Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"No, everyone had already gone home," she said, relief in her voice.

"By now everyone probably suspects anyway?"

Jen rose up so now her chin was on Mike's chest. This way they were able to look at each other. "Yeah, I guess," she said. "Does that excite you?"

"Yes," Mike admitted. He knew it was selfish to feel that way though, as Jen took the blunt of people thinking she was a cheating wife. "Does it bother you?"

Jen searched her emotions, then said honestly "No." By now she was used to rumors, and anyway she had bigger worries. "As long as it excites you ...," she added, moving her hand to Mike's crotch. He was hard of course. She rubbed him over his pants. "Frank came inside me," she said. She felt his cock jerk.

"Yeah?" Mike said, the word coming out like a moan.

"Yeah," Jen said. "He came a lot. He always does."

Mike moved his lips to Jen's. They kissed and were soon making out. As they kissed they fondled and undressed each other.

Mike got up on an elbow so he was able to see his wife's pussy. Her lips were swollen and wet. "He fucked you hard," he said as he caressed his fingers along her inner thigh.

"He always does," Jen said, parting her legs for her husband.

"Do you feel it when he cums inside you?"

"Yes," Jen said. "It feels good."

"That's why you like bareback," Mike said.

"Everyone likes bareback better," Jen said with a grin. "But yeah, that's part of it. When a guy cums a lot ... especially if he's big so he's way inside me ... when he cums it feels awesome. Not like a orgasm, different, but really good." Jen shivered at the memory of the sensation, then laughed at herself. "I don't know," she said searching for words to describe the sensation. "It's like an explosion inside me. Sometimes it's so intense it makes me gasp."

"You gasp?" Mike asked, intrigued. Jen had never described in so much detail how it feels when a big cummer shoots off inside her.

"Yeah, it's like, ugh!" Jen said with a giggle. "That only happens when a guy cums a lot."

"It made you cum?"

"With Frank tonight? No, not then. Sometimes I do but not tonight. I came before him. It still felt good though."

"You came on his cock?"

"Yeah," Jen said with a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Mike asked.

"Just how you say things," Jen said smiling back at him. She'd heard it a million times now but it still made her laugh.

Mike grinned. Then his eyes wandered back to her pussy. He gently stroked a finger between her lips. They glistened from Frank's cum.

"Let me taste it," Jen said.

"You want to?" Mike asked excitedly.

"Yeah," Jen purred with a seductive arch of her back. Just like Mike, talking about the game turned her on. She was getting hot. She also wanted to give Mike a show. She brought one hand to her breast to play with herself, and the other to Mike's shoulder, as if urging him to do as she said.

Mike didn't have to be asked twice. He had a fascination with the sperm of other men, when on or inside his wife. He pushed a finger into Jen's pussy. It was easy as she was loose after fucking Frank's thick cock. He rotated his finger and then pulled it out. His finger was wet with Frank and Jen's sex juices, and on his finger tip was a dollop of milky white sperm.

"Yeah give it to be baby," Jen said with a husky voice. Her eyes were heavy lidded and she was gently playing with the stud in her nipple.

Mike offered his finger Jen. She immediately parted her sexy lips and welcomed him in. She sucked and licked his finger like she was a baby feeding from her mother's breast.

"What does he taste like?" Mike asked.

"All men taste different," Jen told him. "Frank has a strong taste." With a giggle she added "It always makes me think about Italian suits and leather shoes when I taste him."

Mike slowly nodded. He never knew cum had such nuances, like fine wine. "What do I taste like?" he asked.

"You taste sweet," Jen said. "When I taste you, I think of us."

Mike's lips parted in surprise. They looked at each other. At that moment, they felt intense love for each other, they felt like they were together again, connected. They were good again.

But Mike wasn't like Jen. He couldn't hold things in. Secrets - especially secrets from Jen - tore at his soul. So he blurted out "There was one other time with Allie. I figured her."

Jen immediately went cold. She sat up in bed and pulled the sheets up to her chin. "What did she do to you?" she asked with a cold voice.

"Nothing," Mike said honestly.

"Did she offer?" Jen asked.

"... yes," Mike admitted after a moment's hesitation.

Jen was silent as she processed this. Then she said "What else?"

"Some touching," Mike said, wanting to admit it all and get it over with. "But nothing ,,, intimate."

Jen was angry, hurt, jealous. Lashing out, she said "So, let me get this straight. You get Allie off twice and you get nothing. God Mike how pathetic. I was wrong. You're nothing like Colin. He always made sure he got as much as he gave."

Mike sat in bed, frozen, not saying anything. It was probably the lowest point of his life. And then it came. The debilitating anxiety. The feeling of walls crushing in on him. It was like dark storm clouds surrounding and engulfing him. It was at these times he didn't know if he had the will to live.

