Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"My Colonel's giving me shit about it," Ricky admitted with a sheepish grin. "I'll probably look around Saturday."

"Awesome," Jen said. She was only half listening to Ricky as she brushed her hair.

"You free Saturday?" Ricky asked. "It'll be nice having company."

Jen stopped brushing her hair and looked at Ricky. After a moment she said "I'll ask Mike."

"I'll talk to Goose," Ricky said. "We'll hook up with him after. Get a drink or something."

Jen's heart began beating faster. Especially at Ricky saying "hook up with him" and "or something."

"I'll ask Mike," she said again.

Cheating and Rivals Part 62

When Jen got home she hugged Mike from behind. He was in the kitchen making dinner. Anna was in the TV room watching Sesame Street. She knew she smelled like Ricky. She also looked freshly fucked. Mike liked that, it got him hot, the evidence of her with another man. But she didn't want Anna to notice. She whispered in her husband's ear "I'll be right back. I'm going to take a quick shower."

Mike understood of course. "Okay," he said. "But wait." He turned around to face her. He closed his eyes as he hugged her tight. It felt good as his Jen Meter filled up. He pulled away and looked in her eyes. "I really love you baby. You're my goddess."

Jen smiled back and beamed into his eyes. "I really love you too baby," she said.

Later that night in bed, Mike tenderly caressed his wife under the white nightie. He said "You're getting along really well." He was talking about Ricky of course.

"Yes," Jen agreed.

"You don't seem as interested in Frank lately," Mike said.

"I think I'm over him," she said with a shrug. "His games are fun. But he's so much older."

Mike understood. "Ricky's our age," he said.

"Yeah, so he's easier to relate to," Jen said. "Like when I played with Jamie. It was fun playing with someone so young but it wears off." Jamie had been a college senior when Jen dated him.

"And it helps you have a connection with Ricky," Mike said.

"Yeah," Jen said with a nod. "I like Frank. We're friends. But it was always kind of forced. His games aren't real. With Ricky, it's just natural."

"You've always liked him," Mike said, feeling jealous and anxious.

Jen didn't deny it. Instead she grinned and said "And how does that make you feel bubble boy?"

"You know me. Always conflicted," he said with a crooked grin. "But mostly I'm really excited. All the time. I love when you're really into a guy."

Jen reached down and cupped his crotch. He was rock hard. "I see that," she said with a giggle. "And how do you like it's Ricky?"

Mike hesitated, then said, "It's more intense because of the history. That makes it hotter. It makes me worried too, but you came back to me then. So mostly it makes it more exciting."

"You make it sound like I thought about staying with Ricky."

"Did you?" Mike asked.

Jen felt his cock get even harder. "Would that turn you on, if I did?" she asked.

"... I guess at some level," Mike hesitantly admitted. He couldn't deny it, not with his cock rock hard. Looking sheepish, he said "I know, I'm fucked up."

Jen looked pained. She said, "Sometimes your fantasies hurt. A girl wants her husband to want her forever. But sometimes you make me feel like you really do want me to leave you for another man."

"It's only a fantasy," Mike said hurriedly. "I do want you forever. If I didn't love you so much, it wouldn't be a turn-on."

"I guess I get it," Jen said with a humorless shrug. She grinned, not wanting to get into an argument. The "exclusiveness" of their relationship - their marriage - was long gone, at least when it came to her being exclusive to Mike. That had goods and bads. For them though - for her - the goods were a lot more than the bads. Because she had the freedom to be with other men. After playing the game for years, Jen knew she needed that. The excitement of a new romance. The validation and ego boost of other men - powerful, hunky men like Ricky and Frank - desiring her. And of course, the incredible sex. Jen needed all that. If it meant Mike's feelings for her - his possessiveness of her - was sometimes hard to understand, well, that came with it.

"I'd like to know what happened in California," Mike said abruptly.

Jen hesitated, then sputtered "I'll tell you. Just not now. I'm kind of tired." Despite Mike's fantasies, she wasn't sure she wanted to tell Mike about California. Also, she didn't want to relive it, and telling Mike would be kind of like reliving it.

Mike slowly nodded. He knew she was brushing him off of course. "Whatever happened, it's okay," he assured her. He hugged her tight and said "As long as we reconnect like this."

"Yeah, definitely baby," Jen said hugging him back. But she didn't offer any details of California.

Mike decided not to press it. At least not directly. Going at the issue another way, he said "How do you like it's Ricky?"

"It doesn't suck," Jen joke with a laugh. Seeing Mike wanted more, she repeated what she said a few moments before. "It's fun playing with someone more my age. We're friends. Like you said, there's a connection." She added with a giggle, "He's hot. So yeah, I like it's Ricky."

"There's no drama?" Mike gently probed.

Jen knew he was sneakily bringing up California again. She said, a little flippantly, "There's always drama. There's drama with Frank. With Scott and Tom. With everyone. But don't worry. I can handle it."

Mike decided not to press anymore about California. But maybe this gave him an opening to talk about something else that was bothering him. So he said "I'm worried about Allie." He felt Jen's body stiffen but he pressed on. "I feel like we've abandoned her. And I feel like it's my fault."

