Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen lifted her left foot and pressed her toe into Mike's stomach. "I bet you like this though."

Mike took his wife's pretty foot into his hands. Jen was wearing the new gold anklet under the stockings. "Yeah," he said with a dry throat as he caressed her ankle and the elegant arch of her slim foot. "I can't wait until tomorrow." Tonight it was just Jen and Frank; tomorrow night he would join them.

Jen had an idea. She knew how to keep Mike's thoughts on her. Giving him a teasing grin, she said "No playing with yourself tonight."

Mike grinned at her. "Now you're controlling my orgasms?" he said, emphasizing my.

"That's right mister," Jen told him with a playful scolding voice. "But I'm not a cruel mistress." She undid his pants and pulled out his cock. "Come here baby," she said, laying down on their bed and pulling him on top of her. She reached between their bodies and guided Mike into her.

"What about Frank?" Mike asked as he entered her. He knew Frank didn't like sloppy seconds. Mike's eyes rolled back into his head at the exquisite, velvety smoothness of his wife's pussy.

"He won't notice," Jen said, wrapping her arms around Mike's neck. God she needed this! She needed Mike inside her! She needed him to love her!

"You mean because I'm so small?" Mike said excitedly.

"Yeah because you're so small," Jen said shifting into the game. Then shifting out she said "I'm still your goddess right?"

"Yeah you're my goddess," Mike said, his words coming out like a moan. "But Frank's slut?"

"Yeah I'm his slut, I love fucking him," Jen said shifting in. Then shifting out, she hugged Mike tighter and said "Make love to me baby."

Afterwards, Mike watched Elmo with Anna and Maggie while Jen finished dressing. A little while later Jen came out of the bedroom. In keeping with the game, she wore her hair up. She wore one of Frank's dresses and underneath, his bra and panties. She wore his perfume. But on her left hand she wore her engagement and wedding rings. For once Mike didn't notice.

Before going Jen pulled Maggie aside. "You're seeing Frank tonight?" Maggie said with an excited smile. She found Jen's lifestyle incredibly exciting and fascinating.

"Yes," Jen said. She whispered, "Do me a favor. If Mike goes out, call me."

"What?" Maggie said, not understanding. "I think we're going for pizza later."

"No, if Mike goes out by himself," Jen whispered.

"What?" Maggie said. She really didn't understand now.

"Call me if Mike goes out by himself," Jen irritably snapped in a low voice. Why was this so hard to understand?

"... okay," Maggie said hesitantly. This was weird. It was like Jen didn't trust Mike. That bothered Maggie. Despite their swinging lifestyle, she considered Mike, Jen and Anna the perfect family. "Is something wrong?" she said looking concerned.

"Just do this for me," Jen whispered urgently.

"Alright," Maggie said looking confused and concerned. She didn't like this. Mike was her friend, just like Jen. Ultimately though, girls had to stick with girls so she would do this for Jen. She would spy on Mike.

Cheating and Rivals Part 55

To say Jen didn't enjoy sex with Frank wouldn't be accurate. She was reticent at first. But Frank knew her body too well. Soon Jen was responding to him. She kissed him back and returned his caresses. She moaned as Frank kissed up her neck and played with her nipple rings. That's how Jen came the first time. With Frank sucking her nipples and fingering her ass and clit.

Panting from her orgasm, Jen moved down Frank's muscular body. She stroked his cock. His heavy, thick manhood never failed to excite her. She licked and sucked him, reveling in his freaking incredible thickness.

She let Frank open her legs. She let him penetrate her. Jen loved the feeling of being stretched. Of being so full. That's what she loved most about fucking Frank Tower.

Jen let Frank fuck her. She fucked him back. She lost herself with him. For the moment she forgot about Mike. That was the problem with Jen. No matter what else was happening in her life, how bad things might be, great sex made her forget all of that. It was a testament to how much she was an addict for sex. And it had gotten her in trouble more than once.

Afterwards though, after Frank filled her with his cream and she was sated, thoughts and worries about Mike flooded back.

"What's troubling you?" Frank said as he tenderly stroked her long blonde hair.

Jen didn't want to get into it with Frank. He wasn't that kind of friend. Was he even a friend at all really? But she needed to talk to someone and obviously Allie was out of the question.

Feeling chilly and exposed, Jen got up and put on Frank's shirt (a button down white dress shirt). Then she sat crossed-legged on the bed (Indian style), facing him. "Mike got together with Allie," she told him.

