Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Frank nodded, pleased she thought of him as her friend. He said "You sound like you've had an epiphany."

"Not an epiphany, but, well ...," Jen sputtered. "I've just been thinking about it. Mike loves our game. But he's always conflicted. He always gets upset. Always. Like, he's all for it one second, and then the next he's having a meltdown. It happens all the time. All the time."

"Must be annoying," Frank said.

"It is sometimes," Jen said. "But don't you see? That proves Mike loves me. If he didn't get jealous, if he didn't get upset, that's when I need to worry. That would show he didn't love me anymore."

"So you've got it all figured out," Frank said with a shrug. He didn't enjoy this role as Jenny's confidant, not when it involved marriage counseling and whether Mike loved her or not.

"Not really," Jen admitted, glumly sitting back in the bed. "Sometimes when I'm feeling insecure - which is like, all the time - I push him. Make him jealous. Make him feel bad. Upset."

"Perhaps you lash out at Mike because you're angry he shares you," Frank said.

"Honestly I love being shared," Jen said with a laugh. "I love the variety, the romance, all that. I'm a slut, you know that. I get angry when I think he doesn't love me."

"Sounds like a vicious circle," Frank said. There was irony and bitterness in his voice.

"Now you're upset," Jen said sensing his mood. "I get you don't like talking about this. It's nice having someone to talk to though."

"Well, we are friends, aren't we Jenny?" Frank asked putting his arm around her.

"Yes we are," Jen said resting her head on his chest.

"As a friend then, may I confide in you?"

"Yes, sure," Jen said.

Frank tenderly ran his fingertips across Jen's cheek. "I love you Jenny," he revealed to her. "And it's not just as a friend."

Cheating and Rivals Part 59

When Mike traveled for business, he usually ate dinner in sports bars. Even though he was shy, he liked being around people. He especially liked crowded bars with a lot of fun energy. He was content to sit at the bar, sip a Highland Park or two, maybe eat a burger and fries, and watch whatever games were playing on the flat screens. This was also a great time of the year for sports fans because you had NBA and NHL playoffs and baseball (soccer too).

So Mike was shocked when Alan Bigebers (Mr. Big) sidled up to him at the bar. "Alan," he said shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"The Mets are losing again?" Alan said looking at the game.

Mike shrugged, a sour look on his face. "Their pitching isn't as good as last year," he said. "And they should've re-signed Murphy instead of Cespedes." Murphy was having an MVP-caliber year; Cespedes, not so much. And don't get Mike started about Matt Harvey. Tom Seaver he wasn't.

"Why are you here Alan?" Mike asked again.

"I found something in Hal," Big told him in a lowered voice. "A virus. It's got the Cloak's signature. You know anything about it?"

"Your job is to check Hal for viruses?" Mike said sarcastically. But his demeanor had turned wary.

"My job is to solve problems," Big said looking into Mike's eyes. "Are you a problem Mike?"


"It's got the Cloak's signature," Big said again.

"There are lots of people with access to that code."

"But it's your code," Big said. "It's morphed. I can't get inside it."

"Can't help you Alan," Mike said with a shrug, feigning innocence.

"You can't or won't?" Big said. He leaned closer to Mike. "Remember, the government didn't have proof last time either. They still put you in jail. Do you want to lose another year of your life?"

Mike frowned as he remembered those times. "You think that's right? They lock you up without evidence? They take your money. Your career. You think that's right Alan?"

Now it was Big's turn to frown. "No, I don't think it's right. You got screwed," he said. "That's why I haven't told JJ. Remove the virus. No one will ever know."

"Then what happens when JJ decides to get rid of me? That's why he bought you over, right? To replace me," Mike said. "What happens to the replaced Alan?"

"You're forcing me to tell JJ," Big told him.

Mike was silent for long moments. Finally he said "Your wife's Erin right?"

Big's eyes narrowed. "How do you know that?" he said guardedly. He was a private person. Long ago he'd purged details of his private life from the government's files. It was ironic. He was a computer specialist but as far as the government was concerned, he was off the grid.

Mike shrugged. It hadn't been hard to hack into Big's phone. Trace his calls. Find out where he lived. Get into his home computer. "If the government did to you what they did to me, wouldn't you take precautions? For Erin's sake?" he said.

