Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 51-52

Cheating and Rivals Part 51

Mike was dreaming. It was a great dream, of Jen giving him a blow job. When Mike woke up he realized he was panting. He looked down. Jen WAS giving him a blow job!

"Merry Christmas baby," Jen said with a smile. His hard cock was half in her mouth and her lips were wet, just like last night with Jacob. The memory made his cock jerk. "You like waking up this way huh?" she teased, not knowing the real reason for Mike's reaction.

"We have to hurry," Jen said, moving up her husband's body. She reached between them and guided his hard cock into her.

They were quiet, not wanting anyone to hear (all the bedrooms were on the 2nd floor in her parents' house, so Anna was just down the hall in Emma's old bedroom). Jen looked into Mike's face as she rocked back and forth on his cock. She saw he was troubled.

"You're still bothered by last night?" Jen asked.

"I'm not bothered," Mike lied.

"Yes you are," Jen said knowingly. She couldn't do anything about it now; there wasn't enough time. So she kissed Mike as she made love to him. She said "I love you" over and over again between kisses.

After a few minutes Mike came, moaning into Jen's mouth as he shot his sperm into her fertile (and unprotected) womb.

Mike had barely pulled up his boxers when Anna bounded into their bedroom. She threw open the door and yelled "Santa's been here!" as she leaped onto the bed. Anna, 4 years old now, was a bundle of energy. Long blonde hair, bright eyed and bubbly, Anna looked more like her mother every day. Which was to say, Anna was a beautiful little girl.

Again like Jen growing up, Anna was a tomboy. She was super active and athletic. She was a fish in the pool, a daring little Tarzan in gymnastics, and in her dance class she was showing the grace and elegance of a ballerina. Mike's dreams were to see Anna in the Olympics or as a prima donna ballerina in London or Paris. Yes, these were the ambitions of a proud father. But already Anna's instructors were marveling at the 4-year old's uncommon talent.

Anna was smart too. She didn't have Mike's brilliant intuitiveness. But she was bright like her mother. With Mike as her tutor, Anna was developing a feel for numbers.

Anna was a daddy's girl. Of course there was a strong connection between mother and daughter. But Anna had a special connection with her father. Anna also had Mike wrapped around her little finger, and she knew it. All she had to do was pout or call him "My My" and Mike would come running and give Anna anything she wanted. Often Jen had to (playfully) scorn Mike to be firmer with Anna or else he would spoil her.

Mike was also extremely protective of Anna. Jen often joked she felt sorry for the first boy who asked Anna on a date.

As Anna jumped on top of her parents, Jen gripped Mike's hand. "Coffee," she said urgently.

Mike laughed and Jen grinned at him. Jen and Anna went to wake up her parents while Mike started the coffee machine.

By about 2pm Anna was exhausted. All the presents had been opened and she'd played hard. She was getting grouchy. Mike and Jen put Anna down for her nap.

Dinner was at Emma and Vick's house (Jen's sister and her husband) so the adults had some free time. Not surprisingly, Jen's dad disappeared somewhere. Jen and her mom didn't say anything, but they knew they wouldn't see him again until dinner (and maybe not even then).

With Anna napping, Mike's mood darkened as he remembered last night. Jen felt the shift in his mood. Mike was a moody person; Jen knew it and was used to it. In fact it was something that attracted her to him; Mike was a constant puzzle that she had to figure out. But this was serious, like bad hurt. Something happened last night and Jen had to figure out what.

"Let's go upstairs, we'll talk," she whispered to her husband. "I'll be there in a minute. I want to sit with mom for a while."

Jen sat with Mom and they sipped coffee. She could tell mom was bothered by dad's disappearing act. He did it all the time. Jen knew dad had cheated on mom in the past. Was he cheating again, now? On Christmas of all days? Mom stayed with dad because she loved him. But Jen knew her mother hurt.

"You were with Frank Tower a lot last night," mom said, breaking their silence.

"We work together for Jasmine Kelly," Jen said. "We were campaigning."

"Don't you think that's rude, to campaign at Christmas?" mom said disapprovingly.

Jen sighed inside. Why were mothers always so judgmental? But she didn't want to get into an argument so she shrugged and said "I guess he can do whatever he wants. It's his party." She laughed to make it sound like a joke.

