Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen heard the shower turn off. "Ricky's coming back. I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow Mike."

"Yeah, tomorrow," Mike said. Then he added "Hey Jen?"


"I love you," Mike said.

Jen hesitated as her heart did a flip and her cheeks flushed. "I love you too Mike," she said. Then she hung up the phone.

The days merged together as the relentless Cancun sun beat down on them and the alcohol continued to flow. Ricky and Jen fucked at least twice a day, in the morning and night, and sometimes in the afternoon. Jen's pussy got sore from Ricky's thick, long cock, and his powerful stamina that meant long fuck sessions on her hands and knees.

Jen bonded with Meg. Meg was tall and thin with short blonde hair and a pretty, girl-next-door face. She was a hoot too. One time, surrounded by their group, Meg said how guys couldn't tell when girls faked orgasms. When the Marines told her she was full of shit, Meg pretended to have an orgasm, right there in the middle of the pool deck. It was so realistic and convincing the Marines were left awestruck with their jaws dropping down.

Jen laughed so hard she rolled off the chaise lounge. As she did, her bikini bottom rolled up into her crack, making it look like a thong and exposing almost all of her sexy ass. All the guys suddenly forgot about Meg (and the other girls in their group) and lustfully leered at Jen's ass. It annoyed the other wives and girlfriends, that they men were paying Jen so much attention. Meg didn't seem to mind though. She grinned and give her husband Goose a delighted knowing look.

"So when did you get married?" Jen asked Meg later at the pool.

"Earlier this year, about 11 months ago," Meg said. With a giggle she added "Less than a year so I guess we're still newlyweds."

"Oh yeah," Jen said. She thought about Mike. They'd been married longer. With a start she realized their anniversary was coming up. Yet, here she was with another man, while her husband shared his bed - their bed - with another girl. God they were so fucked up.

"Are you and Ricky serious?" Meg asked.

"I don't know about that," Jen said with a nervous laugh. "We're just friends." With another laugh and looking embarrassed, she said "Fuck buddies."

"Really? That's all?" Meg asked. With a smile she said "I heard you say the L word last night at dinner."

Jen flushed. Meg was right. She'd told Ricky she loved him last night. But she'd been drunk. Silly drunk. So much freaking tequila in Cancun!

Later that night Jen and Ricky were in bed, making love. The table light was on. Jen liked fucking Ricky with the light on. Because she loved looking at him. He was so gorgeous. His handsome face, his ripped body. His big cock. God she loved his body. And especially his cock. It felt so heavy in her hands, it looked so powerful and scary (even when he was soft). She got dizzy looking at it, touching it, having it inside her.

Jen told him to put on a condom and he did. He wasn't an ass. Not a complete ass anyway. If the chick said condom, you put on a condom. That first time when they got here was a one time thing. He'd been pissed about their talk on the plane. He hated talking about Mike. He hated that Jen was married to Mike. Why wasn't it him? Why couldn't he have met Jen first?

Usually Ricky fucked Jen from behind, because she loved that position, and he loved it too. But this time he fucked her missionary. He fucked her slow, looking into her eyes. No, not fucking. He was making love to her.

"I love you," he said, kissing her lips.

"I love you too," Jen said, kissing him back.

"Wow, you say that even when you're sober," Ricky joked with a grin.

"Well, I'm filled up with something else right now," Jen said with a giggle.

"So that's it? You only say you love me when you're drunk or we're fucking?" Ricky said. He kept his voice light, like it was a joke, but there was a lot of emotion behind it.

"I've said it other times," Jen said a little dismissively. She put her hands on his face. "Just fuck me Ricky. I want you to make me cum."

So Ricky made her cum.

Afterwards, with the glow of their lovemaking still on her pretty cheeks, Jen snuggled with Ricky. She had her head on his chest, her arm around him, her leg over hers. Jen love to snuggle. It was like competing the act of sex. Others smoked a cigarette. Jen snuggled with her lover.

Ricky had his arms around her and he was stroking her long blonde hair. He said "You ever wonder what would have happened if I met you first? Instead of Mike?"

"Wow that came out of nowhere," Jen said.

"Did it really?"

Jen rose up on an elbow to look in Ricky's face. "Do we really need to talk about this?"

"We have to talk about it," Ricky said. "Jen, don't you think you deserve it to yourself to talk about it?"

"I'm married to Mike," Jen said.

"And maybe that's a mistake," Ricky said.

"Oh my god I can't believe you just said that," Jen said. "You're supposed to be his friend. He's the reason I'm here with you know."

