Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike didn't know what to say. His instinct was to tell the truth, not hold anything back, get it over with and deal with the consequences. But Jen wanted him to lie? Remembering what Allie said, he sputtered "We got drunk and sucked face."

"I've been there," Jen joked with a forced half laugh. She wiped away tears with the back of her hand. She said, "You fuck her?" Her voice was light like she didn't care but there was a nervous edge there. Mike knew she cared a lot.

"No," he told her honestly. He evasively added "We passed out."

Jen stared at him as if judging whether he was lying or telling the truth. Finally she said "So Allie's out of your system?"

"She was never in my system," Mike said. "Allie was your idea." He added bitterly "To get me out of the way. So you could spend more time with Frank."

"That's not true."

"Yes it is."

Jen hesitated, knowing he was right. Then she said "I'm trying to include you more. Like last night. But you left."

"I can only handle so much," Mike told her.

"Great," Jen said sarcastically. "You get hot. But instead of fucking me, you suck face with another girl. That's not how the game's supposed to work Mike."

"I was trying to be her friend," Mike said defensively. "Darren gave her divorce papers," he said again.

That shut Jen up. After a few moments she said "This is too fucked up. We need to stop."

Mike looked alarmed. He didn't want to stop playing the game. Reading his thoughts, Jen said "I can't share you Mike. I can't deal with that." There were tears in her eyes again.

"I don't want you to share me," he said pulling her into his arms. "I never wanted that. You're the only girl I want."

Jen hugged Mike back. She hugged him tight like she never wanted to let go. Her emotions were raw. She felt hurt, betrayed. But she knew how easy it was to slip up, especially if alcohol was involved, especially with a super hot girl like Allie.

Did she believe they didn't fuck? She wanted to. But this was Allie. And men were weak.

"How long did you stay with Frank?" Mike asked, stroking her back.

Jen pulled away from him. "I'm not playing the game," she said with an incredulous, angry laugh. "You had your chance last night. You could've stayed and then fucked my brains out. But you left and sucked face with another girl."

"It's Allie, not another girl," Mike said.

Jen's eyes went wide. She felt intensely jealous and hurt. "Hello? Allie's a girl," she snapped.

"She's your best friend," Mike reminded her. "She's going through a tough time."

"Don't you dare try to justify it!" Jen hissed. She pointed a finger at him and said "You cheated on me!"

Mike didn't know what to say. Just a moment ago it seemed like she was getting over it. Her words shamed him. He realized this was going to be hard. Not just getting Jen to forgive him, but to forgive himself.

Jen was hurt. She was in pain. She wanted Mike to hurt too. So lashing out, she said angrily "You cheated on me. Now you're no better than Colin."

Mike's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. There was nothing - NOTHING - Jen could say to make him feel worse. In his entire life he never felt so low. He felt like he wanted to die.

Jen regretted her words as soon as they left her lips. But she felt too raw to apologize.

They were silent for long moments. Then Jen said in a softer voice "Anna'll be back soon. We need to go home. You should take a shower."

Mike stared at Jen. A shower. She wanted him to wash off the signs of his infidelity. The ones on the outside. The ones inside would be harder to purge.

"Yeah okay," he said in a voice so low it was barely audible.

Mike got into the shower. He let the hot water wash over him. Despite the water he felt dirty. He was a cheater. A worthless cheater. Would Jen ever forgive him? Would he ever forgive himself?

The bathroom door opened. Mike saw it was Jen. She undressed and got in the shower with him. He immediately looked at her bare pussy. She wasn't pierced.

As the hot water sprayed down on them, Jen washed Mike's body with the bar of soap. "I'm so sorry," he said. He started to cry, his tears joining the water raining down on them.

Jen nodded. It was a nod acknowledging his apology, not accepting it. But his tears didn't go unnoticed. Mike rarely cried; he kept things inside.

But Jen was still too hurt and upset to take back her earlier words. Too hurt and angry to forgive him. Not yet. But ...

"I left after Frank was done, when I saw you weren't there," she said as she washed him with the bar of soap. As she soaped and caressed up Mike's crack, balls and cock, she said "He made me cum. Twice." Jen wasn't being cruel, bringing up Frank now. This was her way of sort of accepting Mike's apology. By telling him what he wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry," Mike said again. His eyelids got heavy as Jen caressed him. As she stroked his cock. As she tickled his balls and ran a finger along his crack. "I'm sorry," he said again, his breathing labored.

