Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen's face went from a smile to a frown. "Oh, hi Claire." She frowned at Claire's blonde hair.

"Hi Jen," Claire said too excited about rehearsal to notice anything else. "I'm late, bye Jen." Then she was gone.

I hugged her. "I missed you."

Her back was stiff. "Has she been here the entire time?" she asked coldly.

"No, not the entire time."

"But a lot, right?"

I gave Jen a "what the fuck" look. She rolled her eyes at me and said "whatever."

She kicked her heels off and gave me a tight smile, "sorry I'm just tired." Just then her phone rang. I looked over her shoulder and saw it was Ricky. She gave me another tight smile and said "I'll be right back."

She went into our bedroom and picked up the phone. "Hi Ricky," Jen said. She whispered so only Ricky could hear, "Why are you calling? I just saw you."

"I wanted to make sure you got home okay," Ricky said.

"Yeah, I got home okay."

The lapsed into silence. Then with a grin Ricky said "It was fun right?"

Jen couldn't help smiling. "Yeah, I had the best time, thanks."

"Sorry again ...," Ricky said, his voice trailing off. Jen didn't answer. They'd talked about this. It was over. She didn't want to talk about it anymore. It hurt too much to talk about.

"I guess I feel like ... like I'm hanging," Ricky said. Grinning to make it sound like a joke, he said "When you dump someone you're at least supposed to give the other person closure. Can we get together tonight? Talk?"

Jen closed her eyes. She felt terrible for him. For both of them. But it had to end. "No, you know I can't," she said.

"Just talk Jen," Ricky pressed. "Why can't we just talk?"

"I told you why. Just stop, okay? I can't," Jen said.

"Come over. Or I'll pick you up. We'll go someplace. Maybe -."

But Jen cut him off. "Okay, okay, will you stop?" Lowering her voice, she said "Ricky, if I come over we'll end up in bed again."

"And what does that tell you?"

"It says we like fucking -."

"So spend tonight with me," Ricky pressed.

"Let me finish," Jen whispered. "We like fucking, but sex isn't love."

"So now you're saying you don't love me?" Ricky said bitterly. "Well I love you Jen. I said it before and I meant it. I guess your words don't mean anything." Ricky's voice cracked with emotion. He had never fought so hard for a girl. Put himself out there so much. Loved a girl so much. And she was dumping him. Just like that. Dumping him.

Jen could hear the emotion in his voice. The heartache. She whispered, "I love you too ba ... I love you too. But I can't do this anymore."

After hanging up, Jen stared at the phone for a long time. Then finally she went into the bathroom to clean up.


I heard her in the bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth. When she came back out she had her hair in a ponytail. She wore jeans and one of my button down oxford shirts.

She held her wedding and engagement rings, in the process of putting them back on. She looked warily at me.

I scowled at her. "So he's your baby now?" I asked bitterly.

She sighed tiredly, still holding her rings in her hand. "Mike don't start, okay?"

Seeing me bore holes into her with my angry stare she said, "I didn't mean it. You won't let me call you that and sometimes it just comes out. It doesn't mean anything when I call him that."

"So it didn't mean anything when you used to call me that?" I spat out.

"God Mike you're twisting everything I say."

"But you love him right? You told him just now."

"Mike, we've talked about this ..."

"What did he want?" I snapped.


"He wanted something, what?"

Jen shrugged. "He wanted me to spend the night."

I looked at her incredulously. "You were just with him for a whole week! Don't I get any time with you?"

"I know Mike, I know it's not fair to you, that's why I'm here."

I looked at her disbelieving, hurting inside. "So you'd rather be with him right now? You're only with me now, for what, out of mercy?"

"No, Mike, that's not what I meant! Stop twisting everything I say!"

I didn't believe her. She wanted to be with him, she was here only out of a sense of obligation. Something snapped inside me. I pointed at the door. "If you want to be with him, then just go. I don't need your pity."

She looked at me disbelieving. Suddenly my hurt and despair turned into rage. "Go!" I yelled jabbing at the door. "Just go!"

When she didn't move, I grabbed the rings out of her hand and angrily threw them out the open window. "You're a cheap slut and I want you out of here! Go! I don't want to see your cheating face!"

Her hand went to her mouth and tears welled in her eyes. She ran out of the apartment sobbing.


Jen found a hotel somewhere. It was called the Blue Light. She was crying so bad one of the clerks had to show her to the room. Inside, she fell on the bed and curled into a ball, crying. She stayed that way all night long. She kept her phone next to her, hoping Mike would call. But he never called.

Jen went to work but she was a zombie. She was completely unproductive and making stupid mistakes. They almost fired her. But behind the scenes, Jen had a couple of allies. Gary, one of her first mentors. And Johnny, her current boss. Both liked Jen a lot and saw immense potential in her. Clearly she was going through something in her life. So they were patient with her, and covered for her when they needed to.

Jen thought about calling Allie, her best friend. Allie worked at Jen's firm too, but she was in London working on a high profile project. London was so far away, and Jen hadn't talked to Allie in months. Allie didn't know anything about Ricky. Jen didn't know how Allie would react. Probably she would take Mike's side, because even though Allie never missed an opportunity to tease Mike, she was fond of him. Jen couldn't deal with Allie's biting scorn right now. So she didn't call.