"What does the virus do?" Big pressed.

"Nothing," Mike said. "As long as nothing happens to me."

"Mike you can't beat the government," Big said with exasperation. "You of all people should know that."

"I'm smarter now," Mike said. "I don't mind helping CATF. I enjoy the work. Just leave me alone. Zero zero zero Alan." After a pause he added "Zero."

"What does that mean?" Big said not understanding.

But Mike didn't answer. Instead he put the scotch to his lips as he turned back to the game.


Madame Agatha let Anna practice with her class before the recital. Even though Anna was at least 2 years younger than all the other dancers and not classically trained, she more than held her own. Also there was Anna's beauty. She was easily the prettiest girl in the dance class.

"She has extraordinary potential," Agatha gushed in her rich German accent, excited about the prospect of having such a talented and beautiful girl to train and mentor. "Anna must join us at Fine Arts when she's of age."

Jen smiled gratefully but inside she wasn't sure. She knew Mike would be all for it. His dream was Anna on Broadway or London's West End. It was an exciting dream and Jen sometimes hoped for it too. But most of all she wanted Anna to be happy. The life of a budding ballerina at Fine Arts was difficult. Jen wasn't sure she wanted her daughter under such intense pressure. Anna was a bubbly girl, always laughing and smiling, full of life and energy, happily bobbing around everywhere. Jen didn't know if she wanted to expose her to the harsh environment of Fine Arts and a strict matron such as Madame Agatha.

Jen had barely seen her old friend Melody. They hugged hello and chatted briefly but then Melody rushed backstage to help with the production (she was a super involved parent volunteer). Madame Agatha invited Anna to watch the recital from backstage. So that left Jen sitting alone with Ricky to watch the recital with the rest of the audience.

Ricky was fidgety during the first act. Swan Lake performed by 8 and 9 year old girls wasn't how he rolled. "How about a smoke?" he asked Jen at the intermission. She nodded and they went outside.

Jen rarely smoked anymore, not wanting Anna to be around second hand smoke. But she was nervous being alone with Ricky so she took the offered cigarette. "Babe you look so hot," Ricky said grinning and looking her up and down.

"I didn't want to be underdressed. I think all the parents must be rich," Jen said. She joked "They're all practically wearing tuxedos and evening gowns." Jen was wearing a slightly too short dress. Stockings and high heels. And she wore her hair up.

"I like it when you wear your hair up," Ricky said.

Jen remembered of course. Was that why she dressed this way? For Ricky? Not wanting Ricky to suspect that, she laughed and said "Frank wants me to cut my hair too. He thinks my hair's too long."

"I don't want you to cut your hair," Ricky told her, still grinning. "I like it up, because of the way it falls over your face. And I like seeing your neck."

Jen flushed as she imagined Ricky kissing up her neck and behind her ear. "We're just watching the recital, remember?" she said.

"What? I'm not allowed to be honest?" Ricky said with a grin. "After this weekend? Which by the way was incredible."

Jen couldn't help smiling. "Yeah it was incredible," she agreed, whispering. "But we're with Anna. So let's keep it clean okay?"

"Have I tried touching you?" Ricky asked. Following her lead, he whispered too.

Jen knew it was true. Ricky hadn't tried to touch her even once, and even now he was keeping a respectful distance away. "Okay," she said relenting.

"You're not on the pill, are you?" he asked.

"What?" Jen said, taken off guard by the abrupt change of subject.

"Friday night you made me wear condoms," Ricky said. "Saturday morning I don't and then there's the serious talk between you and Mike."

"Keep your voice down okay?" Jen said looking nervously around them. There were a few other people milling around during the intermission. She whispered "I don't know what serious talk you're talking about."

"Yes you do," Ricky said knowingly. "You made Mike promise something. Mike talked goddess shit. Then he told me to fuck you missionary. What's going on Jen?"

"You're so smart, you tell me," Jen shot back.

"Why are you getting pissed?"

"Because it's none of your business."

Ricky glared at Jen. He wasn't stupid. He said "Using me as a sperm donor, that's my business Jen."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:40 PM

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