Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike nodded, but there was uncertainty and reservation on his face.

"Will you ever trust me again?" Jen said, looking sad and regretful.

"I love you," Mike said.

"Love's not the same as trust."

"I know. Sometimes, love's not the same as love," he said bitterly, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Jen winched like he'd hit her. She looked tortured. With desperate sadness in her voice she said "You're reading it all wrong. I love you. How can I prove it to you?"

"I don't know," Mike said, feeling just as sad. He wanted to trust her. He wanted to forgive her. But he couldn't. He wasn't there yet. "You lied to be Jen. You lied for years."

"About something that happened years ago," Jen said looking pleadingly into his eyes. "Because I wanted you back. And you never really asked. Not really. When you did, I told you everything. I didn't leave anything out. Ask Ricky if you don't believe me."

"I'm not going to fucking ask Ricky," Mike hissed. He glared at her and they lapsed into silence.

"What now Mike?" Jen finally asked.

"You have to stop seeing Ricky," Mike told her.

"Okay," Jen said softly, looking down.

"You WANT to keep seeing him?" Mike said incredulously.

"No Mike I said okay."

"But you want to keep seeing him," Mike said. "I can hear it in your voice."

"Mike baby, no, I don't," Jen said, hugging his arm.

But Jen didn't say what Mike wanted to hear. She didn't say she was over Ricky. She didn't say Ricky was out of her life. She didn't say she didn't love Ricky anymore. All she said was "okay."

That's when Mike knew. Jen wanted Ricky in her life. She wanted to keep seeing him. Yes, right now, because he was angry and hurt, she'd stop seeing him. But it was temporary. She knew in a week, a month, he would give into his cuckold fantasies. Agree to her seeing Ricky again. She knew the danger and risks excited him. She knew he was intoxicated by the emotions. So of course he would give in. Let her be with Ricky again, to continue their wild and passionate romance. While he remained her rock, her emotional safe haven, adoring her, treating her as his goddess.


Saturday morning, Jen was getting ready for the rally. Mike was with Anna, helping her pack and dress.

Jen walked over to him. Her hair and makeup were done but she wasn't dressed yet. She was wearing her white fluffy robe.

"So I want to ask you," Jen whispered into his ear. Anna stood a few feet away, looking in the mirror and fusing with her dress. She was only 4 but she was already a fashion plate like her mother. She'd had the best time shopping for a new outfit for the rally with Mike (Jen had been at work). She was incredibly excited for a weekend with mommy!

"Yeah?" Mike asked, his attention split between Jen and Anna.

Jen took his hand and pulled it to her leg. Mike's eyes rose. He felt silky nylon. He quickly looked down. She was wearing hose.

Jen pulled his hand up her robe. Mike felt elaborate lace. She wasn't just wearing hose, she was wearing thigh high stockings.

"I want to start wearing stockings and high heels again," she explained in a low voice. "For you. All the time, like I used to. Stockings and garters, short skirts and tights, pantyhose under jeans. For you. But do you want me to start today?"

"You said you're not playing," Mike whispered. He felt himself getting hard.

"I'm not, especially with Anna there," Jen whispered. "This is about you baby. For you. But do you want me to start today?"

"I won't be there," Mike whispered.

"I know. But you like thinking about it right?" Jen asked with a grin. She was right. Mike liked thinking about his wife all glammed up and getting checked out by other men.

"Yes," he admitted with an excited smile.

"Anyways I was thinking," Jen said, playing with the buttons of his shirt. "The freaking rally's here in New York. The campaign team is just staying at the hotel because Leo wants everyone super focused. But there's no reason you can't join me and Anna after. It'll be fun, like camping out."

"Oh. Thanks but, I'm actually looking forward to being alone," Mike sputtered. "To think about things."

"LA?" Jen asked. But she didn't need to ask. She knew it was LA. Of course it was LA.


"I should've left parts out," Jen joked with a humorless laugh.

"No, I'm glad you didn't," Mike said, squeezing her hand. "I'm just still processing it all."

Jen looked down at her feet. "I'm sorry I lied," she whispered, pained emotion in her voice. "I just wanted you back so much." She gave him a scared look and said "I'm afraid you won't be here when Anna and I get home."

"I'll be here Jen, I promise," Mike said.

Jen looked at him for a long moment. She took his hand and put it on her stomach, inside the white fluffy robe. "This is your baby Mike," she told him. "He's going to need you."

"He?" Mike asked.

"I think it's a boy," Jen said. With a sheepish smile she said, "I know it's crazy. I just feel that way. I want to name him Mike Jr., after his father." She smiled at him and nudged her shoulder against him.

"We can't do that, he's not our first," Mike said referring to tradition, nudging her back. Now their sides were pressed together. "If it's a boy, I'd like to name him after my father. Peter."

"I think that's a wonderful idea. I love your father," Jen said beaming into his eyes. She took his arm and hugged him. "Peter Michael Andrews. I love that name. What do you think Anna will think?"