About 3 weeks later after Mike threw her out of the loft apartment, Claire showed up at Jen's work. They went for coffee. "I heard what happened," Claire said a few minutes later at Starbucks. "I'm so sorry."

"Thanks," Jen said. Looking down at her feet, she hesitantly asked "Um, did you and Mike -."

"It was all make believe," Claire told Jen. "We never had sex. Not even once. We went to movies, he helped me with my homework. It was to make you jealous."

"Well, it worked," Jen said with a half laugh, but it was without any humor. She finally looked up at Claire and said "What's with the hair?"

"I'm playing Juliet and the stupid fag director wants a blonde Juliet," Claire said with a roll of her eyes. She added "He's flaming. But he's really sweet." They smiled at each other. Then they lapsed into an uncomfortable silence.

Finally Jen asked "Have you talked to Mike?"

"Yes," Claire said with a nod. "He's a mess. Drinking all the time. He thinks you love Ricky."

"He hasn't called me," Jen said unhappily, sadness in her voice and face.

"Did you hear me Jen?" Claire said. "He thinks you love Ricky. What's he supposed to think? You went with him to Cancun. You've been practically living with him. DO you love Ricky?"

"Claire ... I don't know," Jen said looking at her feet again. "I'm so messed up right now. I feel ... lost. I don't know." Her eyes got watery and a tear fell down her cheek. She wiped it away with her hand.

Claire looked at Jen as if for the first time. She was stunning, as always. But she'd lost weight, her face held a pallor, and her usual lush silky blonde hair looked dull and only half brushed. She had on no makeup. She wore baggy, boring clothes. This was not the Jen she knew.

"Do you want me to get Mike to call you?" Claire asked.

"No he has to call me on his own," Jen said, wiping away more tears.

Claire looked at Jen scornfully. She said derisively, "Why? Is this some power trip? You want Mike to apologize?"

"No it's ...," Jen sputtered but then her voice trailed off. She struggled trying to articulate what she was feeling. "Mike's always loved me. He needs to love me on his own. He has to call me on his own. Otherwise it doesn't work."

Claire stared at Jen, trying to figure the blonde chick out. Slowly the pieces came together. All her life, Jen had been the prettiest girl in the room, the sexiest, the most popular. But Claire - being a pretty girl herself - knew how that worked. Guys only saw you for your looks. Sure, you could get any guy you wanted, but they all turned out to be creeps, wanting one thing, and when they got it, they dumped you or treated you like shit. Then finally pretty Jenny Johnson meets a nice guy, Mike Andrews. Mike's devoted to her, he cherishes her, he would never treat her like shit. But the bubble's burst on that one. And Jen wanted it back. She wanted Mike to adore her again. (In later years, Jen would phrase it as wanting to be Mike's goddess again."

"It might be too late for that Jen," Claire said looking sad. "I just don't know where Mike's head is right now."

That evening there was a knock at Jen's hotel door. She opened it. It was Ricky. Before she could ask, he said "Claire's my friend too. She's worried about you. You told her not to call Mike so she called me."

"I'm fine," Jen said.

Ricky looked her up and down. Seeing what Claire saw, he said "No you're not." He pushed into Jen's room.

"I don't want you here," Jen told him.

"I just want you to eat something," Ricky said. He sat at the small table and pulled food from the brown bag he was holding. Hot chicken soup. A green salad. French baguette. A big bottle of water.

"I'm not hungry," Jen protested, but she sat next to Ricky.

Ricky opened the soup and got a spoonful. "Come on," he said, offering the spoon to Jen like she was a child.

"I don't want you here Ricky," Jen said.

"I get it," Ricky said. "Just eat some soup. Then I'll leave."

Jen frown at Ricky but she took the soup and spoon from him. She ate a few mouthfuls. She looked at Ricky and he looked at her. Ricky saw a hunger in her eyes and it wasn't for food.

Ricky took the food and pulled her to the bed. Jen didn't resist. She let him kiss her. Let him push his tongue into her mouth. Let him fondle her. Take off her blouse and bra. Let him push his hand into her pants.

Ricky pushed Jen on her back, got on top of her. But she didn't want it that way. Didn't want anything resembling love. She wanted fucked.

Jen wriggled onto her hands and knees. Ricky got the message. He got behind Jen and lined up his cock. He pushed inside her.

Fuck! Jen was tight. After 3 weeks of no cock - even Mike's little dick - her pussy was tight as a virgin teenager's.

He worked himself into her though. He got balls deep. Because that's what he wanted. And Jen wanted it too. She was a horny slut. She adored sex! Loved it!

Afterwards Jen sat up in the bed, next to Ricky. "Do you mind if I smoke?" he asked.

Jen shrugged. It was a non-smoking hotel but she didn't care. Ricky pulled a cigarette from his pants and lit up. "Want one?" he asked.

Jen looked at the lit cigarette. Mike hated when she smoked. It was about his brother Joe, a cancer survivor. "Sure, yeah," she said with a shrug. Ricky lit another one and handed it to her.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:51 PM

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