"She made choices," Jen said coldly. "Now we all have to live with it."

"But it wasn't just Allie, it was all of us," Mike said. Then he said as gently as possible, "It was you too honey. You set me up with Allie. You gave me a condom."

"I was playing! Like with Claire! I didn't think you'd do anything! And I told Allie not to! She promised she wouldn't!" Jen said, her anger flaring.

Jen forced herself to calm down. In a more reasonable voice she said "I know I'm being unfair. I know it. But I can't help how I feel. I don't want to see Allie. I don't want you to see Allie." She looked at her husband intently. "Promise me Mike."

"Okay, I promise," Mike said relenting.

"Have you seen her? Talked to her?" Jen pressed.

"No," Mike said honestly. "But I think you should."

Jen looked away, grimacing. She said "Allie's a big girl. She's got tons of friends. She's not abandoned. Trust me. She'll be fine. She is fine."


The next day Jen got a call from Frank. "I'll see you Friday?" he said, referring to their weekly date.

"Oh, I can't Frank," Jen said. "I'm going out with Ricky Saturday." Predictably, Mike readily agreed to Jen going apartment shopping with Ricky. He got really excited and it led to passionate sex. Jen didn't want to spend too much time away from her family though. So she didn't have time to see Frank too.

Frank was silent for a long moment. Then he said "You disappoint me Jenny." He tried to hide it but there was hurt in his voice. He said "Our relationship is not all about you. Things happen in my life too."

"What happened?" Jen asked, suddenly concerned.

"Lou resigned," Frank told her. "You might consider that trivial, but he's been in my employ for years. I consider him ... well, I consider him a close colleague. His resignation was unexpected. And disturbing."

"God I'm sorry Frank," Jen said. "I like Lou. He's really nice. I understand why you're upset."

"Then go out with me," Frank pressed. "Friday or Sunday. I'll make time either day." He felt like he was begging and felt ashamed for it, but he couldn't help it. He missed Jen and wanted to see her.

"I don't know Frank," Jen said noncommittally. She was hesitant to see him and it was more than just her reluctance to be away from Mike and Anna. Frank had said he loved her. She didn't want that intensity of emotion. It was too much drama. She knew from experience that inevitably led to hurt feelings.

There was another reason too. If Jen was going to be away from Mike and Anna, she wanted to be with Ricky, not Frank. Frank's sub-space games were exciting but they weren't real. They were contrived. Fake.

Whereas, Ricky pushed her submissive buttons just by being Ricky. Also, Ricky was closer to her age so she liked hanging with him better. Frank's lavish, affluent, over-the-top lifestyle was fun but at her core Jen was still a down-to-earth middle class girl. She liked seeing bands, being outdoors, hanging out in jeans and sneakers. Things were more "real life" with Ricky. He was real. She liked that.

Jen and Frank spoke for a few minutes more but their conversation was awkward and uncomfortable. It was like a couple who knew breaking up was inevitable, but they just weren't ready yet to cut the cord.

Towards the end, Frank said "You'll still share my room at Jasmine's rally?" The rally was Jasmine's next major event in her campaign. And it was big. President Obama was going to endorse her.

"Um ... I don't know," Jen said evasively. "Why don't we see what happens?"

Frank stared out the window of his Central Park penthouse after hanging up the phone, thinking and reflecting. Clearly he miscalculated about Ricky. He had a strong connection with Jenny. It was a mistake to rekindle that romance.

Frank was a master of men. He ruled in business. But, Ricky was military and Frank had limited influence there. Yes, Frank could get Ricky transferred back to LA. He could even facilitate Ricky's death, by getting him deployed to a terrorist hotspot. But victory though default was unsatisfying. Frank wanted Jenny to want him because she wanted him, not because Ricky was gone.

Frank had investigated Ricky. The Marine led a simple life outside of his career. He was definitely a ladies man, and he might have fathered a few illegitimate children. But such was not uncommon among men like Ricky. It provided Frank with limited ammunition to manipulate him. And, revealing Ricky's past to Jenny might harm as much as help. Frank knew Jenny was attracted to "bad boys." Men who walked on the wrong side of the road. Being a player, having a few bastards, that was the definition of being a bad boy. Ricky's past wouldn't surprise Jenny, and it might even increase his allure in her eyes.

Frank knew he should move on from Jenny. He was powerful and rich. He was handsome. He had skills in bed. He could easily find a girl - many girls in fact - just as beautiful as Jenny who would rush to spend their lives with him. But, the problem was, he wanted Jenny, not another girl. He loved her.


"I'm around the corner," Ricky told Jen on the phone Saturday morning. He assumed she wanted to meet him rather than have him pick her up, as she wouldn't want Anna to see her leaving with him.

To his surprise though, Jen said "Come on up." Reading his mind, she said "Anna's not here. Mike took her to a birthday party."

A few minutes later Jen opened the door and they smiled at each other. "I missed you," Ricky said smiling into her eyes.

"I missed you too," Jen said, beaming back at him. Then she remembered they were standing in the doorway where a neighbor might pass by. "Come on in," she said. She stood aside and closed the door behind him.

"Hey," she said, smiling at him and affectionately running her fingers along his collar.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:43 PM

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