Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
At that moment Jen appeared from the bedroom. She was wearing a robe. "Where were you?!" Mike hissed in a low voice.

"I woke Ricky up," Jen whispered, sitting on the sofa next to Mike. "He's getting dressed."

"You didn't sleep with him?!" Mike whispered accusingly.

"No baby, I've only been gone a minute," Jen said. She motioned to the clock on the end table. "The alarm went off. You didn't hear it?"

Mike slowly nodded. The alarm. Maybe that's why he woke up. "Sorry," he said sheepishly.

"It's okay baby," Jen said affectionately running her fingers through his hair.

Jen's robe was parted slightly. Impulsively, Mike ran his hand up her leg to her pussy. She was a little moist but not loose. She hadn't fucked Ricky. She told the truth.

"You don't trust me," Jen said. She looked sad and resigned but not angry. "That's okay. You have reason not to. Lots of reasons. But I'm trying to be better Mike."

Mike felt guilty and regretful. "I'm sorry," he said. "I love you. So of course I trust you."

Jen smiled at him. There was sadness there, but love too. Lots of love. She leaned over and kissed his head.

Ricky emerged from the bedroom a few moments later. He nodded at Mike and offered his hand. Mike looked at it for a long second; then, shrugging inside, he shook it. Jen squeezed Mike's hand and then got up and walked Ricky to the door.

Mike didn't have a clear view of the foyer but he strained to see and hear. He watched as Ricky put his arms around Jen's waist. Jen was looking at his face, concerned. "Does it hurt?" she asked, tenderly stroking his cheek and lip. They were swollen from the fight yesterday.

"Not too bad," Ricky said. "I'll check on Mac and Hank. That'll hurt." He grimaced, not from the physical pain but the prospect of facing the music with his friends.

"It's my fault, I'm sorry," Jen said with her own regretful grimace.

"I'll always fight for you Jen," Ricky promised, stroking Jen's soft blonde hair. Jen smiled at him. She got on her tiptoes and kissed him. Ricky kissed her back. His lips moved to her ear and he whispered "I love you."

Jen eventually pulled away. She gave him a weak smile. "You need to go," she whispered. "Anna."

Ricky nodded. He turned to go, looking disappointed. Jen reached out and grabbed his hand. "Call me later, after you talk to Mac and Hank," she said.

Ricky nodded again. This time though, he had a half smile on his face. Then he left, closing the door behind him. Jen stood in the foyer for a long moment, looking at the closed door. She was thinking about the man who'd been there just a moment ago. Then she turned and returned to Mike. She sat next to him on the sofa.

"Why didn't you say you loved him back?" Mike asked.

"It didn't feel right," Jen said with a shrug. She saw he was hard. She reached into his boxers and stroked him.

"Why'd you apologize?" Mike asked. He was beginning to breathe hard from Jen's hand job.

Jen pulled her hand away. She licked her hand for lubrication. Then she began stroking Mike again. "I started the fight," she said. "I was flirting."

"So, Ricky got into a fight because guys were hitting on you," Mike said slowly, processing this new information.

"Yeah," Jen said, continuing to stroke him.

"Do you admire that?" Mike asked. "Does it turn you on?"

"Sorta I guess," Jen said.


"I don't want him to fight," Jen said.

"Because you don't want him to get hurt."

"Mike baby, I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"But Ricky's special," Mike said. It was a statement, not a question. Jen didn't answer but she shrugged slightly, as if silently saying "yeah, of course."

Mike was still processing this new information. Finally he said "You must think I'm a loser. A guy hits on you and I don't fight for you, my dick gets hard."

"Baby you and Ricky are 2 different people," Jen said.

"But you don't admire me like Ricky."

"Mike I love you," Jen said.

"Love and admiration aren't the same thing."

"I love AND admire you. Both," Jen assured him.

"When you woke Ricky up, you kissed him awake?" Mike asked.

"What?" Jen said, off balance by the non-sequitur.

"You kissed him awake," Mike said again.

"I mean ... yeah, I guess," Jen said. "I pushed his shoulder and kissed him."

"Did he kiss you back?"


"So you made out."

"I mean ... for a minute," Jen sputtered.

"You wanted to fuck him."

"No Mike, Anna ..."

"But if Anna wasn't here, if she was with Maggie, you would've fucked him."

"No, I promised you I wouldn't."

"But you wanted to," Mike pressed.

Jen stared at her husband. After a few moments she said "Mike what's all this about?"

Mike hesitated, as if searching his feelings, trying to figure out why he was so bothered. Then he said with some bitterness, "If you want to say you love him, then say it. Don't not say it cause I'm there. Don't hide it from me. That's as bad as lying. Say it in front of me, so I know you're being open with me."

Jen slowly nodded, understanding coming to her, looking guilty. She whispered "Okay." Then she added "I don't love him like you. I never will."

Mike abruptly pushed Jen's hand away. "Mike, what?" she said alarmed.

"If I cum I'll get upset," he explained. Jen got it immediately. Sometimes Mike talked about his lust like it was a shield, fending off jealousy and anxieties of their game. Sometimes after cumming, with his passions sated, the cuckold angst was too much for him. It make him hurt too much.

"I'll be okay," he assured her. "I just need to get used to it." Get use to his wife loving another man.

"WE will be okay," Jen said, emphasizing we. "We have all day to be together if you get upset. And all our lives." With that promise, Jen pulled her long blonde hair to the side, then she went down on her husband.

After Mike came in her mouth, Jen snuggled into him, holding him tight. "I love you Mike," she said. "You're the only one. I'll never love anyone else like you."

Cheating and Rivals Part 67

They spent all day together, a good family day. Mike and Jen sat on a bench in Central Park, watching Anna play with friends on the swings and slides. "What happened with Anna yesterday?" Jen asked.

"Maggie said Anna acted up after we left," Mike said looking concerned. "She said Anna might be noticing you with Ricky."

Jen frowned. "She seems okay now," she said, watching her daughter play.

"That's true," Mike said. He was watching Anna too. Their daughter had been her normal self all day. She hadn't seemed bothered by anything.

"I doubt Anna's noticed anything," Jen said. "She's only seen Ricky twice. Yesterday and the recital. I have a lot of guy friends. Anna sees me with them all the time."

"Yeah," Mike agreed. It probably was nothing. Probably Anna was just tired yesterday. He said "We just have to be careful."

"Definitely," Jen agreed.

Later at lunch at Tavern on the Green, Jen's iPhone rang. She looked at the screen, and then showed it to Mike with a raised eyebrow, silently asking "can I take this?" Looking at the screen, Mike saw it was Ricky. He nodded. Jen gave him an appreciative smile then got up and moved away from the table to talk to Ricky.

Jen pulled her long blonde hair back and brought the phone to her ear. "Hey babe," she said smiling into the phone.

"I talked to Mac and Hank," Ricky said.

"How'd it go?" Jen said looking concerned.

"Okay I guess," Ricky said sounding tired. "They're okay. Some bruises like me. Hank got checked out for a concussion. He's okay. I gotta pay damages at the bar."

"I'll pay," Jen offered immediately.

"Jen I'll pay," Ricky told her.

"At least let me pay half," Jen said.

"No Jen," Ricky said firmly. He went silent. After a few moments he said "I feel like a royal ass. But Hank and Mac are over it. Seems that way at least."

"God Ricky I'm so sorry," Jen said regretfully.

"Goose helped," Ricky said. "He played peacemaker. He said you're a cock tease. Big trouble."

"He said that," Jen said sounding offended.

"Well Jen you are," Ricky told her straight out. Jen was about to object but stopped herself. What could she say really? They lapsed into silence.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:47 PM

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