Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen gawked at Ricky. "I'm leaving," she said standing up.

"Yeah Jen, that's what you always do," Ricky said with bitter sarcasm. "You leave, instead of dealing with the truth. God you're a selfish bitch. What you do, it affects people. This is my life Jen." There was a lot of emotion in his voice. Ricky wasn't talking about just now. He was talking about before too.

"Yeah and Frank probably just saved your life," Jen shot back.

Ricky stared at Jen. He said "So that WAS it." It was the same thing he said at the Borgata in AC.

"No it wasn't," Jen said with a sigh. She didn't have the energy for this argument. She pressed her palms against her temples, grimacing.

"You okay?" he asked with a look of concern.

"I'm getting a migraine," Jen said her eyes closed.

"You still take Advil?" he asked. When Jen nodded, Ricky got 2 Advil from his bag and fetched a glass of ice water. He gave both to Jen. She gave him an appreciative smile as she took the medicine.

"Want me to rub your neck?" Ricky asked. It's what he used to do when she got a migraine. When they were in California together.

"I'll be okay," Jen said.

"Come on Jen. You don't want to let it get bad," Ricky said, remembering how her headaches could get debilitating if not treated right away. He moved behind Jen, pulled her long blonde hair to the side, then massaged her neck. He used his thumbs to rub the cords of her neck and shoulders, and moved up her scalp and rubbed her temples.

Jen closed her eyes. It felt good. She felt the headache fading away.

"Feel better?" Ricky asked as he continued to massage her neck and shoulders.

"Yes, thanks," Jen said, her eyes still closed.

After a few moments Ricky began using his fingertips instead of his thumbs. Knowing Jen well, he lightly caressed up her neck and behind her ears.

"Don't," Jen said pulling away.

Ricky shrugged and sat back down. He said "It'd be worth getting transferred here, if we could see each other again."

"No Ricky," Jen said.

"I'm not as good as Frank? Why? Because I'm not rich?"

"I've got to go," Jen said getting up.

"Let's get together sometime," Ricky said. He pressed his card into her hand. "The 3 of us. I'd like to see Mike again."

"You think he wants to see you?" Jen said with an incredulous laugh. After what happened before? After California?

"I don't know," Ricky said with a shrug. "Ask him."

Jen shook her head. "It's better to leave the past in the past Ricky," she said. Then she turned and left.


"I got my period," Jen said to Mike later that week.

"Now?" Mike asked.

"No before," Jen said. "It's over, but ... I got it."

They both knew what that meant; she wasn't pregnant. "I'm sorry," Mike said. "We'll try again."

"I think we should see a doctor," Jen suggested. "There are lots of procedures."

"Yeah okay," Mike said without much enthusiasm.

Despite his agreement, Jen knew that's not what Mike wanted. She could hear it in his voice. If he wasn't able to get her pregnant naturally, then he wanted the experience of another man doing it. After a few moments she asked "Is that what you really want?"

Mike hesitated, unsure himself. Finally he said "I know I want another baby."

"With me right?" Jen asked with a weak smile.

"What?" Mike asked not understanding. Of course with Jen. He wanted the baby to be Jen's. Like Anna. That's what he wanted, even if he wasn't the biological father. Yes, it was true, his cuckold fantasies factored into it. But most of all he wanted Jen to be the biological mother.

"Nothing," Jen said with a shrug. But it was something she had thought about while Mike was away at CATF. What if the problem was her and not Mike? Maybe somehow their bodies weren't in sync to make a baby. What if Mike realized that and decided to make a baby with Allie instead, or another girl like Jasmine Kelly? Or at least try?

Jen knew these were irrational thoughts. But she couldn't help it. All her insecurities were coming out after what happened on Christmas. Now that Mike had been tempted by the charms of another girl, how long before it happened again? How long before Mike cheated on her for real? Not just fingers and tongues but full penetration sex? And not just once but many times, a full blown affair? And what if Mike discovered he liked sex better with those girls (and their bigger breasts) than her? What if they played the game better than her?

Again, Jen knew such thinking was crazy. Mike was a good man, not at all like Colin, her dad, Emma's husband Vick. But now in Jen's head - in her heart - things were fuzzy. Before, Mike was her rock and she was his goddess. No way he would ever cheat on her, the idea was preposterous.

