Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike slowly nodded, assessing the situation. "Go ahead and finish with him," he said.

"Have you cum yet?" Jen asked reaching for his crotch. He was still hard.

"No but I'll wait until you're done," Mike said.

"You're sure?"


Jen kissed Mike's lips. "I'm sorry about the rings," she said. "I'm really sorry."

"It's okay."

Jen looked at Mike's face for a long moment, as if gauging where he was on the good hurt - bad hurt scale. Then she kissed him and went back to the bedroom.


Mike slowly woke up to a soft hand poking his shoulder. A small hand. He opened his eyes. It was Anna.

"Anna, what?" he said confused. There was sunlight streaming in the window. It was morning.

"Why are you sleeping here daddy?" Anna asked. "Are you mad at mommy?"

"No, I ... just fell asleep here," Mike sputtered. He glanced nervously at the bedroom door. Was Ricky still here? Was Jen in there with him? The door was cracked open, not locked. Shit!

"Come on, let's get breakfast," Mike said. He ushered the 4 year old to the kitchen and made cereal, keeping half an eye on the mostly closed (but not completely) bedroom door.

"Where's mommy?" Anna asked as she took a spoonful of cereal.

"Uh -," Mike sputtered.

At that moment Jen came out of the bedroom. She looked panicked but forced a smile as soon as Anna turned to her. "Here I am banana," she said with that fake smile on her face. "I ah ... I guess I overslept."

Mike saw her panicked look and so he felt panicked too. He looked nervously towards the door. He caught Jen's eye. She silently mouthed "He's gone." Mike nodded feeling relieved.

After breakfast, Mike put on Sesame Street. As Anna watched TV, they went into the kitchen and pretended to wash the breakfast dishes. "What happened?" Mike whispered.

"God I so fucked up," Jen lamented in a low voice. "Ricky and I finished. Then we must've fell asleep."

"You fell asleep?" Mike said incredulously.

"I just put my head down a second," Jen said regretfully. "I guess I was tired. I guess Ricky was too."

"You mean you snuggled Ricky after getting him off, and it felt so good in his arms you fell asleep," Mike hissed bitterly, sarcastically. "What? Did you cum again on his cock? That's why you were tired?"

"Mike please," Jen pleaded, putting her hand on his chest. "I know I fucked up. Don't be upset with me. I mean, you fell asleep too."

Mike glared at his wife. He whispered "When did Ricky leave?"

Jen grimaced, like she didn't want to say. She hesitantly whispered "We heard you in the kitchen with Anna."

"That's when you woke up?" Mike asked incredulously. Jen nodded, although the nod looked more like another regretful grimace. With a horrified voice, he asked "Is he still in the bedroom?"

Jen shook her head. "He left out the fire escape," she whispered.

"Fuck Jen," Mike said, astounded.

"It's okay baby," Jen said, rubbing his arm. "You know that alley. It's dark in the morning. No one saw."

"How can you be so calm? You were sleeping with Ricky in bed when Anna woke up. The door wasn't locked. She could've walked in and saw you."

"But she didn't," Jen said.

"How do you know? Are you sure she didn't look in? How can you know, you were asleep?"

"No way, she didn't look in," Jen said with certainty in her voice. "She would've screamed. She'd be real upset now." Jen looked at Anna watching Sesame Street. It was a rerun and Anna knew all the words. As she often did, Anna said the words under her breath along with the puppets. She said "But she's fine. Everything's okay Mike."

"How can you say everything's okay?" Mike asked disbelievingly. "Our daughter almost caught you in bed with another man."

"Mike baby, calm down. She didn't see anything," Jen said rubbing his arm. "And it'll never happen again. I promise."

Mike frowned. Another promise from his wife. He knew she meant it, she wasn't lying. But shit happened in their game. She might promise it wouldn't happen again, but she couldn't guarantee it. And despite all his conflict and angst, he didn't want to stop playing. He was like a drug addict; he needed regular hits.

"Are you fighting?" a small voice asked. Mike and Jen turned to the kitchen entryway. Anna was there, holding her doll and blanket, looking at them.

