Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike and Jen arrived at Frank's party holding hands but that didn't last long. They were soon separated as people swarmed around them. Jen was ultra-popular and everyone wanted to say hi and chat. People didn't know Mike well but many were intrigued by his role in Liberty-gate and wanted to talk to him. Mike tried to keep an eye on Jen but the sea of people got bigger and he eventually lost sight of her.

The people who wanted to talk to Mike soon lost interest. Part of it -- a big part -- was the aura Mike projected. Mike was shy and introverted. He didn't welcome talking to people; it took a lot of energy (in fact when he was tired it was painful). Although Mike was always polite, people picked up on his awkwardness and reluctance to be with people and tended to veer away from him. Mike was okay with that. His preference was to keep to himself (even in a crowded party like this).

Paradoxically, Mike liked to people watch. He saw Jen's mom and dad across the room. Jen's dad was very much like Frank. Popular and boisterous, a crowd of smiling and laughing people around him like he was holding court. For not the first time Mike realized Jen's dad was much like the Colins and Scotts she always found so attractive. Mike wasn't surprised; daughters were often attracted to men like their fathers; such was the influence of parents on their children. It was ironic Jen ended up with him, a man 180 degrees opposite her dad. But in their game, Jen always played with the Colins of the world. Even Frank was a Colin really; a handsome, charismatic, ultra-confident man. The difference was Frank was also wealthy and influential, and extraordinarily manipulative.

Mike looked at Jen's mom. Her mom and sister Emma were both beautiful. Not runway model beautiful like Jen but still striking. Somewhat surprisingly, her mom and Emma were both natural brunettes and had large breasts. But like Jen, they had long shapely legs.

Mike knew Jen envied her mother and sister's breasts. She often joked she got cheated out of the big tit gene.

The Johnson girls were easily the prettiest girls at the party. Jen's mom and sister stood somewhat meekly next to their husbands, smiling but not saying much. It was clear who wore the pants in those families. In contrast, Jen was delightfully outgoing. She flitted around like a social butterfly. Jen's outgoing personality was probably the biggest difference between her and the other 2 Johnson girls.

Mike spied Jen across the room. His gut started churning as he saw she was with Frank. She wasn't holding his arm but she stood really close to him, their shoulders practically touching (although Mike saw the crowd was packed really tight around them).

Like Jen's father, Frank was holding court to what appeared to be an adoring crowd. Jen was looking up at him and smiling too. Mike realized Jen was one of Frank's admirers. The realization made Mike's gut churn even more. It made his cock hard too.

Mike watched as Frank mingled through the crowd, stopping to talk and charm up everyone. Mike was shocked when he saw Jen walking next to Frank. More than that, Frank would say something to the crowd, and then Jen would laugh and say something else like she was finishing his sentence. They were acting like a couple. They weren't holding hands but they might as well have been given how they were acting.

What the fuck? Jen said she wouldn't embarrass him, and yet only an hour into the party she was already acting like Frank's girl.

Then Mike told himself to calm down. So what if Jen was walking with Frank? They worked together for Jasmine, they were probably campaigning for her. Also, he was the one who urged Jen to give him some 3rd wheel treatment. Jen was probably just doing what he asked.

After a while Frank and Jen's mingling through the crowd brought them close to where Mike was standing. As Frank chatted up a few people Jen moved up beside him. "Having fun baby?" she asked him.

Mike saw the glass of clear liquid his wife was holding. "What are you drinking?" he asked.

"Tequila. Frank has an awesome collection," Jen gushed. "This one's so smooth. It's organic blue agave."

"Sounds like you know a lot about tequila," Mike said feeling bothered about his wife liking another man's drink.

"Not really. I'm just repeating what Frank said," Jen said with a giggle. She sounded kind of drunk. "You ought to try it Mike. It's freaking awesome."

Mike forced a smile. Jen drinking Frank's drink was as bad as when she wore his shirt. It was like a knife to his heart. "I'll stick with scotch for now," he said with the fake smile plastered on his face. "You might want to slow down. You sound kind of tipsy."

Jen giggled and said "I'm just how I want to be." She took another long sip of the tequila.

