Misc. Erotica Sex Tales - A collection of carnal tales --- chancellorx
He is able to see the top of her voluptuous breasts where the top three buttons of her blouse are undone. He watches it rise and fall and rise again with each sumptuous breath she takes....inside his own heart begins to pound as his body yearns to feast on this delightful meal. He leans down and brushes her hair and ear lightly with his lips and nose....

She turns..."oh it's you baby!"

"yes...." He sighs.

"Don't know why you picked here at first to meet, but I'm glad you did. It's lovely."

She looked around the park as the first vestiges of the leaves could be seen from the trees and the sun began to descend slowly down into the horizon. The last of the children were beginning to leave. She turned back to him and noticed how incredibly black his eyes were, and how tall he stood. The broad shoulders and strong jaw set her heart beating to a quickened tune as well. She longed to hear him speak again....and was soon fulfilled that wish.

"Would you walk with me darlin?" he said.

"That would be nice."

He took her tenderly warm hand in his and led her down the path. Winding down the way, they were surrounded by the intensity of this early spring day. Though it was chilly, that was not why she trembled so. She had an intense longing to find out how those full intense lips tasted that now smiled when those heavenly black eyes stared into hers. She also wanted to feel those strong and lengthy arms hold her tight.

Casually he led her off the path. She wondered why he was walking into the woods where the bushes were thickening and the trees were looming. In a moment he had her up against one of those trees and buried his lips into hers.

He tasted of cinnamon and steak!! Of excitement and spontaneity! In short, he tasted delightfully yummy....but they were in public, and she had only met him online. She tried only halfheartedly to push him away, but instead he took her hands in his and pushed them to her side while his lips passionately kissed down her neck and shoulders.

She could smell his rich scent and feel his soft curly hair rub her jaw while he sent sparks into her body as he tasted each nerve with his tongue....her heart pounded with intensity, and as if sensing it, he kissed and licked more passionately, occasionally biting her skin lightly as if tasting her. She finally broke free of his grasp and pulled him closer to her while stroking his hair and squeezing his firm ass in her hand.
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RE: Sex Tales - A collection of carnal tales --- chancellorx - by ddey333 - 15-06-2022, 01:43 PM

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