Suddenly Jen's arms were around him. She was sobbing into his chest and saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Mike didn't understand. Why was she crying? Why was she sorry? After all, he was the cheat, the liar.

But the why didn't matter. All that mattered was Jen was in his arms. And he felt her love. That was enough to push back the walls. It was enough to make the clouds part and the bright, brilliant sun to shine though.

After a while Jen calmed down. "I guess I'd rather know," she said. "Thank you for telling me." After a moment she admitted "You're better at honesty than me."

"I understand better now," Mike said. "How easy it is to ... hold things back."

"Yeah ..." Jen agreed in a soft voice. Their bodies were pressed together but the sheet was between them. She pulled back the sheet so now they hugged skin-to-skin. Wanting to be even closer, Jen wrapped her leg over his. Mike felt a wetness. It was from Frank leaking from her pussy. He immediately got hard again. Jen felt his hardness. Without a word she wrapped her hand around his shaft and slowly stroked him.

"You're okay about Allie?" Mike asked.

"I don't know," Jen said. Continuing to stroke him, she said "Let's not talk about it now."

"It's just - I hate it hanging over us," Mike said, feeling the dark clouds lingering. "I want to get passed it."

"I know, I do too," Jen said. "But I can't help how I feel. I'll get over it. It'll just take time."

Mike hesitated, then warily said "I'm worried about Allie. The divorce. Without you she's all alone."

Jen was about to snap at Mike but she bit her tongue. She didn't want to argue. She said "Allie's a big girl and she has lots of friends. She's got her parents. She'll be fine."

"But ... maybe you can talk to her," Mike suggested. "I know it's asking a lot but -."

"No Mike," Jen said firmly. This time she did snap and anger flared in her. But she forced the anger away. She didn't want to fight with Mike. In a calmer voice she said "Let's talk about something else. Don't you want to hear about Frank?"

Mike still felt the wetness as Jen's pussy pressed against his thigh. He'd softened talking about Allie but now he was hard again. Looking into his eyes, Jen licked spit on her hand for lubrication and began slowly stroking him again.

Breathing hard, Mike gently fingered her pussy (knowing she was probably sore after getting fucked hard by Frank). He asked "You use a sponge?"


"It's still inside you?"

"Yes, you have to leave it in overnight," Jen said as she continued to slowly stroke him.

"Right now you're safe though?" he asked.

"Yeah but better extra safe than sorry."

"Does Frank know?"

"Only you know baby," Jen said with a soft kiss to her husband's lips. Actually, Allie also knew she was using the sponge. But she didn't mention that. She didn't want to think about Allie.

"What about next weekend?" Mike asked.

Jen counted days in her head; she'd be ovulating, or just before. "Not safe," she said. She felt Mike's cock jerk in her hand.

Mike was silent. Eventually Jen asked "What?"

"We're seeing Ricky next weekend," Mike reminded her.

Jen's lips parted as she remembered. She felt a tingle run down her back. "You talked to him?" she asked. When Mike nodded, she said "What'd he say?"

"He wants to see you," Mike said.

Jen hesitated as she felt the tingle again. Now it was in her pussy as well as her back. "And you want me to see him," she asked. They both knew "see" meant "fuck."

"Yes," Mike said, excitement in his voice; in his cock too. Jen was still slowly stroking her husband. He was as hard as he'd ever been.

"What about California?" she asked.

"You're not leaving me again, right?" he joked with a smile.

"That's not funny Mike," she said sourly.


"So you're really okay with Ricky now?"

"Maybe I wanna let him fuck you one more time, to show him what he's missing," Mike said with a grin.

"You're so full of shit," Jen said with a laugh. "So this is your way of getting back at him? Letting him fuck me?"

"Let me guess - it wouldn't suck right?" Mike joked, using the expression his wife often used.

"No it wouldn't suck," Jen agreed with another laugh. "God, you're obsessed with my old boyfriends," she lamented. "And yeah, right, like it would only be one time," she added, knowing her husband.

Mike shrugged and said "He'll be your boyfriend number 2."

"My god Mike," Jen lamented.

"I know what you're thinking," Mike said. "But I know Ricky's safe."


"Because you already chose me," Mike said, looking into Jen's eyes.

Jen's lips parted, not knowing what to say.

"I guess I AM obsessed with your old boyfriends," Mike continued. "It's more exciting playing with guys we know, especially guys you've been with before. I know there's chemistry so there's risk. But you've already picked me over them. So I don't get bad hurt. At least not real bad hurt."

"I don't want you hurt at all," Jen said softly.
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