Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
They sat there, naked, sitting next to each other and smoking. Jen had her chin on her raised knees, looking at the blank wall.

"I got the word," Ricky finally said. "Transfer to LA."

"Okay," Jen said softly.

"Are you getting back with Mike?" he asked.

"... I don't know," Jen said, her eyes downcast.

"So come with me," Ricky said.

Jen didn't answer. She didn't look at him. She kept looking at her feet.

"What do you say?" Ricky said, putting his hand on her bare knee. He caressed her knee. Down her inner thigh.

Finally when Ricky's fingertips touched her pussy- the lips still swollen from their fucking moments ago, and filled with his cream - she looked at him. She looked at his handsome face, his ripped body, his beautiful, half hard cock.

Ricky saw the growing arousal on her face. She was insatiable, and he loved that about her. With her blonde hair, blue eyes and beautiful face, she looked like an innocent angel. But really she was a slut.

Ricky pulled her to him. "I can give you everything," he said kissing her. Jen fell into his arms. She kissed him back. This time he took her missionary. This time they made love.


They slept together. The next morning Jen said "If I go with you, I'm not making any promises."

"Sure, I get it," Ricky said, his heart leaping at the prospect of Jen coming with him to LA. "This is just a trial run. To see if we work." He grinned that boyish smile and said "I'm okay with being your rebound boyfriend."

"No not even that," Jen told him. "I'm going ... to clear my head. I'll help you get settled. That's all. I'm not promising anything else."

"Jen babe," Ricky said, tenderly stroking her face. "If that's all you can give me right now, then that's what I'll take. I just want to be with you." Ricky could tell she was distraught. Of course she was, her marriage was ending, it was normal to feel that way. He loved her and he knew she loved him. They were perfect for each other. All he had to do was get her away from New York and all the memories. Get her away from Mike. Then he'd win he over. Show her how happy he could make her.

(Author's note: Again, the following is from He Fucked My Girl Part 9 from Mike's point of view)

I didn't see or talk to her for almost 3 weeks. I felt empty inside, a walking corpse. Then she showed up at our apartment. "Ricky's being deployed back to California. He asked me to go with him, help him settle in. He's downstairs, we're on our way to the airport."

"Okay," I said dumbly, feeling numb.

"I need to pack some things," she said.

"Okay," I said again. What else could I say?

A few minutes later she came out with her suitcase. She sat down next to me, seeing the anguish and hurt on my face. She softly rubbed my chest. "I'm sorry I hurt you Mike. You're the last person I wanted to hurt. This thing with Ricky -"

"You don't have to explain," I said managing a smile at her. "I think I understand." I paused, then said "I'm sorry about last time."

"Yeah well ..." she said looking off. She looked sad and hurt.

"I wanted to tell you ... you know Claire? There was never anything between us. We're just friends. I helped her pass her math class."

Jen smiled. "I know, she told me. I thought she'd dyed her hair blonde for you."

"She's in a play ..."

"I know, she told me." Jen laughed. "She was saying some crazy things about what you two were doing. I was pretty sure she was making it up."

"Why? Because she said she liked sex with me?" I said bitterly.

"I like sex with you Mike. I love it. I always have."

"Yeah right," I said sarcastically.

"Mike ... just because I like sex with Ricky doesn't mean I don't like it with you too."

"Jen, don't lie, okay? At least give me that."

She paused looking frustrated. "Mike, you know - you're the one who always wanted to hear about what we did."

"Oh, so now you're going to tell me you were lying all this time, that you really don't love getting fucked by Ricky?"

She squeezed my arm. "Please, let's not fight." She waited for me to calm down. "I'm just saying, I think a lot of what you think about me is in your head."

"In my head?" I laughed, but it was without any humor. "You've been living with him for a month," I said bitterly. "You never came to see me, you never called. You're going away with him again. That's not in my head Jen, that's for real."

"You didn't call me either."

"You were the one fucking him! You were the one falling in love with him!"

Jen looked like she was holding back tears. "And you didn't have something to do with that?"

"I'm just saying ..." I stopped, on the verge of losing it. "Just don't pity me Jen okay?"

"Mike ..." A tear rolled down her cheek. "What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Are you going with him?"

"Yes. I owe it to him."