"You know that's not true," Ricky said knowingly. "We both know that's not true. You're here with me because you want to be with me."

"I know but that's just part of it," Jen said. "The first part is Mike lets me be with you. He lets me."

"If he didn't we'd be together anyway," Ricky said.

"You're saying I'd cheat?" Jen said shocked. "Are you really saying that to me?"

"You already did it Jen," Ricky reminded her. "When we graduated."

Jen winced as if Ricky's words were a physical blow. It hurt more too, because she'd cheated on Mike other times too.

"That should tell you something Jen," Ricky said. "You shouldn't be with Mike. Maybe not me, maybe I'm not the guy. But Mike's not the guy either."

"Just shut up okay," Jen said in a soft voice, suddenly very tired.

"I'm pretty much healed now," Ricky said. "They're talking about transferring me to LA. There's a base north of San Diego. I want you to come with me."

"You want me to leave Mike, and move with you to LA?" Jen said incredulously.

"Yes Jen," Ricky said imploringly. "I love you and I know you love me too. Our sex is incredible. You don't have any kids. There's nothing holding you back."

"Except my marriage," Jen said sullenly.

"When was the last time you fucked him?" Ricky said, being mean. "When was the last time he made you cum?"

"Sex isn't everything Ricky," Jen said.

"It's a lot though," Ricky said. "And I know you Jen. Sex is a big part of your life. Don't even try to deny it."

Jen lowered her head into her hands. "Oh my god I cannot fucking believe we're talking about this," she lamented.

"I can give you everything Jen," Ricky promised. "I'll take care of you. I'll love you. I'll give you all the sex you want. I'll give you everything."

"Oh my god," Jen said, her face still in her hands. "Mike would die if he knew we were talking about this."

"Mike has Claire," Ricky said. "He's fine."

"I think they're lying," Jen told him.


"They lying," Jen said. "I don't think they're having sex."

"What?" Ricky said not understanding. "Claire says -."

"Claire says Mike's fucking her from behind," Jen said, talking so quickly it was like she was manic. "He's fucking her in the ass. He's pulling her hair and fucking her face. That's all bullshit! That's not Mike. He's gentle. That's not what he does."

"Maybe not with you," Ricky said giving her a look.

"Are you saying Claire's better than me?" Jen said offended.

"Maybe she brings out more from Mike than you," Ricky shot back.

"You asshole!" Jen yelled, slapping Ricky's face so hard it hurt her hand.

Jen and Ricky managed to calm down. It was the last night of the vacation and they were meeting everyone at a club in downtown Cancun. When they walked in though they weren't holding hands. Meg noticed.

Meg pulled her aside. "Are you two okay?" she asked concerned.

"Ricky pulled drama on me today," Jen lamented. "He asked me to move to LA with him."

"He proposed?" Meg said her face lighting up.

"No just move to LA," Jen said.

"Is that what's bothering you? He didn't propose?" Meg asked, giving Jen a sympathetic look. "Oh god Jen. You guys are so much in love, I can tell. Move to LA with Ricky. He'll propose, I know he will."

Jen sipped a margarita as she thought about what Meg said. Is that what she wanted? A real commitment from Ricky? And what about Mike?

Oh god, Mike. He was so complicated. She knew she was hurting him. But he hurt her too. Yes, this swinging game with Ricky was exciting. It was exciting to be pursued, she loved the variety, she loved the infatuation of a new relationship. But what husband let his wife fuck other men? More than that - have a relationship with another man? She wondered if Mike really loved her. Or was she just a toy to make his fantasies come true?

She thought about what Ricky said. "I'll take care of you. I'll love you. I'll give you all the sex you want. I'll give you everything."

Jen knew it was true. With Ricky she'd have everything in 1 man. Like the way she dreamed as a girl. The way all girls dreamed. One man. A husband. A lover. A best friend. A soulmate. All in one man.

But that was the problem. Ricky wasn't her best friend. That was Mike. Yes she had feelings for Ricky, maybe those feelings were love. But she didn't love him the way she loved Mike. Mike was her soulmate, not Ricky.

But Mike was so freaking complicated. His fantasies of her with other men. She sensed they would never go away. And she was just as bad. She was a terrible person. She was weak. She had a wandering eye. She cheated.

Maybe if she was with a man like Ricky, she'd be able to change. Become faithful. Be able to resist temptation. But with Mike, she wouldn't change. She knew in her soul she wouldn't. Mike was so easy going. So forgiving. So easy to manipulate. And there were his fantasies. She might get worse. She would get worse. Is that how she wanted to be?
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:51 PM

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