Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike took Anna to Maggie's apartment to sleep-over. When he returned to the loft apartment Jen was dressing for her date with Ricky. Mike silently walked to the bedroom and looked inside. Jen had one leg up on a chair, her pretty foot arched on the cushion, carefully rolling up a silk stocking. Then she repeated the process with her other leg.

"Stockings tonight?" Mike asked.

Jen practically jumped at his voice. "God you scared me," she gasped.

"Sorry," Mike said with an apologetic smile.

"You know Ricky's into stockings, like you," Jen said answering his question. In fact, the first time she ever wore thigh highs was for Ricky, on the day she and Mike graduated from Penn State (Jen with her bachelors, Mike with his grad degree). Remembering that, she walked over and took her husband's hands. "Are you okay?"

"I miss seeing you in stockings," Mike lamented, caressing the lacy stocking tops. "Maybe some day you'll wear them for me again."

Jen heard excitement in her husband's voice. He was playing the game, enjoying the angst of being the martyred cuckold husband. She gave him a crooked grin and teased "Maybe someday cucky." Mike grinned back at her.

Jen finished dressing. She held up her long blonde hair for Mike to zip her. After stepping into high heels she turned and let Mike look at her. "How do I look?" she asked. "Still fuckable at 30?"

"God you're way better than fuckable," Mike gushed. "You're so hot it hurts."

"Thanks baby," Jen said with a smile. She kissed him. On the cheek because she didn't want to spoil her lipstick. In the 4 inch high heels, she was almost the same height as Mike so she didn't have to get on her tiptoes to reach him.

Then Jen gave him a serious look. "So just condoms?" she asked, wanting to make sure. They'd talked about this all week. Condoms only, or condoms plus the sponge? Mike wanted condoms only.

Jen had resisted the idea initially. But she knew the risk of getting pregnant by another man was a big turn on for him. How could she deny him that thrill? After all, he let her enjoy other men while she went into crazy bitch mode by a harmless (in comparison) hand job. Condoms were as safe as the sponge after all. So why not let him have his fun?

"Yes, just condoms," Mike said. Then he asked "Should we let Ricky sleep over?"

"With me? In our bed?"

"If that's what he wants," Mike said.

"You're pushing too much Mike," Jen said with a frown. He was going too fast. But she knew he was in full cuckold mode now. He craved the mixed feelings, the jealousy, the angst. Not just his wife fucking another man, but acting like his "girlfriend."

At that moment there was a knock at the door. Ricky. They looked at each other for a long moment. Then, holding hands, they walked together to the door.

There were drinks and small talk first. Ricky looked at their pictures of Anna. "She's beautiful. She looks just like you Jen," he said. "She's a serious athlete," he said looking at her dance and gymnastic pictures.

"She's going to be a great ballerina," Mike said proudly. "Her instructors say she's really talented. Like, Broadway-talented."

"Let's not put her name in lights yet," Jen said with a half laugh. "Maybe she'll want to do something else." But she was smiling just as proudly as Mike. Jen could already tell Anna had more natural talent than her, and more ambition too. Maybe the physical talent came from her, but Jen knew the ambition and determination came from Mike.

Things were awkward at first. After all, they hadn't spent time together in years and there was all that history. But the drinks helped with their nervousness. And their physical attraction for each other drew Jen and Ricky together. Mike watched excitedly as Jen and Ricky's playful flirting led to kissing. The kissing to fondling. The fondling to making out.

Ricky pulled away Jen. Both were panting. Mike heard Ricky whispered "Let's go to your bedroom." As he said it his hand was cupping and fondling her breast. Like that's where his hand belonged. Mike felt delicious cuckold angst swelling inside him.

Jen nodded and stood up. Ricky stood up too. She had her hands on his hips. Like that's where her hands belonged.

Mike stood up too, ready to follow them into the bedroom. But then Jen said "Let me talk to Mike first. I'll be right there." Ricky nodded and went into the bedroom. Jen went over to Mike.

Jen took her husband's hands and said "Mike honey can you give us a few minutes alone?"

"Alone?" Mike said surprised.

"Just a few minutes," Jen assured him. She squeezed his hands and said "I'll come get you."

"... yeah okay," Mike said hesitantly. Jen smiled at him. She joined Ricky in the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

"Hey babe," Ricky said to Jen with a big smile, reaching for her.

Jen let him pull her into his arms. But she avoided his kisses. "We have to talk," she whispered. "You talked to Mike. Did you talk about LA?"

Ricky frowned. "No," he said honestly.

"Good," Jen said feeling relieved. "Don't okay?" She'd decided it was better not to tell Mike about California. Better not to open that Pandora's Box.

"Okay, whatever," he said irritably. "Come on," he said moving again to kiss her.

"Wait," Jen whispered. "I want you to understand. This is just sex. It doesn't mean anything."

"Thanks a lot Jen. Why don't you just get a dildo?" Ricky said irritably.

"You know I like you," Jen said, rubbing his chest. "But we're just having fun. You get that right?"