I looked at her incredulously. "You owe it to him? It's not enough he gets to fuck your mouth and pussy and ass whenever he wants?"

Jen flinched, like my words were a slap across her face. "Is this when you call me a slut again?"

I flinched back at her words. I got up and walked a few steps away. I didn't want to cry in front of her.

She walked to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Goodbye Mike," she said. "Call me sometime, okay?" Then she was gone.

I stood there, unmoving, unfeeling. She'd just broken up with me. Or maybe we'd broken up with each other. It didn't matter. She was gone, and I didn't think I'd ever see her again.

Cheating and Rivals Part 71 (California - Part 3)

The first week in LA, Jen felt like she was sleepwalking. She stayed with Ricky who was assigned a small apartment in officer's country. She didn't know if he broke the rules to have her stay with him. She didn't know what he told his commanding officer, or whoever it was that decided such things. That she was his fiancée? She didn't care what he said. She didn't care much about anything.

Jen kept her iPhone charged and always with her. During the day she put it on the table and looked at it. At night she put it beside her and looked at it. The phone never rang. Mike never called.

Jen's heart would leap when someone knocked on the door. Or when she saw a thin, not quite average height guy with dark hair and glasses in the crowd. She wanted it to be Mike; he flew out to sweep her off her feet and bring her home. But no, Mike never came. He never called her.

Jen didn't have sex with Ricky. The first couple days he made moves on her. But she pushed him away. It wasn't she didn't want him, she did. Their intense attraction for each other was still there. But she told Ricky "Sex confuses things. I can't. I'm trying to figure things out." She could tell he wanted her. Could see it in his eyes. But when she had sex with Ricky, she felt love for him. The way he pleasured her body. The way he made her cum. How could she not feel love for him? But she was confused. She was trying to figure things out. She didn't want those sex-induced feelings of love. She wanted real love. Or she wanted nothing. She just didn't want fake love.

For his part Ricky was patience with Jen. She was here in LA with him. She was living with him. She was there when he got up in the morning, and there when he got home from work. If she needed time, that was fine. He loved her. He was happy.

One evening they went to happy hour with Ricky's friends. Jen wore a simple outfit of a peasant blouse and skinny jeans. Black Hepburn Mia flats. She looked at her phone on the kitchen table. She decided not to take it. That was a big moment for her. It was like, turning a corner on her life. Cutting the cord.

Having taken that first step, Jen decided to dress up a little more. A little more makeup. Sexier lipstick. She put her hair up, the way Ricky liked it. She took off her bra and went bare under her blouse; the way Ricky liked it. Looking in the mirror, she decided she was going to be bubbly and flirty tonight. She was going to get her mojo back. She was going to be Jen again.

Ricky's hands were all over Jen at the bar. Jen let him, and when he kissed her she kissed him back. They ended up fucking in the alley behind the bar. In the alley! They were like 2 horny teenagers. Jen's jeans and panties were pushed down to her knees. Her blouse was open, and Ricky had her pretty face pressed against the brick wall. He pounded her from behind, kissing up her neck, groping her bare tits.

Jen rose up on her tiptoes out of the Mia flats when she came, a long deep wail escaping her lips as she had her first orgasm in weeks. Ricky came soon after, flooding her pussy with so much cum that by the time she got home it looked like she wet herself in the skinny jeans.

Jen looked at her phone when they got home. Her mom called, there were calls from Allie, Melody and Johnny, but nothing from Mike. She dropped the phone on the table, not listening to any of the messages.

Ricky pulled her into the bedroom. Having gone so long without getting anything, he wanted it again. Jen let him. The truth was, her body wanted it to. They fucked until late at night (or really early in the morning), when they finally passed out from exhaustion.

After that, Jen didn't resist Ricky's advances. In fact, often she initiated sex. It was like before. They fucked 2, 3 times a day. More on the weekends, often not leaving their apartment even for food. They'd order in, eat in bed sitting next to each other naked, and then fuck again. Jen had never been more sexually satisfied.

Jen stopped being anal about her phone. She stopped looking for Mike in the crowds. A few times a day, she'd pick up her phone to see if he called. After a while that went to once or twice a day. Sometimes she missed whole days checking her phone. It didn't matter. Mike never called.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:52 PM

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