Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
The young girl nodded. She said "Yes sir." The girl had a French accent. That made sense of course. Frank only hired young French girls in his house staff. "Upstairs, turn right, it's the door after the vase of flowers."

Mike smile gratefully. The young French maid curtsied. She curtsied!

Just then they heard moans coming from upstairs. Mike recognized the moans. It was Jen. He was missing the action! He wanted to be there!

"Thanks," Mike sputtered to the young maid. With his cheeks going red, Mike went upstairs. He felt the maid's eyes burning into his back as he turned right, towards the moans. He found the door just pass the vase of flowers. The door wasn't locked. Without knocking he walked in.

Jen was on the bed with Frank. They were still dressed, kissing and fondling each other over their clothes.

Frank noticed Mike. He nodded to a chair and said "over there."

Mike looked at the chair. It appeared to be a comfortable chair and had a good view of the bed. A bottle of Highland Park scotch and a tumbler were on a side table. Frank had thought of everything. A nice place to sit as he watched another man fuck his wife and make her cum.

As Mike sat down, Frank unzipped Jen's dress. He peeled it off her body. Her bra went next. Mike saw Frank's diamonds in her nipples and belly button, around her neck, around her wrist. Jen's hair was up and her makeup was heavy the way Frank liked. She wore his perfume and the high heels he bought her. She was bare legged. Everything about Jen was Frank.

Most of all Jen was responding to Frank. To his kisses, his nibbles, his caresses. Frank knew Jen's body and he expertly played it like a fine violin, sending her to extreme sexual heights. Jen was panting and moaning like she couldn't get enough. And Frank wasn't fucking her yet. He hadn't even taken his cock out of his pants.

It was at that moment Mike knew Jen belong to Frank. Her body belonged to him. She truly was his slut.

Mike thought about it. Would Jen have ever allowed Ricky, or Scott, or Tom to pierce her body? To "bang" her? To fuck whoever they said? To control her orgasms?

No. But Frank was different. And Mike felt like the billionaire was slowly taking his wife away from him.

Jen was resisting, like tonight with the clit piercing. But there was a connection between them and it was getting stronger.

Mike thought about last night and today. They were playing on Christmas eve and day! Christmas! Leaving their 4-year old daughter Anna alone for long stretches on these special days.

Mike wasn't blaming Jen. It was as much his fault as hers. But the fact Jen (Anna's mother) agreed to this showed the grip Frank had over her. Maybe Jen didn't realize it herself, the powerful hold Frank had over her.

Mike never realized the depth of Jen's submissive fantasies. Maybe she hadn't either. Maybe only now they both were realizing how much they controlled her. Like how his cuckold fantasies controlled him. Frank was taking advantage of that. He was the perfect top; the perfect master.

Mike watched as Jen moved down Frank's body. She worked on his belt and unzipped him. Then she reached into his pants and pulled out his cock, being careful not to hurt him. Once again Mike was amazed by Frank's girth. His cock was well above average length-wise but it was his thickness that set him apart.

Mike saw evidence of that as Jen tried to take him into her mouth. Despite opening her mouth wide she was barely able to swallow his bulbous cockhead and a couple inches of his thick shaft.

Frank seemed to get impatient. He pulled Jen off his cock and threw her to the bed, onto her hands and knees. Frank got behind her. Holding his shaft, he positioned his cockhead between her pussy lips. Jen winced as he penetrated her. "Go slow baby," she gasped. Even though Frank had fucked her many times by now, her pussy still wasn't used to his thickness.

Mike clenched the chair arms as he heard Jen call Frank "baby." Another dagger to his heart.

Again Frank seemed impatient. He pulled out and tossed Jen onto her back. Jen automatically opened her legs. Mike eyes were drawn to his wife's high heeled feet. Jen wore his gold chain around her left ankle. But the jewelry was too new, it didn't have the emotional significance to relieve his angst and insecurities.

Frank kissed Jen, his cock pressing against her pussy (but not penetrating her). He was about to push in again when Jen remembered. She was ovulating! "Wait," she told Frank, reaching for a condom from her bag.

"No Jenny," Frank said disapprovingly, wanting to be bare inside her.

"I told you baby," Jen reminded him. As Mike heard this, he wasn't sure what was worse. That Jen let Frank initially into her without a condom a few moments ago. Or that they clearly discussed this earlier (the fact Jen was ovulating and he needed to wear a condom). Or that she called Frank "baby" again.

Mike couldn't take it. He felt the walls closing in on him. Suddenly he flashed back to his detention at CATF. He remembered the thick iron bars of his cell. He remembered Colonel Banks and others screaming and threatening him. He remembered the isolation, the sleep deprivation, the near waterboarding.