Frank raised an eyebrow in surprise. He knew "together" meant sex of course. He studied Jenny, sensed her distress. He could tell this was serious for her, momentous even. Suddenly all the pieces came together.

All this time he'd concentrated on Jenny, getting HER to do things, in order to drive a wedge in her marriage. But now he realized he should've focused on Mike. He should've worked harder on getting Mike "together" with another girl.

Frank understood now - Mike's fidelity was a pillar of their marriage. The foundation of Jenny's trust and faith in him. Once that was gone, it would take just a nudge for their marriage to fall apart and crumble to the ground.

"Tell me what happened," Frank said gently. Frank was an exceptional businessman. He knew the art of closing a deal was patience. You nudged rather than pushed; suggested rather than ordered. Then you watched and waited, and course corrected until you got what you wanted. And what Frank wanted was Jenny.

"It happened on Christmas," Jen told him. "After I left you. I found them together."

Frank nodded like he was sympathizing with her. "Are they seeing each other?" he asked.

"I don't think so," Jen said. But she wasn't sure. She didn't know anything anymore. That's why she asked Maggie to call her if Mike went out alone.

"But they're talking to each other," he said, stating it like a fact rather than a question. He didn't know of course but it was a reasonable guess.

Jen looked at Frank. Then she nodded and said, "Mike says they're worried about me."

"Do you believe that?"

Jen shrugged but didn't say anything. She didn't know. That was the problem. Mike was her rock. The sun rose in the east. People lived and died. What went up always came down. That was Mike. He was consistent, predictable, reliable. He grounded her. He made everything possible in their lives. But now? She didn't know.

Then something occurred to Frank. He said "Is that why you're wearing stockings? And your wedding ring?"

Jen shrugged but still didn't say anything.

Frank understood immediately. He said "You're trying to win back Mike's interest. Keep his attention on you and not Allie."

Jen shrugged again.

Frank connected the dots in his head. He said "That's why you're here tonight. With me. You're playing into Mike's fantasies."

Jen braced herself. She assumed Frank was about to give her a guilt trip, about how she was using him, how they had something special, how she was disrespecting him. She steeled herself for the hurtful attack she expected from Frank.

But to her surprise Frank chuckled. "Alright, I understand," he said with a good-natured grin.

Jen looked at him with surprise. "You're not mad?" she asked.

To be honest, Frank WAS mad. He wanted Jenny for himself. The fact she was using him to keep her husband bothered him to the core. He was jealous and hurt. Big time hurt. At that moment he realized how much Jenny meant to him, and how much he wanted her. Really wanted her.

But Frank knew lashing out would be counterproductive. Sometimes in business (and life) you had to take 1 step back to take 2 steps forward. You had to be patient.

"I admit I'm jealous. Hurt too," Frank said, still wearing that good-natured smile. He knew it charmed Jenny when he opened up. Well, it was easy to look vulnerable now because that's how he felt. "But I understand." With another chuckle he added "From one manipulator to another I commend you."

Jen couldn't help a slight grin. But she quickly said "I'm not manipulating Mike. I'm just trying to show him I can give him what he wants better than Allie. Better than anyone."

Frank nodded, keeping the smile planted on his face. Jen's words tore into his heart - an unfamiliar feeling for him as he hadn't cared for a girl, really cared, since his wife Sally died. But again he told himself to be patient. It was time though, for a nudge. So he said "If I may say, I think your play is a touch off."

"How?" Jen asked with a slight tilt of her head.

"Wearing stockings and your rings," he said. "They dilute the impact of being with me you hope to have on Mike."

"Mike assumed you told me to wear stockings," Jen told him. Her voice cracking slightly, she said "My rings, it wasn't about the game ... I wanted to wear them."

Frank gave Jen an understanding nod. Inside though her words again caused him heartache.

With another forced smile he said "Still, my point is you might wish to consider ramping up your game. Until you're certain Mike has lost interest in Allie."

Jen pursed her lips at the possibility Mike might still be interested in Allie. She said "I don't want to push too hard. That's what led to Mike getting together with Allie."

Frank inwardly frowned at Jen's use again of "together" as a euphemism for sex. The thought of her husband having sex with another girl so disturb her she couldn't even say the word. Still, he was pleased with the direction of this conversation. He said "Upon reflection, our mistake was allowing Mike to leave Christmas evening." Frank purposely said "our" to show Jenny they were in this together.

"That's true," Jen lamented.

"In the future, we'll be better," Frank said, purposely using "we." THEY were the team, Frank and Jenny, not Mike and Jen.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:33 PM

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