just stood and took out a wine bottle from the same bag.

Shalini was looking at him with a questionable feeling. She didn't want him to have liquor in her room. She was going to reject it.

Kadar, please put it into the bag again. I do not like if you have liquor here, she refused.

Oh, Shalini, please do not worry. I am so hungry and thirsty. Please give me a chance to have only one glass then,

He did not care for her permission. He just opened the bottle and poured two wine glasses.

Hey, Kadar, I do not want to. I never have liquor. Thank you, Shalini said.

Oh, Shalini, you are not a traditional lady. You are a well educated and smart lady. What happens if you have only one wine jar?

No, I said no, Shalini was annoyed.

Shalini, why are you worried? Having a jar of wine is not harmful. You and me only here. Even Anjali is sleeping. No one will know this.

Kadar was pushing her.

No, she said in a strong tone.

You are so cool, but what happened? I just gave you a jar because of friendship. Even your husband is not here and your daughter will not know this. This incident will not go away. I think you have tasted wine before. Nothing harmful.

He was pushing her again and again.

No, Kadar, Anjali may wake up.

Kadar noticed her progress.

He was encouraged by her words. What? She is sleeping. babies will not wake up easily in a deep sleep. do not worry Shalini. just one glass. He again gave the jar.

Shalini was a lady. The things he said were true. She had wine at her college days. She knew that having one jar would not harm her. She was alone without her husband for nearly one month. Anjali was also in sleep. Kadar just visited her, it was a relief for her to get rid of her dumbness.

Hmm, Okay, she smiled and muttered.

Kadar realized that his first step was completed. Shalini was slipping the jar a bit while sitting on the bed. They were not talking much, but Shalini realized that Kadar was staring at her. She did not show any difference.

After having a complete jar of wine, Shalini felt an odd feeling like she is getting the headache again. She was trying to forget that feeling and focus on the documents, but it was getting trouble. A severe headache is on the way.

She could no longer tolerate that feeling. She just touched her head.

Why Shalini? What happened?

I think that headache is back, Kadar. It is hurting now. She was trying to massage her head.

Kadar understood that It was his time, so he stood up.

Wait Shalii, I will massage your head.

Shalini was suffering from a huge headache. She needed relief. She recollected the way Kadar massaged her head. She was in the middle of a decision. Her one part needed to refuse Kadar's assistance, but her other part strongly needed the massage.

Kadar went near Shalini before she refused him and he started massaging her head gently. It was really good. It was a combination of love, careness and roughness. Shalini's inner mind was slowly accepting his massage.

Kadar understood this but he was so calm. He just lowered his right hand and rubbed around her neck. Shalini's milkywhite shining neck experienced his hand's roughness. Shalini muttered slowly which Kadar could hear.

Kadar wanted to launch his plan's second part. He sat down on the bed close to Shalini even without permission of her. Shalini did not oppose it as She was receiving a good relief with his gentle caresness.

While rubbing her hair, Kadar just leaned on the king size bed's edge. It made some distance between Shalini and him, so he gently touched her shoulder and pulled her. Shalini understood his effort and moved close to him effortlessly.

Now, Shalini was very close to him and while rubbing her hair, Kadar was capable of putting her legs around Shalini. Now she was in the middle of his legs. Shalini spontaneously leaned on Kadar's chest and now she fully leaned on his upper body. Kadar was gently rubbing her hair and head. She felt so lovely with his gentle touch.  

No wonder. Shalini strongly felt that Kadar's other arm stood up inside his towel. She felt its size and warmth even though both of them were in dress. It should be the same size as Janus, but definitely lengthy. Kadar understood that Shalini definitely felt his warm dick because his dick was touching Shalini's hip. Kadar just lowered his one hand and touched her neck fully. Alighting lashed through her body. Then he started touching her neck slowly. Shalini just tried to remove his hand with a small effort, but it was not enough so Kadar completely caught her neck and started touching. Shalini was so nervous. She moaned slowly.

Shalini, You are so beautiful. You are like an actress. Kadar said moving his mouth to her ear which she was aroused with his lips' touch on her right side ear's lobule. He just bit her right lobule a few times. Shalini could not tell anything. She moaned with a loud Ahh after a few bite from Kadar. Shalini forgot about Anjali. Kadar ignored little Anjali.

Kadar moved his mouth to her milkywhite neck. he started kissing her neck. after a few kisses, he started licking her whole neck like an animal. He was teased with Shalini's natural strawberry aroma and her warm body.

Wow, your aroma Shalini, he said while licking her hair. Shalini felt Kadar's thick saliva on her milkywhite neck. Kadar was touching Shalini's left ear slowly to seduce her more and more. Kadar was slow;y moving his mouth to her shoulder through her neck. Her shoulder was covered with her night dress. Even shalini tried to move his head away from her Kadar was strongly kissing her shoulders. Shalini put in some effort to stop him. Kadar just forcefully put lower Shalii's hand and started kissing her shoulder. Shalini felt that he forcefully removed her hand.