"No baby, we're just talking," Jen said immediately going to her daughter. She tried to lead her back to the TV but Anna held her ground. She reached a hand for Mike. Only after Mike took her hand did Anna walk back into the family room.

Maggie came later to babysit. Mike worked from home (for Apple). While the job wasn't hard it took concentration so he needed Maggie to watch Anna. Mike was doing less for CATF nowadays. Colonel Banks had not contacted him in over a week. He wasn't sure what that meant. It worried him, especially after his last conversation with Alan Bigebers. (See Cheating and Rivals Part 59) At the moment though he had more important things to deal with.

In their bedroom (Jen was getting ready for work), she said "You're right, it's too dangerous. I guess we shouldn't bring Ricky here anymore. I'll go to his place."

Mike slowly nodded, processing that. "He found an apartment?"

"Yeah, it's really cute," Jen said, breaking out into a smile.

Mike didn't want Jen spending time at Ricky's place. That sounded too much like last time. He wanted to be with her when they played the game, even if as a third wheel. Also, she was right. He fell asleep too. So he had as much blame as her. "I want to be with you," Mike told her. "So I'd rather Ricky come here instead of you going there. We'll just have to be more careful."

"That's what you want?"

"Yes," Mike said. "Don't you?"

"Definitely," Jen assured him. "I want to be with you too."

"Okay then," Mike said. "We just have to be more careful."

"We will baby, I promise," Jen said. They wrapped their arms around each other and hugged.


Jen's cycle was pretty regular, but not completely. So she wasn't concerned when she was a day late, or two. But she got worried when she still didn't have her period after a week.

Jen got a pregnancy test from the drug store. At home, she peed into it and then looked at the stick. She looked at it for a long time.

Two red lines.

"Oh fuck," Jen lamented under her breath. She was pregnant.

She hoped the baby was Mike's. She prayed it was. But was it?

Jen thought back. She knew exactly when it happened. It'd been the 3 of them - her, Mike and Ricky - here in the loft apartment. Mike came twice inside her. Her hopes lifted at the memory. Maybe he was the father!

Then Ricky came inside her. Mike had been super horny and kinky. He told her not to use a condom. He told Ricky to cum inside her. He even told Ricky to flip her onto her back, so he could deeper penetration. (See Cheating and Rivals 57).

Ricky always came a lot. He always made her gasp. Mike rarely came a lot. And the test said he might be infertile, or at least have a low sperm count.

Was Mike the father? He came twice inside her, before Ricky. But Ricky came more, and deeper inside her. And also there was that freaking test.

Jen decided it didn't matter who the biological father was. Mike WAS the father. Just like with Anna. Mike was the father. Mike.

Cheating and Rivals Part 68

Later that night, after putting Anna down, Jen sat down on the sofa with Mike. She faced him with one of her legs under her. She took Mike's hand and said "I'm pregnant."

Mike looked stunned. Jen waited for him to say something. She was nervous. Scared. Fantasy was one thing. But now, this was real. How would he react? Would he reject the baby? Reject her? If he rejected her - deserted her like last time - she would die.

But Jen's fears went away when Mike broke into a grin. A big, silly grin. "Really? A baby?" he said, his eyes wide with delight and excitement.

"Yeah, a baby," Jen said smiling back at him. "You're going to have another baby, baby."

Mike and Jen made love every night that week. It wasn't so much about passion or lust, but celebration and commitment. And love. They didn't talk about Ricky or Frank, or their game. It was just the 2 of them.

The first time, after Jen told Mike she was pregnant, they kissed and she pulled him to her. "I want you Mike," she said looking urgently into his eyes. "I need you." Every time that week she said the same thing as they made love.

Friday night after putting Anna down, Mike and Jen were sitting on the sofa watching TV. Mike reached down and pulled Jen's feet into this lap, turning her sideways on the sofa. He tossed off her black Hepburn Mia flats and rubbed her feet, concentrating on her aches and soles. "Feels good baby," she said with a contented sigh. She loved it when he rubbed her feet! It was more than the physical pleasure. It was like he was worshipping her. She needed that. It filled her up. It made her happy.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:48 PM

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