Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
She didn't joke or even comment about my erection. She understood my conflict. But she knew it meant I was okay with it. In truth, my cock was okay with it. My heart was pretty much dead.

"It's spring break. I guess you'll be able to spend time with Claire," she said.

What? Claire? Why was she talking about Claire, how did she matter at all? Then I remembered the lie, that I was having an affair with Claire. I managed to sound enthusiastic. "Yeah that's a good idea."

"Is she your girlfriend now?" she asked with an inquisitive smile.

I shrugged, making a joke of it. "I haven't given her my high school ring yet." Then I looked at her bosom, seeing the outline of Ricky's ring under her blouse. She wore it a lot now, even when she wasn't seeing him.

Seeing where I was looking, she said "Oh I'm sorry," and began taking it off.

"Leave it on if you want," I said, hiding the bitterness from my voice. Why did it matter anymore?

She left it on and gave me a tight smile. Then she pressed her body against me, cupping my crotch. "I can take care of this for you," she said with a grin.

I got it. A quick thank you fuck for giving her my okay to spend the week with Ricky. But it was impossible for me to say no to her. "Okay," I said, and we went into our bedroom.

The next weekend I drank a beer and watched ESPN as Jen packed for her trip. She ran out to get some last minute toiletries, so I took the opportunity to look in her suitcase. Almost everything was brand new, all things she had bought that week to wear for him. Skimpy bikinis, tight dresses, short skirts, filmy low cut blouses. No bras and no panties. I guessed Ricky wanted her braless the entire week, with easy access to her pussy. A lot of spikey high heels, and 7 pairs of stockings. A pair for each night in Cancum. She planned to wear stockings for him, even though Cancun was hotter than hades this time of year.

Ricky picked her up later that day. She hugged and kissed him, and then came over to me. "I guess I'm off," she said. Even though the plane didn't take off until tomorrow, Ricky wanted her to sleep over that night so they could get an early start. Jen had asked me if that was okay. I shrugged and told her it was. Why would 1 night more matter?

I forced a smile on my face. "Have a good time," I said hugging and kissing her.

"You too," she said hugging me back.

"Give me a call sometime," I said with a crooked grin.

"I'll call every day," she promised, squeezing my hand. I doubted it, but whatever. She looked into my face. Despite my forced smile, she saw the hurt in my face. She brushed her hand across my cheek. "Are you okay? If you don't want me to go, I won't."

Yeah right. If she didn't want to go, why did she buy all new bikinis and dresses for him? Why didn't she pack any bras or panties? Why did she pack thigh highs for every night, to wear for him, when she hadn't worn stockings for me even once on our honeymoon? She just wanted to hear I was okay with it to ease her guilt.

I hurt inside. I ached seeing her go, spending a whole week with him, a whole week in his arms. I was losing her - maybe I'd already lost her - but I would NOT let Ricky see me tear up. Looking for any excuse, I blurted out, "You better go, Claire is coming over."

"Oh. She's staying with you?"

"Yeah," I lied. "She'll be here soon, so you better get going. I hope you have fun."

"Yeah ..." she said, looking off into the distance. Then she looked at me and gave me a mischievous smile. "Save some of this for me," she said cupping my crotch. "I'll have a lot of sexy stories to tell you when I get back."

Then she was gone. And I was alone. The loft felt like a coffin.

[Author's note: The above was from He Fucked My Girl Part 9]


Jen leaned into Ricky as they flew to Cancun. She was excited about the trip but anxious too. And feeling guilty. The guilt was over Mike. She knew she was hurting him. But she felt like she needed to play this out. Resolve whatever this thing was with Ricky.

And anyways, Mike had Claire to distract him. She didn't know exactly what was going on between those 2, and it bothered her. She was confused about that, and about Ricky. She was living day to day, moment to moment.

"We're going to have a great time," Ricky told her, as if sensing her mood.

"I know," Jen said smiling at him.

"My buddy Goose will be there," Ricky said. "And his wife Meg. They're great people. Me and Goose were in boot camp together. Served together in Afghanistan."

"Was he one of the guys you saved?" Jen asked.

"No, he actually helped me pull those guys out," Ricky said. "Goose was in the helicopter. He's a pilot."

"Oh," Jen said. "Did he get a medal too?" She stroked his chest over his muscular pec, where the Metal of Honor would go if he was wearing his dress uniform.

"No," Ricky said. He looked embarrassed. "Tell the truth, I don't know why I got it. There's like, a dozen living guys with the medal. I don't know why they gave it to me."

"Ricky you freaking saved people's lives," Jen said.

"That happens all the time in battle," Ricky told her. "Honestly I don't talk about the metal. Guys are cool about it but I don't really think I deserve it."

Jen stared at Ricky. In high school and in college before meeting Mike, she dated Colin. Colin was an incredible athlete and gorgeous. But an arrogant ass too. Ricky reminded her of Colin. Handsome, athletic, great body, fantastic lover. But Ricky wasn't Colin. He was uber confident, he could be an arrogant ass sometimes, but there was a deeper side to him too, a softer side, like now, being sincerely modest about the Metal of Honor. That side of Ricky reminded her of Mike. Was that why she was so attracted to him? Because he had the best of Colin and Mike?

