Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen handed Mike a box. Mike looked inside. It was an antique pocket watch. Mike opened it. Inside the cover, Jen had inserted a picture of herself and Frank. They were smiling and Frank had his arm around her. They looked like a happy couple.

"You think he'll like it?" Jen asked.

Mike asked "Where'd you get it?"

"An antique store in New Haven."

"You went all the way to New Haven?" Mike said surprised. That was a hike from Manhattan.

"I know, right?" Jen said with a half laugh. "I guess they're not popular anymore."

"Where's the picture from?" Mike asked.

"The Caribbean vacation," Jen said.

"Oh yeah, you looked tanned."

"Yeah, a little," Jen agreed.

Mike slowly nodded as he processed all this. He imagined his wife, going from store to store, searching for the perfect pocket watch for her boyfriend. He imagined her carefully trimming the picture so it fit into the watch. Had Jen spent nearly as much time shopping for his Christmas gifts? Probably not. Jen knew Mike, they'd been together for years; he was easy to shop for. In contrast, this was Jen's first Christmas with Frank. She had to think about what he would like.

Jen's first Christmas with Frank, Mike thought again. The first of many?

"Are you okay Mike?" Jen asked when he didn't say anything.

Mike's heart was beating wildly in his chest. His cock was rock hard. He forced himself to calm down. He said "Aren't you worried people will see the picture?"

"I thought about that," Jen said contemplatively. "But I mean, who would dare touch Frank Tower's watch?"

Mike felt like Jen just hit him with a bag of bricks. He kept his focus on the watch to hide his emotions. Still, he was reeling inside. Was Jen's statement somehow a knock against him? That Jen wanted a strong man - a man other men feared - and he wasn't nearly man enough for her?

Mike was a cuckold. He let other men fuck his wife. How could Jen possibly think he was strong? Who would fear him? Mike knew the answer. Nobody. No one feared Mike Andrews.

"Are you okay honey?" Jen asked again, interrupting his thoughts. "Is the watch too much? I have a backup gift."

"A backup gift?" Mike asked dumbly.

"A tie," Jen said. "I'll give him that if you want me to. It's just, I want to give Frank something he'll use. Something he won't toss into the closet."

Mike forced himself to get a grip. After all, he was the one who encouraged her to develop feelings for Frank, to think of Frank as her boyfriend rather than just a lover, and after all it was Christmas. Forcing a smile, he said "Give him both. From you, I'm sure he'll cherish them. I would."

Jen smiled and beamed at Mike. "Thanks baby. You always say the most perfect things."

They hugged. Then Jen hesitantly said "So I guess I'll go to Frank's after dinner?"

"Just you?" Mike said, feeling jealous about his wife spending Christmas evening with another man.

"I meant we," Jen quickly corrected. She giggled and said "Remember? You're going to hold my hand?"

Mike nodded. That was the plan. Jen wanted him to hold her hand as she came on Frank's cock.

"We have to dress up though," Jen said. "Frank's having a party."

"Another one?" Mike asked surprised.

"It's small. He's entertaining business partners from Asia," Jen said. "We won't know anyone." After a moment's hesitation, she added "I'll be with Frank. Is that okay?"

Mike nodded slowly, taking this all in. Jen would be Frank's girl tonight, not his. She'd be on his arm. Although, how was that any different than last night?

His stomach really churning now, Mike asked, "You planned this with Frank?"

"No," Jen assured him. "It all happened today. He's been texting me. If that's not okay -."

"It's okay," Mike said, his cock rock hard. He was thinking with his little head again despite all his conflicting feelings. But he added firmly "But you have to come home with me tonight." Mike would be able to play the 3rd wheel, hold Jen's hand as Frank made her cum, as long as he knew they would be back together again that night. As long as he was able to reconnect with her, hold her as she slept.

"Of course baby, that's what I was planning," Jen assured him, rubbing his arm. They heard Anna start to stir down the hall. "Can you get her? I'll get ready."

Mike nodded, knowing it took Jen a lot longer to get ready compared to him. "Wear this okay?" he said handing the gold anklet to her. He grinned and said "It means you're a hot wife."

"Okay," Jen said with a laugh. It was pretty, a thin yellow gold anklet. She asked "Which ankle?"