"If we're having fun why are we still dressed?" Ricky joked. Jen laughed and he did too. "Right?" he said grinning, moving his hands around her to unzip her dress.

"Wait," Jen said with another laugh, pushing against his chest. "You get it right? We're just having fun."

"Yeah Jen whatever," Ricky said impatiently. He pulled Jen to him again. This time Jen let him. Soon they were seriously making out and Ricky was tugging the zipper of Jen's dress down. Within moments her dress was off and lay scattered on the floor.

"Wait I need to get Mike," Jen said panting, trying to pull away from Ricky's lips and hands.

"Let me see these first," Ricky said pulling her back to the bed and onto her back. He tugged down the cups of her bra. "I've missed these," he said looking lustfully at her breasts. They were small but perfectly shaped. He thumbed her upturned, pierced nipples. "Nice."

Jen moaned and arched her back at Ricky's caress. "This too," she said pulling his hand (and eyes) to her belly button.

Ricky caressed her belly button ring while his eyes gazed at the bars in her nipples. "They match," he said referring to the small perfect diamonds.

"I know, aren't they awesome?" she gushed.

"Yeah," Ricky agreed. "Mikey is full of surprises."

"Shhhh," Jen whispered looking nervously at the closed bedroom door. She said scornfully "Don't call him that."

"I didn't know he's into piercings," Ricky said.

"Not Mike. They're Frank's," Jen told him.

Ricky slowly nodded his head, processing that. "So Frankie's into piercings?" he said.

"God," Jen said with a half laugh. The way Ricky called them "Mikey" and "Frankie" - he was such an ass sometimes. Wanting to put him in his place, she said "Yeah, and he knows what to do with them too. He practically makes me cum when he plays with my nipples."

"Only practically?" Ricky said with a grin. "That sounds like a challenge." He pulled her bra down so it was around her waist. Then cupping her bare breasts, he took one nipple into his mouth while thumbing the other one.

"Oh god," Jen moaned as she rolled her head back. Her pierced nipples were still super sensitive so there was both pain and pleasure if they weren't touched right. But Ricky, like Frank, had experience playing with pierced nipples. So Jen felt only pleasure. There was a little pain too, but just the right amount so it heightened the pleasure.

"Of fuck Ricky that feels so good!" Jen groaned, her beautiful face contorted in intense pleasure. "Oh god, Ricky ..." With Ricky working so skillfully on her body, Jen had forgotten all about Mike waiting outside.


Mike watched as Jen disappeared into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. He couldn't believe it. She wanted to be alone with Ricky? WTF? It was supposed to be different this time. They were supposed to do this together. Yet, she was in the bedroom with Ricky (their bedroom!). And he was out here alone. Mike felt bad hurt closing in on him.

But he forced it away. He told himself Jen was probably just playing the third wheel game. He told himself she would come out in a minute to get him.

But Jen didn't come out to get him. After about 5 minutes Mike moved to the door. He listened. They were whispering so he couldn't make out their words. But he heard the emotions in their voices. They were having fun, playfully teasing each other, flirting.

The reality of the situation hit Mike. Jen really liked Ricky and he liked her too. Back in college, they'd been great friends as well as lovers. Mike remembered how, at parties, Jen spent more time with Ricky than him. Their relationship got even more intense after graduation, when all 3 were in New York. At times it seemed Jen lived with Ricky as she spent 2 or 3 nights a week with him. She went to a wedding and even a funeral with Ricky (as his girlfriend). They went on vacation together to Cancun. And then there was LA.

So now here they were back together again. And already, whispering sweet nothings to each other. Jen wanting to be alone with him. Mike felt the heartache, jealousy and insecurity of being replaced by another man. He knew he was the cause, he pushed Jen back into Ricky's arms. But that didn't make it hurt less. He just made him feel like an idiot.

Mike continued to listen. He heard a zipper being pulled down. The shuffling of clothes. Kisses. Moans. Then he clearly heard Jen say "Oh fuck Ricky that feels so good ... oh god, Ricky ..."

Mike was paralyzed. He couldn't move. It was like his feet were glued to the floor. Were they already naked? Fucking? Was Ricky already inside her, stretching her pussy, hitting all her pleasure spots with his big cock?

But, if he was inside her, was he wearing a condom? Jen was ovulating, it was her most risky time of the month. She wasn't on the pill, she didn't have a sponge inside. Condoms were her only protection. But did Jen remember to make Ricky use a condom?

Finally able to move, Mike reached for the door. But then he hesitated. Wasn't this what he wanted? Wasn't this the whole point of getting back with Ricky? For another man - his rival - to shoot his virile seed into Jen's fertile and unprotected womb?

This was his ultimate cuckold fantasy. For another man to get Jen pregnant. And not just any other man, but Ricky. A man Jen loved to fuck, a man she ... loved? Wasn't that what Mike wanted? To experience - really experience - another man's baby growing in Jen's tummy. And the risk Ricky might steal Jen away from him, once he had that life-long unbreakable bond of being biological parents of a baby.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:36 PM

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