But now that bubble had burst. Mike HAD cheated on her. And if he was capable of cheating on her, didn't that mean he might eventually dump her? Fall in lust/love with another girl. Another blonde, prettier, younger, longer legs. A trade up from her. A trophy wife. Men did it all the time. Out with the old and in with the new. A younger, prettier girl. A girl willing to do anything. Make his deepest, darkest fantasies come true. All to make a great man like Mike hers.

Later that night Mike was spooning Jen in bed. He asked "Are you seeing Frank this weekend?"

Jen hesitated. Honestly she hadn't thought about Frank for a while. She'd been too upset. Too confused. Too unnerved. But paradoxically she knew the game was important to her marriage. She knew Mike better than anyone. The surefire way to keep Mike's thoughts and attention focused exclusively on her was to play the game.

"Yeah, you know, the usual," Jen said.

"You'll spend Friday night with Frank, then I'll join you Saturday?" Mike asked.

"Yes, that."

They were silent for a few moments. Then Mike said "You weren't that into it last time."

Jen's eyes opened wide and her body tensed. Was Mike criticizing her? Was he complaining about the way she played the game? She hadn't made it hot enough for him? It would've been better with another girl?

Forcing herself to relax, she turned around to face him and said "Um, I guess I was tired. I got my period right after." Forcing enthusiasm into her voice, she gushed "I can't wait to see Frank. God he fucks so good."

Mike's heart leaped. He said hopefully "You're not mad anymore about Allie? She's worried about you."

Jen's body tensed again. She said coldly "You talked to her?"

"We're both worried about you," Mike said.

Jen's lips parted. We. Mike said we. But it wasn't him and her. It was him and another girl.

For the first time while playing the game - for the first time since with Mike - Jen felt the power of "we." The hurtful, devastating power. Like daggers through her heart.

And Jen didn't share Mike's cuckold fantasies. So there was no excitement. Just hurt, jealousy and angst.

Jen turned around in bed so she was facing away again. "I'm fine," she said. She forced her voice to sound normal even as her eyes welled up with tears. After a few moments she added "I don't want you to talk to Allie anymore."

Mike hesitated, knowing that Allie was leaning on him to get through her divorce (especially since Jen was giving her the cold shoulder). But he said "I won't."

Jen heard Mike's hesitation. More daggers to her heart. More feelings of jealousy and insecurity. She wiped tears from her eyes.

Jen reached back to Mike's crotch. She wanted him to make love to her. She needed to reconnect with him. To feel like he was hers.

But Mike was soft. Why? Because she wasn't pretty enough? She was too old at 30? She sucked at playing the game? She didn't excite him anymore?

"I guess I'm not in the mood tonight," Mike said. How could he be? He could tell Jen was upset. And it was because he cheated on her. The guilt and remorse overwhelmed him. It killed any desire for sex. "This weekend," he suggested.

"Yeah, okay," Jen said softly. Now she felt even more pressure to make this weekend really good for Mike. With Mike spooning her from behind, she pulled his arm tighter around her and tried not to cry.


On Friday night Jen was lukewarm about seeing Frank. But she was pleased the way Mike hovered over her as she dressed.

After she put on Frank's diamond necklace, Mike asked "You're wearing his tennis bracelet?"

Jen heard excitement in her husband's voice. She considered keeping the bracelet for a while to tease Mike with it. But Mike's excitement could quickly turn to bad hurt and she didn't want that, definitely not now.

Compromising, she put the bracelet on and said "I'm giving it back to him this weekend, but no harm wearing it now." She added a girlish giggle for good measure.

Jen wore Frank's bracelet on her right hand. She wore Mike's on her left. Mike pressed her hands together so the bracelets were next to each other. He stared at the bracelets. Frank's diamonds were so much bigger and brilliant than his.

Knowing what Mike wanted to hear, Jen cupped his crotch. "Kinda like this," she said caressing him. She was pleased when she felt his hard cock jerk at her teasing words.

But Jen didn't want to go too far. Looking into his eyes, she ran a finger along his tennis bracelet and said "I love yours the best baby."

Jen sat down and carefully rolled on thigh high stockings. Mike was surprised to see her putting on hose, knowing Frank preferred bare legs. "Frank's orders?" he said with a grin.

Jen wanted to tell Mike the truth, that she was wearing stockings for him. Also, stockings were comforting; they had a familiar feel that she associated with her husband. But saying any of that wouldn't be playing the game. So she grinned back and said "You know Frank."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:33 PM

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