"People do it differently," Mike told her. "I'd rather your left ankle. The same side as your wedding ring." After a moment he added "If you wore stockings tonight, I'd want you to wear it under your stockings. But I guess you're not wearing stockings."

"You know I can't Mike," Jen said gently. Despite her gentle tone of voice her words tore at Mike's heart. But Mike knew the score. Frank wanted her bare legged. Jen was so into Frank she did what he wanted, not Mike.

Wanting to make her husband feel better, Jen raised her left foot and gave him a sweet smile. "Put it on me baby," she asked him.

Jen was wearing flats. Mike took off her flat (he didn't have to; he wanted to). Then he fastened the delicate gold anklet around her ankle. It took all his will power not to lavish kisses on the sole of her pretty foot.

Jen arched her pretty foot and playfully dug her toe into his chest. Mike barely suppressed a moaned. He had a major foot fetish and Jen had the prettiest feet in the world (at least to Mike). "I'm just playing the game," she assured him. "That's why I'm not wearing stockings tonight. I'll wear stockings for you again someday."

"When Frank's over?" Mike asked. When Jen nodded, he asked "When will that be?"

"Eventually baby," Jen assured him. It's what she always said nowadays, "eventually." But her nebulous assurance gave Mike little relief.

Realizing that and trying to give Mike more assurance, Jen poked her toe into his chest again and promised "I'll never take it off. Just like the Sophia ring."

Mike smiled. He saw Jen was also wearing his tennis bracelet, on her left wrist. She rarely took it off. So that meant she always wore his tennis bracelet, the Sophia ring, and now the gold anklet too. That made him feel good.

"But um, baby ... you know I can't wear my rings tonight," she said hesitantly.

Mike nodded, the reality of tonight shattering their brief moment of marital intimacy and togetherness. "I get it," he said. She was Frank's date tonight among his friends. Naturally she couldn't wear her engagement and wedding rings. He understood, but it still felt like a knife to his heart.

Sometime later Jen came downstairs wearing a black, body hugging cocktail dress and black high heels. Her hair and makeup were perfect. Her makeup was heavier, just as Frank preferred. She looked stunningly beautiful, like a movie starlet or super model.

"You look incredible," Mike gushed, he said siding up to Jen. "I don't remember this dress."

"It's new. The shoes too," Jen whispered. Mike nodded. Jen didn't say it but he knew they were from Frank. Selected by Jen's stylists and bought using Frank's unlimited bank account.

It took Mike less than 30 minutes to shower and dress. In the shower he stroked himself. There was no way he'd make it through the evening without some relief. He allowed the cuckold angst to wash over him. How Frank was able to give Jen so much more. How Jen must think his gifts were pathetic next to Frank's. How Jen was so excited to see Frank to not only get his gift but also feel his cock inside her. Yes, Jen had told a good story earlier. He even believed her. But still, he couldn't help thinking last night and this morning were pity fucks. To make Mike feel good so he wouldn't object to her spending tonight with Frank. So she would get the real fucking she wanted. From Frank.

Mike lurched and shot his jizz against the ceramic tile walls. Then he leaned against the wall, panting and catching his breath as the hot water sprayed down on him. With his lust gone, he felt a wave of melancholy and regret wash over him. He closed his eyes and tried to force it away. But the dark emotions wouldn't go away. With his lust gone all that was left was the angst, the kind that hurt and depressed him. He had to force himself to finish showering and dressing, wondering how he was going to get through the evening.

As he walked down the stairs, he saw Anna bouncing around from sofa to ottoman to love seat. She was using the family room like a gym, gleefully leaping and tumbling all over the place. Everyone was watching, Mike, Jen and her parents. They were all smiling (even Jen's dad). Then Anna, knowing she had an audience, pretended she was a ballerina, gracefully pirouetting across the family room floor.

Mike was incredibly proud. Anna was his pride and joy, a fireball one moment, a graceful ballerina the next. He imagined this was how Jen was when she was a little girl. It was like a time machine into the past.

Suddenly Anna leaped into Mike's arms, like an Olympic gymnast soaring between the uneven bars. In a smooth motion, Anna wrapping her little arms around his neck and gave him a loud wet razzberry on his cheek. Mike laughed, as did everyone else. For Mike though, it was like a dark cloud opening up and the bright sun shining through. Being with Anna, seeing her bouncing and dancing around, it made Mike happy and drove the dark emotions away.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:29 PM

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