Mike looked at their daughter. He said "I think Anna and Peter will be best friends."

Cheating and Rivals Part 74

Anna was a big hit at the rally. Leo - already twice a grandfather - was really taken by her. He walked Anna around introducing her to people. Anna liked Leo. That surprised Jen (since usually Anna was standoffish to men) but then she realized it made sense, as Leo was kind of like Mike, and Anna probably sensed that.

The rally was just beginning with people still filing into the big ballroom. There were a series of speeches planned, culminating in a speech by President Obama where he would endorse Jasmine, and then a speech by Jasmine where she would formally accept the New York Democratic party's nomination as its candidate for the US Senate.

"Thanks for coming," Deidre said, sidling up to Jen. She gave an apologetic smile and said "I heard Leo twisted your arm."

"No, not at all," Jen said being polite.

"Your daughter's beautiful," Deidre said, looking at Jen. "Just like you."

"Oh, ah, thank you," Jen said looking down at her feet. For some reason Deidre's compliment made her feel awkward.

"Have you ever thought about running for office?" Deidre said. "You're beautiful. Smart. Quick on your feet."

"Me? God no," Jen said with a laugh. "I think I'm too liberal."

"What do you think about gay rights?" Deidre asked, abruptly pulling the issue out of the air.

Jen didn't hesitate. She said "I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want, as long as they don't hurt anyone else."

"What about gay marriage?"

"If people love each other they should be allowed to get married," Jen said. "It doesn't matter what their color, religion or sexual orientation is."

Deidre grinned. "Maybe you are too liberal for public office," she said with a laugh.

"Probably," Jen said with a laugh back.

Deidre moved closer and said "I always liked Mike. I don't think he was ever happy with Jasmine. I always felt he was thinking about you. I'm glad you're back together. I'm glad you have each other."

Jen stared at Deidre. "Thank you," she finally said.

Deidre saw something in Jen's face. Heard something in her voice. She asked "Are you two okay?"

"You know ... there are always ups and downs," Jen said with a pained smile.

"But you love each other right?" Deidre said.

"Yes, we definitely love each other," Jen said firmly.

"Well, you know what they say, love conquers all," Deidre said with an encouraging smile.

"Yeah, that's right," Jen said with a smile back.

"I better check on Jas," Deidre said, turning away.

"Hey Dee," Jen said.

"Yes?" Deidre said turning back to Jen.

"I'm glad you and Jasmine have each other too," Jen whispered, looking into Deidre's eyes.

Deidre stared at Jen, looking surprised. Finally she gave Jen a shy, appreciative smile. "Thank you," she whispered, emotion in her voice.


"You'll share my room tonight?" Frank whispered to Jen a few minutes later. Anna was still with Leo.

"No Frank," Jen whispered back. "I have Anna with me."

"Why did you bring the child?" Frank said scornfully.

"That child is my daughter," Jen told him. "And anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm sorry Frank. I really like you. I want to be your friend. But that part of our relationship is over."

"It's over when I say it's over," Frank commanded.

"No Frank," Jen said firmly. "It's my life. It's my body. It's over Frank."

"This is about Ricky?" Frank whispered angrily.

"No, it's about me," Jen told him. "Things run its course. I like you. I want to be friends. But I don't want to do that anymore."

"Jenny I'm disappointed in you," Frank said angrily. "I will not be lied to."

"I'm not lying," Jen said.

"You said it's not about Ricky," Frank said. "If that's true, why did he just walk into the room?"

Jen looked over at the door. Oh fuck, Frank was right. It was Ricky!

Jen looked over at Anna. She was still with Leo, happy to get so much attention. "Excuse me," she said to Frank and hurried over to Ricky.

"What are you doing here?" Jen whispered to him.

"Hey babe," Ricky said grinning at her.

"Are you crazy coming here?" Jen hissed in a low voice. "If Mike finds out, he'll think I planned this."

"Calm down, I just want to talk to you," Ricky whispered back. "What Mike said, play it by ear. You agree that's bullshit, right?"

"You want to talk about that now?" Jen whispered, looking incredulously at him. "I'm working. I'm with Anna. The freaking President's here."

"It's important Jen. It's my baby."

"It's Mike's baby!" Jen hissed in a low voice. "And everything's changed. We can't see each other anymore."

"Why?" Ricky said his eyes narrowing.

"I told Mike about LA," Jen said.

"I thought you already told him," Ricky said.

"Not everything."

"Why not?"

"Well, let's think about it Ricky," Jen said sarcastically. "If I told Mike you wanted me to divorce him and marry you, I don't think he'd ever let me see you again, would he? But after the other night I told him. I had too. And he freaked. So we can't see each other anymore Ricky."

"Wait, wait, just slow down," Ricky said, his hands out. He glanced around. There were too many people here. "Come on, let's go outside. We can't talk here."

"Anna's here," Jen reminded him.

"Come on Jen, you can't just drop this on me without giving me a chance to talk," Ricky said with exasperation. "My sperm made that baby."
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