Mom frowned and said "Jasmine Kelly. How can you work for her? Didn't she date Mike? And doesn't she support abortion?"

"Mom ...," Jen said with another sigh. "Jasmine helped Mike. They dated a while but I dated Clint. That was a long time ago. And Jasmine doesn't support abortion. She supports a woman's right to choose."

"Sounds like the same thing to me," Mom scoffed. She frowned at her daughter. "Do you support abortion?"

"I think women should have a right to choose," Jen said. "And I choose never to have an abortion." Jen and mom glared at each other for a few moments. Then finally mom looked away, seeming to be mollified by her daughter's answer.

"Mike's upstairs," Jen said getting up.

But mom stopped her, grabbing he wrist. She whispered "Jenny, there's rumors. Are you having an affair with Frank? Do you still love Mike?"

Jen pulled her hand away from her mother. "I'll always love Mike," she said. Then she went upstairs.

Mike was on his computer, working on the X-Factor problem but he was too distracted to get anything done. "Hey you," Jen said softly as she entered the bedroom. She locked the door and got onto the bed. "Come here," she said reaching a hand for him. Mike took her hand and got into bed beside her.

"Now you're going to tell me what's wrong mister," Jen said in a playful scolding voice. "I played the game last night. What did I do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong," Mike said. "It's just, I heard ..."

"What did you hear?" Jen said. When Mike didn't answer, she said "What Mike? What did you hear?"

Mike was a cuckold. He wasn't able to think about this without getting excited, despite his angst. He put his hand on Jen's thigh (she was wearing a causal top, skinny jeans and flats). He said "You spent a lot of time with Frank last night."

"I was playing," Jen said, noting at how Mike's comment was so much like her mother's. There probably were rumors flying around in Belmont. Spending so much time with Frank last night certainly didn't help dispel them. "Oh well," Jen thought to herself. She'd passed the line from good girl to slut a long time ago. Such was the nature of their game.

"Yeah, I know, you were perfect," Mike assured her, remembering the delicious angst of his wife making him feel like a third wheel. "What'd you talk about?"

"You know, Frank tells war stories, people love it," Jen said.

"It's like he's holding court to his admirers," Mike said with a grin.

"I know, right?" Jen said with a grin back. "He's always like that. I mean, with us, if it's just me, he's Mr. Master of the Universe. But when he wants he can be super charming, like last night."

"It looked like you were an admirer too," Mike said, remembering how close Jen stood to Frank, how she looked up at him with adoring eyes.

"I was playing the game baby," Jen said again. "Yeah, he's interesting and has lots of funny stories. Is that what's bothering you? I spent too much time with him?"

"No, I mean ...," Mike sputtered. Yes, it bothered him Jen spent so much time with Frank. It bothered him the way she looked up at Frank with her beautiful blue eyes, hanging on his every word. It bothered him Jen seemed to forget he was there (or even alive) whenever Frank was around. But wasn't that what being a 3rd wheel was all about? Didn't it turn him on beyond belief, that delicious cuckold angst, the jealousy, the feeling of inferiority? Yes, it did turn him on. In fact, at that moment, he was rock hard.

"You were perfect," Mike assured her again. "I guess what bothered me, was when you kissed him. Wasn't that going too far?"

Jen stared at him. She asked "You didn't see?"

"See what?" Mike said, not understanding.

"Mike we were standing under mistletoe," Jen said squeezing his hand. "It wasn't a real kiss. Everyone was doing it."

"Oh," Mike said dumbly. "Mistletoe."

Mike slowly nodded, processing that. It was mistletoe. Just mistletoe. But still ...

"It looked like a real kiss," he said.

"It was a peck," Jen said.

"On the lips."

"Well yeah. A peck on the lips," Jen said.

"You didn't give him tongue?"

"Mike of course not," Jen scoffed. "Just a peck."

"It looked like ..." Mike said, his voice trailing off.

Jen took Mike's face gently in her hands. "Mike baby, so much of this is in your head." She looked at him, concerned. "God no wonder you're so upset. You thought it was a real kiss." Jen hugged him. "It was mistletoe baby. No tongue. Just a peck. I would never kiss Frank for real in public like that."
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