"You sound like you're quoting someone," Mike said.

"I am," Jen said. "Juliet."

"Oh," Mike said with a nod. He whispered "You're not jealous of Juliet anymore?"

Jen shook her head no. She whispered "Frank hasn't mentioned her. I think I've got his attention."

"In that dress I'm sure you do," Mike said with a grin. Jen's black dress was slinky, had a daring plunging V neck and showed off a lot of her fabulous legs.

"Thanks baby," Jen said with an appreciative smile and squeeze of his hand. She whispered "Wearing the necklace was a freaking brilliant idea. Frank's in an awesome mood. Thanks for letting me." She hesitated then added "People are asking who gave it to me. My mom asked too. I told them it's not as expensive as it looks and I got it before I met you."

"Oh," Mike said with a frown. "You could have told them I gave it to you."

"That's not really a good idea is it?" Jen said.

Mike didn't know what Jen was getting at but he went with it and said "I guess not."

Frank interrupted their conversation by saying "Jenny, shall we?"

"See you later," Jen said moving back to Frank.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked.

"Oh, you know, chatting up Jasmine," Jen said as she hurried back to Frank's side.

Mike watched as his wife walked away with Frank, his stomach churning again. He told himself to calm down. Yes, Jen had been short with him, paying him almost no attention and leaving as soon as Frank called. But Jen was just giving him the 3rd wheel treatment that he asked for. She was just playing the game.

Mike watched as Jen and Frank moved to an archway that connected to the next room. They stopped, turning to look at each other. They were smiling, looking into each other's eyes. "What's going on?" Mike wondered.

Then Jen did the unthinkable. With everyone watching -- including her parents and sister probably -- Jen reached up on her tiptoes and kissed Frank (even in high heels Frank still towered above his wife). She kissed him! In front of everyone!

Mike felt like everyone was looking at him. Wondering why he was allowing another man to steal his wife away -- to kiss her! -- right in front of his eyes. He staggered away. He found a bathroom and went inside, locking the door behind him. He leaned on the sink basin, his eyes clenched closed. "What's Jen doing?" he thought to himself. "How could she kiss Frank in front of everyone? How could she do that to him?" Being a cuckold was one thing. But Mike felt like Jen had just emasculated him as a man.

As Mike left the bathroom he heard voices around the corner. He realized it was Frank and another man. He recognized the other man's voice. It was Jacob, a distinguished looking older man with salt and pepper hair he met earlier that night. Mike pressed his back to the wall to listen.

"Frank, how lucky you are to be working with Jenny," Jacob said enviously. "She used to play with my daughter Rachel. Oh, this was a long time ago, probably when they were 16 or so. You could tell back then Jenny was going to be a lovely girl."

"All blonde hair and long legs I bet," Frank said with a chuckle. "She's still the same."

"She definitely is," Jacob said with a chuckle.

"Jenny's going to Broadway you know," Frank said. "I'm her patron." There was both pride and possessiveness in his voice.

"Are you really?" Jacob said. He sounded intrigued. With a conspiratorial smile in his voice, he asked "Frank, level with me. Exactly what is your relationship with Jenny?"

"You're asking if I'm fucking her?" Frank said.

"Well that's a blunt way of putting it but yes," Jacob said with a chuckle back.

"I don't kiss and tell Jacob," Frank said with a smile in his voice.

Jacob grinned. He knew Frank's non-answer was a confirmation he was indeed fucking Jenny. He was only partially surprised. Over the years he'd heard titillating rumors about Jenny. And of course Frank Tower was Frank Tower.

"You gave Jenny the diamond necklace?" Jacob guessed. "She told me she got it before she met her husband. She made it sound like it's Cubic Zirconia."

"It's not fake," Frank said with a laugh.

"So you gave it to her?" Jacob asked.

"For her birthday," Frank said with a nod. "Jenny's telling that story because she doesn't want to disrespect me."

Mike's eyes went wide as he heard Frank's words. That's why Jen didn't want to say he gave the necklace to her? Because she didn't want to disrespect Frank? It was better to let people believe the necklace came from a vague, unnamed old boyfriend rather than her husband? To not disrespect Frank? Mike understood the logic but the realization hurt. Jen should have at least told him.

