Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"I get veggie. But pineapple's a fruit. You don't put fruit on pizza," Mike said stubbornly.

"Okay, right, whatever," Ricky said with a chuckle.

"Mike'll never try it," Jen said to Ricky, playfully rolling her eyes. Mike saw her do it. Even though he knew she was joking, he felt his chest tighten up, like someone grabbing his heart and squeezing it. It felt to him like she was taking Ricky's side instead of his. He knew that was stupid - it was just stupid pizza - but he still felt that way.

"Akoni. Is that Hawaiian?" Jen asked.

"Yeah, he grew up there," Ricky said. "He's a cool guy. He moved to LA and opened the family business."

"Pizza?" Jen asked.

"No, that's a side thing," Ricky said with a grin. "Akoni's got one of those food trucks. He takes it around to surfboarding competitions. That's where I met him. At Lunada Bay. His main gig is a surf store." Lunada Bay was a surfing spot off the Palos Verdes peninsula, just south of Los Angeles.

"Oh yeah, I remember that place," Jen said remembering.

"You're a good surfer," Ricky said.

"No I suck," Jen said with a laugh. "Remember that wave? God it almost killed me."

"Yeah, that was an epic wipeout," Ricky said with a laugh.

"Jerk," Jen said punching his arm, but she was smiling at him. "Did I meet Akoni?" she asked.

Ricky thought back. "I don't think so," he said. "I think I met him after." After she left him in California to go back to Mike. That's what he meant.

"Oh, okay ...," Jen said, her voice trailing off. She seemed to remember where she was. That Mike was there, listening. Getting off the sofa, she pulled a meat slice from the pizza. She moved over to Mike.

"Aren't you hungry baby?" she asked Mike, handing him the slice.

"Thanks," Mike said, taking the pizza from her.

Jen got a slice of veggie for herself and sat on Mike's knee. Ricky got a slice too, and for a few moments they ate in silence.

"So, Jen's pregnant," Ricky said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yes," Mike said, putting his arm possessively around his wife's hip.

"Well, congratulations," Ricky said.

"Thank you," Mike said stiffly. Jen took Mike's hand in hers and squeezed it. She was looking down at her feet.

After another awkward silence, Ricky asked "So how will this work, exactly?"

Mike didn't answer. After a few moments, Jen looked up at her husband, waiting for him to say something. The tension was so heavy in the room you could cut it with a knife. Mike finally said "Let's just play it by ear. See how it goes."

"Okay, I'm good with that," Ricky said agreeably with a shrug.

Jen wrapped her arm around Mike's neck and whispered into his ear, "Are you okay baby?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Mike said. But his heart was pounding and it felt like the world was crushing in on him. He felt anything but fine.

"I think Ricky should leave," Jen whispered.

Mike looked surprised. "You don't want to ..." You don't want to fuck him? Celebrate by cumming on his cock?

"I think he should leave," Jen said firmly. Without waiting for an answer, she got up and said to Ricky, "We're kind of tired. I think we're going to go to sleep early."

"Oh okay," Ricky said, clearly disappointed. But he was military. He knew a dismissal when he heard one.

Jen walked him to the door. She didn't resist when she reached for her hand. That's how they walked to the door, holding hands.

There wasn't much to say, not at that moment. Jen reached up on her tiptoes (even in high heels Ricky was taller) and kissed him. Ricky wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. They kissed for a few moments, then Jen pulled away. "I'll see you," she whispered.

"When?" Ricky asked. "Can we get together tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure that's going to work," Jen whispered, glancing worriedly at her husband. "I'll call you."

Ricky nodded, disappointed but resigned. He had a lot to say, but he wisely realized this wasn't the time. He put his hand on Jen's stomach and looked into her eyes. Jen smiled at him and they shared a moment. Silent communication. A pregnant woman, and the man who got her pregnant. Finally Ricky left.

Jen walked back to Mike, kicking off her Louboutin's along the way. She straddled his legs and sat on his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she looked into his eyes and said "I shouldn't have talked about LA. I'm sorry. And I shouldn't have joked about pineapple in front of Ricky. That's our thing."

Mike nodded. He accepted her apology, but his insides were still churning. He said "What did Ricky say when you told him?"

"He's happy for us," Jen said.

"Us meaning you and me, or you and him?" Mike asked.

"Mike baby you drive me crazy," Jen said, leaning her forehead against his. "You want things and you don't want them."

"I just feel ... unsettled," Mike said, grasping for the right word.

"I get it baby," Jen said soothingly. "What do you want? We'll do whatever you want to do."

"What's Ricky's role gonna be?" Mike asked. "In your life?"

"I thought we talked about that," Jen said. "He'll be there sort of. A friend with benefits."

"But you love him," Mike said.

"Mike ...," Jen said with some exasperation. "I love chocolate too but that doesn't mean anything." It was a joke. She smiled but he didn't smile back. "Mike ... what do you want?"

"I want you to be happy," Mike said.

"I AM happy," Jen said. "With you."

"But do you want to keep seeing Ricky?"

"Well, yeah ...," Jen admitted. "I thought you wanted me to keep seeing Ricky."

"I do," Mike said. "It's just ... seeing you with him. You two look good together. And you look happy with him. You should be with him, not me. Two populars. Two beautiful people. That's the way the world works. Not with me."

"Oh my god Mike," Jen lamented, leaning her head against Mike's again. "You make so much up in your head."

"What happened in California?" Mike asked abruptly. "I need to know."

"Baby nothing happened in California," Jen said. "All that matters is, I'm here with you. We're together."

"No Jen, everything's changed now," Mike said. "You're pregnant. Ricky's probably the father." Mike looked intently at Jen, desperation in his voice. "I need to know what happened in California. You have to tell me."

Jen looked at Mike. She looked apprehensive, nervous, even scared. But finally she said "Well, okay ... I'll tell you then. I'll tell you everything. You might not like everything. But you have to remember, I'm here with you, we're together." She was silent a few moments as she gathered her thoughts, as she steeled herself. Then she hesitantly said "I guess the story starts when I went with Ricky to Cancun ..."

Cheating and Rivals Part 69 (California - Part 1)

One day Jen told me Ricky got leave and he wanted to take her away for a week's vacation. An entire week!

"Where?" I asked. It was a stupid question. It didn't matter where. But I was trying to mentally and emotionally deal with this new idea.

"Cancun," she said looking at me. "A lot of his friends have leave too, so we'll be going as a group. Melody will be there too."

"We'll be going" I repeated her words in my head. "We" was no longer me and her, it was Ricky and her. He'd have her all to himself for an entire week, an entire week to make her fall even more in love with him.

Jen looked expectantly at me, waiting for my answer. It was clear she wanted to go, but she was guilty so she wanted me to tell her I was okay with it.

The last time we'd been at a beach it was our honeymoon. I remembered how she'd pranced around in revealing bikinis during the day, and revealing dresses at night. I remembered how she'd fucked Kyle twice on our honeymoon, back when I was still the number 1 guy in her life even though she fucked other men. Now she'd be with Ricky, wearing revealing bikinis and dresses for him, fucking him all day long and sleeping in his arms at night. They'd shower together, and she'd soap him up and then get on her knees and go down on him. It was stupid, but I thought about how he'd wash her hair and massage her neck and shoulders. A stupid thought, but the one that hurt the most.

"I guess you want to go," I finally said.

"You want me to?" she asked hesitantly, probably afraid I'd say no. She looked down and saw the tent in my pants. Yes, even though I was losing my wife, all of this still turned me on; yes, I'm pathetic and didn't deserve her, go ahead and chastise me, pile on, what does it matter.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:49 PM

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