The leather chair felt like the cell! Mike couldn't breathe! He had to get away!

Jen was underneath Frank. As she ripped the condom package with her teeth, Mike abruptly stood up. Jen looked at him as if just remembering he was there. "Mike?" she asked.

"I'll be right back," Mike said.

"Are you okay?" Jen asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine ...," Mike sputtered. "I'll be right back," he said again, moving towards the door.

"Hurry back," Jen said, her attention already back on Frank as she rolled the condom onto his thick shaft. Mike glanced back before leaving. Jen was kissing Frank. Her hands were between their bodies, guiding Frank's cock to her pussy. She grunted as he entered her. She had already forgotten Mike, all her attention on Frank as he penetrated and impaled her with his thick cock.

Mike got in the car and aimlessly drove around. It occurred to him he was probably drunk. Not a good thing. Luckily the roads were mostly empty in Belmont on Christmas evening.

Mike felt like the walls were closing in on him. He was having a hard time breathing. He knew it was PTSD. It was flaring up again. His doctor (Dr. Gupta) told him this might happen sometimes. He was supposed to call. But it was Christmas. Mike didn't want to bother him. Also, he didn't want to be weak. He willed himself to feel better. Mind over body. He could do it. He wouldn't be weak.

Dr. Gupta said PTSD might never go away completely. Mike thought it ironic he worked at CATF where it happened. But somehow, working at CATF helped. It was like squarely addressing and conquering his demons. And Mike had made sure CATF would never be able to detain him again.

Mike eventually drove back to Jen's house. He was shocked to see who was there. Allie!

Allie was sitting on the stoop, smoking a cigarette. "Allie, what are you doing here?" Mike ask shocked.

"Hey Mike," Allie said, her voice despondent. "Jen with you?"

"No," Mike said. Lowering his voice, he said "She's with Frank."

"Oh," Allie said, clearly disappointed. "I need to talk to her."

"Why? Where's DJ?" Mike asked. DJ was her son, Darren Jr.

"He's inside, asleep," Allie said. An aura of hopelessness surrounded her.

"Allie what has happened?" Mike asked concerned.

Allie handed Mike a manila envelope. Mike looked inside. They were divorce papers.

"Darren sent them today, on Christmas," Allie said. "Really nice huh? I just wanted ... I need to talk to Jen." Suddenly Allie started crying.

"Let's go over to Frank's," Mike suggested.

"No. It's late. I'll see her tomorrow," Allie said through tears. "Emma said I can crash at her house. It's too crowded here. Can you drive me?"

By the time they got to Emma's house Allie had stopped crying. She was more like herself again. "God I must look a mess," she lamented.

"You look fine," Mike assured her.

"I can't stand all the tears," Allie said. She went into the bathroom. When she came out her hair was brushed and her lips wet with lipstick. "I need a drink. Does Emma have anything? Not beer. Something strong. Vodka or something."

Having just been there, Mike knew where Emma and Vick kept the good stuff. He pulled down bottles and poured a vodka for Allie and a scotch for himself. They clinked glasses and then each took a long sip.

"So why aren't you with Jen?" Allie asked.

Mike didn't answer as he took another sip of scotch. He didn't need it. He'd already had too much. But what the fuck.

"Come on, tell me," Allie pressed.

After a moment's hesitation, Mike said "I feel like I'm losing her to Frank."

"Seriously?" Allie said with a skeptical laugh. "What happened?"

Again Mike didn't answer.

"God I thought we were pass this," Allie said frustrated with Mike. "Remember? I ask questions. You answer with words, not grunts or shrugs. It's called having a conversation."

Mike frowned at Allie. But then he filled her in, telling her how Jen was spending more time with Frank, about the mistletoe kiss, Jen's passion-less comment, their "3rd wheel" game, Frank's tennis bracelet, the clit ring, Jen sculpting her body to Frank's preferences.

"So wait," Allie said skeptically. "You want Jen to treat you like a third wheel. But when she does you get upset. You want her to spend more time with Frank. But when she does you get upset. You want Jen to wear Frank's shit. But when she does you get upset. Mike, what's wrong with this picture? Why don't you just stop playing your stupid game?"

"We're both too into it," Mike said.

"If that's true, why aren't you with Jen now?" Allie scoffed. "God Mike. Jen said she doesn't want Frank's bracelet. She said she doesn't want the clit ring. Why won't you believe her?"

"Because I know she does want the bracelet," Mike shot back. "I know she wants to pierce her clit for Frank."

"But that's not what Jen's saying," Allie said frustrated. "That's all in your head. That's what YOU want. And you're transferring it to her."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Mike said defiantly.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:30 PM

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