And then Mike thought more about it. Jen was openly telling people she was wearing the necklace of an old boyfriend. Didn't Jen realize that was disrespecting HIM? Or maybe she didn't care. It didn't matter to her if she disrespected him. She just didn't want to disrespect Frank. The more Mike thought about it, the more he felt like he was going over the abyss into bad hurt.

Jacob said "You know Frank ... I've always enjoyed the occasional perks of being one of your most loyal business partners."

"You want to fuck Jenny," Frank said with a chuckle.

"I've always admired her," Jacob said with an excited eager smile in his voice. "Ever since she was a young girl."

Now it was Frank's turn to sound intrigued. "Tell me Jacob," he said. "Back then, when Jenny and Rachel were friends. Did your hands ever wander?"

Mike leaned in closer. Despite his hurt, this talk about his wife as a young teenage girl fascinated him. Two dirty old men talking about Jen when she was a nubile teen, barely sweet 16, still a virgin and just ripening towards being a young adult.

"No, never," Jacob said, sounding offended. "My god Frank she was only 16."

"Of course, my apologies," Frank said.

Jacob nodded, appearing to be mollified. After a moment he added, "Although, have you seen the Lolita movie? The version with Jeremy Irons and Dominique Swain?"

"I must have missed it," Frank said. Frank didn't watch movies. He thought they were a waste of time. He watched little TV, except sports and CNN.

"But you're familiar with the story."

"Of course," Frank said.

"Well, the 16-year old Jenny very much reminds me of that Lolita from the movie," Jacob said. "She was a tart. I don't mean that harshly. Jenny's always been a charming girl. But she was a flirt. Always running around in cut off shorts and crop tops. You know, the kind that shows her belly button? She was so sociable, just like now. And expressive, she spoke with her hands. And playful. More than once we had tickle fights."

"Tickle fights?" Frank asked with a laugh.

Jacob grinned. "Like I said, Jenny's a flirt. Very touchy-feely."

"And you enjoyed the touching," Frank said with a knowing smile.

"Like I said, the 16-year old Jenny was a lovely, charming girl," Jacob said with a grin.

"Just like the 30-year old Jenny," Frank said with a grin back. "Although with bigger breasts."

"Slightly bigger from what I can tell," Jacob said, the grin still on his face.

"Roger that," Frank said. He was also grinning. "I have firsthand knowledge of that."

Jacob gave Frank an intrigued look. "We're old friends, aren't we Frank?"

"Of course."

"I'd say you owe me a favor or two," Jacob said with a sideways grin.

"I'd say we're even," Frank said with a chuckle. "But go on."

"Just this," Jacob said. "I'd also like to have firsthand knowledge of Jenny."

Frank and Jacob smiled at each other, two 60ish men talking about a girl half their age, a girl they both lusted over when she was a teenager. Finally Frank said, "You remember the guest bedroom you and Dinah stayed in? The east wing, 2nd floor, 1st bedroom on the left. Go there." Dinah was Jacob's wife. She died around the same time Frank's wife Sally died.

Jacob smiled excitedly. "What about her husband Mike?" he asked.

"Don't worry about him," Frank said dismissively. "He's a cuckold."

"Is that right?" Jacob said with a raised eyebrow. "So it won't bother Jenny? With her husband here?"

"Not at all," Frank said. "Jenny gets satisfaction from me, not her husband."

"They don't have sex?" Jacob asked, intrigued.

"Perhaps," Frank said with a shrug. "But she gets no pleasure from it. Just last week she told me. She satisfies her obligations as a wife but has no passion for Mike. But then, how could she? As I said, he's a cuckold."

Mike felt like he'd been hit with a bag of bricks. Jen told Frank that? That she has no passionate for him? Mike understood Jen enjoyed sex with her lovers more than him. That was a given, a core reason they played the game. But Mike had believed Jen still enjoyed their sex. That's what she always told him. She always said his was her favorite one. Had Jen been lying all these years?
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:26 PM

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