Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jacob thought about what Frank just said, that Mike Andrews was a cuckold. "That makes sense actually. The way he allowed the government to screw him over."

Frank nodded. That's why he liked Jacob. They saw things the same way. "Wait in the bedroom," he said. "I'll send Jenny to you." Frank felt a rush at his words. Ordering Jenny to fuck another man. The satisfaction of Jenny obeying him. Having power over other people always got Frank hard.

Mike was breathing hard as the conversation ended. His head was spinning but his cock was incredibly hard. He had a lot to process but there was time for that later. At that moment he had to make a decision. He could drag Jen from the party and demand she explain herself to him. Or he could let things play out.

He allowed his cuckold lusts to control him. Mike bolted to the east wing of the house. He made it to the bedroom well ahead of the 60+ year old Jacob.

Mike silently went inside. The bedroom was lavish with antique dark wood furniture and opulent dbangries. There was a closet that was centrally located. Mike turned on the lamps next to the bed so there would be good lighting. Then he stepped into the closet, leaving the door cracked open.

The closet was more like a store room, with metal shelves and junk lining the walls. Through the cracked-open door Mike had a good view of the entire room. He muted his iPhone. Then he waited.

Jacob entered the room a few minutes later. He looked excited but anxious too, scared even. His bravado earlier with Frank was gone. Jacob was a fierce business man, almost as successful as Frank, but with the opposite sex he was all thumbs. He had the urge to run out of the room and bolt from the party. But this might be his only opportunity with Jenny. So Jacob sat on the bed and nervously waited.

Time seemed to crawl. Five minutes, ten, then fifteen. Mike looked at his phone. Was Jen trying to call or text him? To tell him the plan? But inside the metal-lined storeroom he had zero coverage. Mike put his phone away and continued to wait. Twenty minutes. Thirty.

Finally there was a hesitant knock at the door. Jacob opened the door. Jen stepped in.

The 2 were a few feet apart. There was an awkward silence, both too embarrassed to look at each other. Jen had her arms around her, like she was trying to hide her body from Jacob.

Finally, Jen said "So, um, Mr. Schneider. This is really awkward." She ended the sentence with a nervous half laugh.

"Yes it is," Jacob agreed with a weak smile. "Please call me Jacob."

"Um, okay," Jen said with a nervous, weak smile of her own. It was hard to think of Mr. Schneider as "Jacob." But then, she called Mr. Tower Frank right?

"So, um, Jacob," Jen said awkwardly. "I forgot to ask before. Rachel's doing okay?" She'd given Jacob her belated condolences about Mrs. Schneider earlier.

"She's doing fine," Jacob assured her. "She graduated from med school last year. She's a resident in a Dallas hospital."

"Wow, that's so awesome," Jen gushed. "Rachel was always so smart. I think that's why we drifted apart. She took all the honors classes. I took the stupid classes."

"Don't talk down about yourself Jenny," Jacob said. "You have your own gifts. Like cheerleading, and the school musicals. You were always the star."

"Yeah I guess," Jen said. "I actually go by Jen now. Frank calls me Jenny but it's Jen."

"Oh, sorry," Jacob said. He hesitantly asked "So you're with Frank?"

"I'm not with him," Jen said, emphasizing with. "We have fun together."

Jacob nodded, feeling awkward again.

"We fuck," Jen added.

"Okay," Jacob said with an uncomfortable laugh.

"What did he tell you?" Jen asked.

Jacob shrugged. He said "Frank said you fuck." He laughed. So did Jen. "I never thought I'd say the F word with you," Jacob admitted.

Jen looked at the older man. "I had a big crush on you back then," she admitted.

"Really?" Jacob said surprised. He was incredibly flattered.

"I mean, I crushed on a lot of my girlfriends' dads, like Frank. I think it's natural," Jen explained. She added, "But you're Jewish. In high school I didn't know a lot of Jewish people. I thought it was cool. Like Jesus?"

"Yes, of course," Jacob said.

"It's funny," Jen said. "Most girls have a thing for black guys. Or Italian or French guys. If they have a thing. But for me it's Jewish boys."

"Is Mike Jewish?" Jacob asked.

"No," Jen said. "I don't think he's anything. He's kind of ... skeptical about all that."

"I see."

"I grew up Catholic so I like that," Jen said.

Jacob didn't understand but he didn't pursue it. They weren't there to talk religion after all. He hesitantly asked "Frank said Mike is a cuckold?"

"We don't use the C word," Jen said.

"I'm sorry," Jacob apologized immediately.

Jen smiled to assure him she wasn't upset. She said "Mike likes me with other men. It turns him on." After a moment she added "It turns me on too."

Jacob nodded but didn't reply. He wasn't able to say anything. His throat was too dry.

Jen stepped closer to Jacob, her high heels clicking on the expensive imported wood floor. "Can I trust you Jacob?" Jen asked. "You won't say anything. I won't hear rumors? Or get a call from Rachel?"

"No of course not," Jacob swore. He grinned and said "The last thing I want is for Rachel to find out."

"You promise?" Jen pressed, looking into Jacob's eyes. "My parents will never hear about this?"

"Never," Jacob said solemnly. "I promise."

Jen studied him, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth, if she could trust him. Deciding she could, she whispered "Okay. What do you want?"


"What do you want Jacob?" Jen repeated. "What do you want me to do?"

Jacob looked panicked for a moment. Then with an excited, hoarse voice he said "I'd like you to take off your dress Jenny."

"Jen," Jen corrected him.

"Sorry, Jen," Jacob sputtered.

Jen smiled at him. Looking into the older man's eyes, she reached behind and slowly unzipped her dress. She tugged it down and the silky material fell off her shoulders. Jen held it there, the top of the dress bundled around her waist. Jen was exposed from the waist up, her breasts covered by a strapless bra.

Jen continued to look in Jacob's eyes, as if waiting. Jacob felt tongue-tied. Finally he managed to say "Can you take the rest off?"

Jen let the dress fall to her feet. She put her hands to her side, letting Jacob look.

Jacob's eyes grew wide. Jen wasn't wearing panties. Her sex was completely exposed to Jacob's eyes. "So beautiful," Jacob gushed, his eyes riveted on Jen's bare pussy and the tiny blonde landing strip above her clit. "So sweet," he said.

From the closet, Mike wasn't surprised Jen wasn't wearing panties. He knew she took them off before entering the bedroom because only Frank fucked her in his wife's panties. But Jacob had used exactly the right word to describe her pussy -- "sweet." Jen had a sweet looking pussy. A short, tight slit with thin lips just a shade darker than the surrounding skin. Like a sweet innocent teenager's.

Without being asked, Jen reached behind and unsnapped her bra. She let it fall to the floor next to her dress. Now Jen was completely naked except for the high heels on her feet.

"My god you're so beautiful!" Jacob gushed as his eyes feasted on Jen's firm sexy body. His eyes locked on her pierced nipples. A deep moan escaped Jacob's lips at the sight of the naughtiness of the nipple bars combined with the sweetness of her pussy.

Jen smiled at his compliments. She moved closer and wrapped her arms around Jacob's neck. "I never thought we'd kiss," she said with a smile at him. "You?"

"No, never," Jacob sputtered. He was nervous and awkward. Jen liked that. He kind of reminded her of Mike.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:26 PM

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