Adultery HONEY, WE NEED TO TALK by Just_Words(+19 copied)
(06-06-2022, 06:59 AM)twinciteeguy Wrote:
"Sorry to disturb you, sir. Are you Nevada Smith?"
"Yes officer, is there an issue?"
"Who is the young lady with you?"

"That's my daughter Suzanne."
"It might be better if we spoke alone sir."

Nevada had an uneasy feeling but he knew that this had something to do with Pilar. He felt that Suzanne was an adult and she had the right to hear what was coming. "She's an adult officer, I would like her to stay."

"Okay, I'm sorry to tell you Mr. Smith that your wife was severely injured tonight. She is currently at Memorial hospital in surgery. It is imperative that you go to the hospital immediately."

"Oh my god!" Suzanne gasped from behind Nevada.

"Was she in an accident?"

"No sir it was a crime. I really can't tell you any more about it. However there are detectives at the hospital waiting to talk with you. Good evening sir." And they walked back to their patrol car.

Nevada turned to face Suzanne who had her hands over her mouth and her eyes were wide with fear.

"Sweetheart, you are coming to the hospital with me. Go tell your brothers that you and I are going out for a while, but don't tell them where and why just yet. I want more information first." She sprinted up the stairs two steps at a time. Five minutes later they were on their way.

When they arrived at the hospital they were immediately directed to the OR waiting area by hospital security and they were told a doctor would be in to see them in a while. Both Nevada and Suzanne were stunned. Confusion and anxiety is the normal condition for relatives of loved ones in their situation. The minutes crawled by like hours.

"Mr. Smith?" Asked a tall exhausted looking man in an equally tired looking suit.

Nevada looked up and saw two men who were obviously the detectives the uniformed cops had told him about. "That's me, and this is my daughter Suzanne. Whatever you have to say to me you can say to her."

"No sir I can't. My name is Detective Lieutenant Cipriano." He quickly flipped open and closed his wallet badge and returned it to his coat pocket. "I need to speak with you alone, please come with me now. My partner Detective Bonnell will talk with your daughter."

Nevada followed Cipriano to a quiet part of the hallway. Without preamble Lt. Cipriano asked him where he was around eight o'clock tonight.

"I was at home with my daughter talking. My two sons were also there with us." Nevada wasn't a fool. He knew exactly why Cipriano was asking that question.

"What was you wife doing with..." He paused and looked at his notes. "With Mr. Karl Malden?"

For a brief moment he thought about lying to the detective to minimize embarrassment to the family but then surmised, Fuck it she made her bed, she can lay in it.

He sighed sadly and told Cipriano. "Malden is her boyfriend and the two of them were spending the weekend together fucking each other's brains out."

He practically spat it out he was so disgusted with and becoming angrier by the minute at his wife. The fact that his phone was constantly vibrating in his pocket wasn't helping his mood either.

Lt. Cipriano didn't even blink. "We figured it was something like that, so I guess you understand why I'm talking with you?"

"Yes sir, I do, but I had nothing to do with anything that happened to them. What did happen?"

"They were leaving a restaurant and were attacked by two unknown assailants and both were severely beaten with what appeared to be baseball bats.

"I'm guessing your daughter will corroborate your story, but we will definitely be talking with you again in a more formal setting. If you don't currently have an attorney I Strongly suggest you find one." Cipriano handed Nevada a Business card and left without any further comment.

Holy shit, this must be bad! And he headed back to be with Suzanne.

Suzanne was in tears and jumped up and hugged Nevada when he returned. "Daddy, what is going on, I'm so scared right now. The man asked me where you were earlier. They think you had something to do with what happened to Mom don't they?"

stay tuned.................

Nice update bro
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