A couple more weeks passed by and Priya's car was just a month away from being delivered. In those times, I asked her a couple of times about Ramon, but she always said he was being decent so I didn't pursue the questioning much. However, over the last 3-4 days, I had begun to notice a change in Priya's mood. She always seemed very quiet, or lost in thoughts. Often, I'd catch her staring into nothingness as if thinking really hard about something. But when I asked her what she was thinking about, she usually said it was about something she was taught in class. But I couldn't help but wonder if she was hiding something from me and if it had to do with Ramon.
Then one night, my suspicions were confirmed. Priya had been even quieter than usual.
We were both in bed, reading. I was reading a novel, and she was reading notes from class. Suddenly she put her notes down and looking straight ahead, said to me,
"Ajit, I need to tell you something."
"Okay, tell me." I said, relieved that finally she was sharing something.
"Well, don't get mad. But over the last few days, there have been a few....happenings that I should have probably told you right away." she said.
"What happenings?" I asked.
"Well, I first thought it was just a minor thing I could put an end to right away. So I didn't want to bother you with it and get you worried. But I feel like I am lying to you by not telling it and.."
"Priya! Stop with the explanations and just get to the point." I said impatiently.
"Okay." she said and took a long pause. "Where do I begin?"
"Just tell me from the start." I said.
"Well, a few days back I had to hand in an important assignment. But I forgot it at home on the table. Just slipped my mind completely. So I told the instructor that, but she didn't believe me. She said I was making an excuse because I had not done it. And she would give me a zero on it if I didn't get it to her within an hour."
"Alright. So?" I asked.
"So that day it was snowing a lot, so the buses were running late. And I called up a cab company but they said they couldn't send anyone over for 45 minutes. Which meant the deadline would pass. I tried calling you but it went to voicemail because you were in a meeting" Priya said, looking very sad. I did remember when she had called me but I could not call back because of an important meeting.
"Well, I was just sitting there, on the verge of crying when Ramon passed by on his way to another class. He asked me why I looked so upset and I told him. He very nicely offered to drive me over right away. I tried to say no, because that meant he would have to miss his class. but he insisted. And he had been such a gentleman for a while. So I accepted his offer of help. He drove me home in the heavy snowfall and I was able to submit the assignment just in time before the one hour deadline ran out."
"Okay. I still don't see..."
"I'm getting to it. I came out of the instructor's office submitting the assignment, and I was so happy and relieved that I was almost jumping with joy. Ramon, who was waiting outside, asked - she took it? And I nodded happily. And then he opened his arms saying -
Yayy! And I just got caught up in the moment and hugged him, saying thank you a lot of times." Priya said and paused.
"That's it? A hug? That's what you are so upset about." I said and she looked at me pointedly, so I said "There's more, right?"
"Yes, well, initially he was hugging me very normally, like a friend. But then he sort of pulled me closer, held me in a tight embrace and kissed me on my neck."
"And I am sorry Ajit, but to be honest that really felt nice at that moment. I should have immediately pulled back. But for some reason I didn't."
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