With a forced grin, Jen said "I guess you deserve a pass after all I've done." She anxiously added "As long as it's over."

"Allie's just a friend," Mike said.

Jen frowned at his answer. "What's that mean?" she asked.

"What?" Mike said confused. Allie was Jen's best friend. So of course she was a friend.

Jen was getting a taste of Mike's cuckold angst. A physical relationship with someone else was bad enough. An emotional one was a million times worse.

"Make love to me," she said wanting to reconnect with him. She put her foot on the side of the tub, opening herself. Then she took his shaft and guided him to her.

But it didn't work. At not even 4 inches hard, Mike's cock wasn't long enough to penetrate Jen while standing up, at least enough to be satisfying. The best position for them was missionary or Jen on top. So they quickly toweled off and got into bed.

Jen pulled Mike on top of her. She reached between them and guided him into her. There was no thought of a condom.

They made love in silence, looking into each other's eyes. Jen wrapped her arms around Mike's neck. She said earnestly "I didn't mean it. You're not anything like Colin."

That's all it took. Mike felt the dark clouds part and the brilliant sun shine though.

They kissed and hugged as they made love. Soon after Mike came.

Afterwards they snuggled. "Do you love me?" Jen asked. There was jealousy, insecurity, anxiousness and fear in her eyes and voice.

"Of course I love you," Mike said. He leaned down and kissed her.

"I went too far last night," Jen said with a grimace.

"You were perfect," Mike assured her.

"Sometimes I lose it," Jen admitted. "I forget who I am."

"Last night you were Frank's girlfriend," Mike said. "You were perfect."

"Bad things happen."

"It'll never happen again," Mike promised. "I swear."

"I can't share you Mike," Jen said looking pleadingly into his eyes. Tears ran down her beautiful cheeks. "I can't. I have to know you're all mine. I'm the only girl you love. The only one you want."

"You are," Mike assured her. He kissed away the tears. "It'll never happen again."

"We should stop," Jen said talking about the game.

"I don't want to stop," Mike said. "It'll never happen again Jen. I swear."

They lapsed into silence, still holding each other.

Jen eventually said "Can I have my rings?"

Mike reached over to his pants and handed Jen her wedding and engagement rings. She put them on. She was also wearing Mike's Sophia ring, tennis bracelet and gold anklet.

"I was thinking," Mike began.

Jen didn't say anything, waiting for him to continue.

"The game would be less intense if you had another boyfriend," he said. "Like when you had Jamie and Alec."

"Yeah ...," Jen said, her voice trailing off. With her attention and affections split between 2 "boyfriends" Mike didn't worry so much she was getting too close to either one. But the whole point of Frank was he controlled her. It would burst that bubble if she dated another guy. No, that wasn't the answer.

"We should stop playing," Jen said. "Not forever," she quickly assured him. "But for now." Long enough to distance Mike from Allie, Jen thought. And her from Frank since he was too dangerous.

Mike frowned at the idea. He didn't want to stop playing. He said "You're trying to get pregnant."

Jen was caught off-balance by the abrupt change in subject. She decided to come clean. She said "Yes, I have, with you." She affectionately rubbed his chest and said "I know your fantasies. I wanted to make it good for you. I've been using a sponge when I'm not with you. Condoms too when I'm ovulating, like now."

"So with Frank ...," Mike said slowly, processing this.

"With Frank and whoever else, I used the sponge, and condoms too," Jen said with a nod. She rubbed his chest and said "Not with you."

"You know the test," Mike reminded her. He was referring to the test that showed he was infertile, the test he added on when they were getting tested for STDs. (See Cheating and Rivals - Part 24).

"It's just one test, and we've never really tried," Jen said. "I mean, we've had unprotected sex lots of times. But never trying to make a baby. I think there's karma. Like, if you're trying to make a baby, your chances are better."

The old saying "a watched pot never boils" flashed through Mike's head. But he didn't say that of course. "Maybe, I guess," he said trying to hide his skepticism. "But what about Broadway? Frank?"

"Broadway's exciting but I'm kind of old," Jen said. "What if I'm a flop? It'd be so embarrassing."

"It's your dream," Mike said encouragingly. "I'd want Anna to see you dance. Maybe she'll dance too. Can you imagine, Anna dancing on Broadway?"

Jen grinned. "She's incredible," she said proudly. "Way better than me. I didn't start until 10. She's too young to go on pointe but she has the core strength. I think she's going to be freaking awesome."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:31 PM

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