Shalini just turned her head up and looked at Kadar.

Kadar, Anjali is here. Please stop. Kadar took the opportunity and suddenly started kissing her lips then it became an aggressive movement as Kadar put his whole tongue inside her mouth and licked her pink color warmth lips strongly. It was so strong and forceful. Shalini tried to move her head, but she failed. She realized that it was difficult to breathe. Kadar did not want to stop. His tongue was roaming inside her mouth while licking her pink lips. Both of them' saliva was flowing through Shalini's mouth. Her chin was completely drenched with saliva. She was experiencing an awesome thrill with Kadar's aggressive mouth licking. Shalini felt like Kadar was sucking her complete saliva strongly.

Even She was unable to breathe properly, she enjoyed the strange feeling by pushing Kadar's head into her and pushing her mouth into him. Kadar realized that Shalini was in an active status. He took this opportunity slowly holding his right hand on her left shoulder and moving away her night dress. It looked like She did not care about the night dress on the shoulder moving away. Shalini felt like Kadar's aggressive nature was getting increased by second to second. Kadar could hear Shalini's slow moanings which was soaring his horniness.

He moved her piece of night dress from the shoulder and started touching and rubbing her bare milkywhite shining shoulder. Kadar released Shalini's juicy mouth nearly after 20 minutes and started licking her both chicks smearing his saliva on her. He could feel her warmth and his saliva's coolness. Kadar was ready to move his right hand to lower. while he licked her pinkish chicks, he was moving his right hand though her little opened cleavage. Shalini was shocked as he put his middle finger on her cleavage and moaned Ahh Ahh.

He first touched her left breast over her night dress. It was such a soft touch. Kadar just planted a kiss on Shalini's forehead which showed that He was in love with her. Shalini realized that she felt like it was a lovable kiss from Kadar like Rohan did on their honeymoon.

I love you Shalini, I really love you, Kadar said.

Shalini looked at his eyes and after a few seconds, she leaned on him. Shalini has forgotten the entire world. even Rohan, Anjali. Shalini's look was like she accepted this filthy Pakistani politician's dirty love and cuddled with him. It was unimaganable. Such a beauty hot younf wife would fell in love with such a dirty politician. No one could define as a love, but only Shalini and Kadar knew. Kadar had an entire plan to get Shalini from the first time he saw her. He was launching his plan little by little.

Shalini looked at Kadar's eyes. She just red his eyes. she felt that his eyes were filling in love. She just touched his face by her right hand and smiles. Kadar used this time and started squeez her breasts hard. Shalini moaned. Even she did not care her adorable daughter who was sleeping next to them. What would happen with her dutiful mother role?

Kadar was kissing her lips again meanwhile he put his right hand inside her night dress and for the first time, he touched Shalini's amazonian hot breast. Shalini realized that lighting was slashing around her. Kadar again started kissing and licking forecefully Shalini's lips. He utilized the time Shalini was enjoyed by his strong kissing. His left hand started pulling down her night dress. After seconds, Kadar saw the world's most romantic scenery in front of him.

WOW, What a scenery Shalini....

Shalini smiled.

I think i am so thirsty now Shalini.

Achaa, do not make me hurt you may drink it slowly, she said playfully. Shalini was completely into him. His magical words and actions made her like his wife. He kissed her lips again.

I love you Shalini,

And he started kissing her both breasts. He started kissing breasts' border firstly and moved around the both breasts' borders which Shalini drove crazy.

Ahh, Umm Ummm Kadar,

he just planted a few kiss on her milkywhite shining breasts. His both hands were gently caressed her breasts from the upper to aerola.

Wow, you have such an awesome breasts Shalini. I wanna make both of them empty now.

Shalini smiled.

He rolled his hands over her breasts. then just ran his middle finger all over them. he planted some kisses time to time. His gentle actions made her crazy. He just moved his middle finger around her both aerola. He expertly touched her sensitive aerola. Shalini was extremely crazy and she was trying to kiss his lips. Kadar touched her right nipple little while both of them were kissing lips. Kadar started touching her right nipple forecefully while kissing Shalini's juicy lips.

Kadar released her lips and moved his mouth to her breasts again. He first time bit her right breasts and squeezed nipple stronly.

This is only for you Kadar, do not hurry, Shalini smiled and murmmed.

Shalini knew that his dick was getting so length. It was nealy out of his towel.

Hmm, He is waiting for you Shali, Kadar slowly told her. She smiled
The Author
North Politics (The game behind politics)

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