"Well, I think you deserve the metal. I'm proud of you," Jen said stroking his chest. Then moving her lips to his ear, she whispered "And I'm going to show you how proud I am when we get to the hotel." As she said this she gave Ricky's crotch a quick playful squeeze.

Ricky grinned at her. "Why wait?" he said mischievously.

"Forget it mister," Jen said with a laugh. "I'm not joining the mile high club. Have you seen how small those bathrooms are?"

"Who needs a bathroom?" Ricky said with a playful, evil grin. He laid the blanket across them. Then he moved his hand to Jen's legs. She was wearing a short skirt.

"Don't you dare Ricky," Jen said with a laugh. But Ricky's hand was already moving up her skirt.

"Open your legs," Ricky whispered.

"Ricky not here," Jen said desperately, looking nervously around the cabin.

"No one can see," Ricky assured her. With a boyish grin, he said "Come on, we're young and on vacation. I'm a Marine. I might die in battle tomorrow, I have to live for the moment."

"Oh my god, what a jerky line to use," Jen said with a giggle. Then she felt his fingertips touch her panties. "Fuck Ricky not here," she whispered.

"You're wet," he said grinning at her.

"I'm always wet around you," Jen said with a grin back.

Ricky smiled, liking her answer. He maneuvered his finger and tugged at the thong. "This would be a lot easier if you wore a g-string. And sexier too."

"Ass floss? No thanks," Jen said with a half laugh.

"Open your legs," Ricky urged her. "Just a little."

"God Ricky," Jen lamented, but she parted her legs under the blanket. Tugging her thong to the side, Ricky pushed a finger into her moist pussy.

"Fuck Ricky," Jen softly moaned, her eyelids getting heavy.

"I want to make you cum," Ricky said, grinning at her. He fucked her with his finger and ran his thumb over and around her hard clit. "Good way to start the vacation."

"Ya think?" Jen joked, her eyelids fluttering. God Ricky really knew how to touch her. Knew exactly how to stroke her clit. Knew exactly how to push his finger inside her to touch her g-spot. She held onto his strong arm, feeling the cords of his forearm move as he fingered her under the blanket. "If the flight attendant says something I'll never forgive you," she joked with a helpless laugh.

"Is my finger bigger than Mikey?" Ricky asked with an evil grin.

"Shut up okay?" Jen said, her eyes closed, her brow furrowed. "Just a little more ..." Suddenly her back arched and her toes curled in her back Mia flats. She hugged and softly moaned into Ricky's muscular arm, orgasmic pleasure rippling through her tight ballerina body.

When Jen recovered from her orgasm, she pulled down her skirt and threw off the blanket. "Don't think I'm doing that to you," she said with a playful glare. "You have to wait for the hotel."

"I thought you wanted equal rights for the sexes," Ricky joked. Jen grinned back at him.

Then Jen got serious. "Don't talk about Mike okay? I'm feeling bad enough. And don't call him Mikey."

"I wasn't calling Mike Mikey. I was calling his dick Mikey."

"Well don't do that."

"You said it first," Ricky reminded her. It had been at Paul and Melody's wedding. Afterwards, in their room. They'd been fucking and horsing around. Joking about how much bigger Ricky was compared to Mike. That's when Jen joking called her husband's little dick Mikey.

"I was drunk," Jen said. "Come on, I feel guilty already."

"Why? Mike is having the time of his life with Claire. She says they fuck all the time."

"What do you think of Claire?" Jen asked with a frown. "She doesn't seem his type."

"Why? Because she has big boobs?" Ricky joked.

"Shut up, jerk," Jen said punching him in the arm.

Ricky put his arm around her and kissed her. "You know I think your breasts are the prettiest in the world," he said, giving her another kiss.

"Well, you better," she said, feigning a pout. "But really. Do you really think they're fucking so much?"

"Why? Jealous?" Ricky asked with a taunting smile.

"Of course I'm jealous. He's my husband," Jen said.

"Mike used to be my bubble boy," Jen thought with a lump in her throat. She'd given up a lot to be with Ricky.

At the Cancun airport, Ricky pressed the customs button after getting their bags. Green you go. Red your bags get checked. The red light turned on. "Fuck, what a waste of time," Ricky said irritably.

"Be nice Ricky," Jen whispered, looking worriedly at the Mexican custom official.

The custom official was overweight, had a pockmarked face and greasy hair. He spent little time on Ricky's bag. But he took his time with Jen's, touching every dress, every top, every spikey high heel. The official lingered over the condoms. Jen had brought 2 boxes. And also her birth control pills.

"Get your hands off those!" Ricky said angrily.

"Ricky it's okay," Jen said soothingly, trying to calm him down. She was scared he'd get in a fight with the airport official and get thrown in jail.

Finally the airport official closed Jen's bag and waved them on. "Fucking asshole," Ricky muttered under his breath as he took Jen's arm and led her away.

"Why are you so mad?" Jen asked, hurrying along to keep up with his long strides. "Hello, it's post 9-11. That happens sometimes."

"Why the condoms?" Ricky asked irritably. "You're still on the pill, right?"

Jen got it. This was why he was mad. She hadn't been making him wear a condom. She'd let him bare inside her, cum inside her. In fact, she liked the feel of Ricky cumming inside her. He always came a lot. She loved the way it made her gasp.
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