Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Yes," Mike said honestly.

"Does she pick up men in bars?" Allie asked.

"We've done that."

"Do you pick or does she?"

"She picks."

"Why don't you pick?" Allie asked. "Don't you want control over who she fucks?"

"That's not how it works," Mike told her. "It's important Jen pick. That's part of it."


"Because she picks someone she's really hot for," Mike said. His cheeks went red as he added, "Someone better in bed than me."

"God Mike," Allie said with another incredulous shake of her head. "You know how much a loser you sound?"

Mike winced at Allie's criticism. "You think I'm a loser?" he said, angry and annoyed. He held up his iPhone. "Do you know, with this, I could take everything you own? Not just you but everyone in this bar. I can find out all your secrets. I can take your identity. I can decide if you live or die tomorrow. And no one would ever find out. No one. Ever."

Allie stared at Mike. "So why don't you do it?" she asked in a low voice, almost a whisper.

Mike shrugged. He said "I guess I don't feel like being god today."

Allie looked at Mike with shock. Did he really just say that? Talk about audaciousness ... arrogance.

Mike seemed to realize his error. It wasn't just modesty. He didn't want people to think he was a freak. Trying to make light of it, he grinned and joked, "You know, Clark Kent wears glasses too."

Getting serious, Mike said "I know who I am Allie. Everyone has fantasies. My fantasies work with Jen's fantasies. It doesn't make me a loser."

"Okay I get it," Allie said looking at Mike. She looked away. Then she looked at Mike again, as if studying him. Who was he really? The cuckold Mike? Or the audacious Mike?

Later they were in a taxi driving home. "Can you go through Central Park?" Allie asked the driver.

The taxi went uptown. As it neared Central Park it passed by an opulent skyscbangr. "That's Frank's?" Allie asked.

Mike nodded in the darkness. "He has the penthouse," he said.

"You think that's where they are?"


"Having sex?"

"... probably," Mike said after a moment's hesitation.

"That turns you on?"

Mike hesitated again. Then he said "... yes."

Allie looked at Mike, the darkness illuminated by the glow of the streetlights. "What you said in the bar," she said. "Could you do that to Frank?"

Mike nodded. He said "He thinks he's protected. But if he's connected to the internet I can get to him. And everyone's connected to the internet."

"Why don't you?"

"I told you," Mike said. "He's doing what I want."

Allie shuddered. With a weak smile she said "That's kind of hot. Maybe I have to rethink going out with one of your geeky friends."

Allie slid closer to Mike so her knee touched his. "Can I asked you something?"


Allie took Mike's hand and put it on her thigh. She whispered "Don't you miss making a girl cum?"

"Allie," Mike protested. Before he could say more Allie pulled his hand under her skirt. Mike felt soft skin above lacy stocking tops.

"You said tights," Mike said, his breathing getting heavy.

"I lied," Allie said. "Thigh highs. No garter belt though. Sorry."

"Allie," Mike said again, trying to pull his hand away.

"Wait. Just wait," Allie said, clamping her thighs around Mike's hand. She moved closer. Now Mike's fingertips touched her panties. She was wet.

"I would seriously like to feel your tongue on my clit," Allie whispered. "I won't do anything to you. Unless you want me to." Allie put her hand over Mike's crotch. He was hard. She rubbed him and said "I'm not a size queen like Jen. But if you want I'll tell you how small you are. How other guys are better than you. If that gets you hot."

When Mike didn't move or say anything, Allie whispered "All these years ... you must have wondered what it would be like with me."

Like an out of body experience, Mike found himself moving his finger up and down the camel toe formed in Allie's lacy panties. They looked at each other as Mike fingered her. Both were breathing hard.

Allie reached down and tugged up her dress so now the skirt part was gathered around her waist. Mike looked at her. The lacy stocking tops. The shapely, toned bare thighs above. "You like what you see?" Allie said with one of those taunting, smart alecky grins from college.

"Don't say anything okay?" Mike told her. It was easier to believe this was a dream -- that it wasn't really happening -- if she didn't say anything.

Mike hooked a finger in Allie's panties and pulled them aside. He'd seen Allie naked before but this was his first close up look at her pussy. Jen's pussy was like a teenager's. A short tight slit with thin lips almost the same color of the surrounding skin. Allie's pussy was more womanly. Bigger, darker lips. A more pronounced clit. Not able to resist, Mike pushed two fingers into her. He rubbed her clit with his thumb.

Allie's eyelids got heavy as Mike fingered her. But Mike wasn't skilled. That didn't surprise her. Jen always said Mike was the most loving lover but not the best lover. Allie wrapped her hands around his wrist. She repositioned him so he touched her better. "Slower. There," she whispered, coaching him. "Yeah, like that, right there, yeah" she moaned as Mike found the right angle, the right pressure, the right speed. He worked on her in the darkness, the only sound their heaving breathing.

"Oh fuck," Allie moaned, her head rolling back. "Oh fuck," she gasped. A moment later she came.

Allie collapsed onto Mike's chest, gasping. Mike pulled his fingers from her pussy. Although still breathing hard, Allie took his hand and licked her juices from his fingers. As she did she looked into his eyes.

Mike realized the taxi was stopped. He looked at the driver. He was looking back at them.

No. The driver was looking at Allie.

"Free fare if you let me fuck her," the driver said to Mike. "I'll drive you anywhere you want. No charge."

Allie was still looking into Mike's eyes. She whispered "I'll fuck him if you want me to. You can watch."

But Mike shook his head no. He liked Allie. But he didn't love her. His fantasy only worked if he loved the girl. He was a cuckold only with Jen.

The taxi drove them to Allie's High Line brownstone. Mike said "Jen can't ever know."

"I won't say anything," Allie promised.

"Allie," Mike added. "We can't see each other anymore."

Allie stared at Mike. Looking sad and regretful, she nodded. Then she got out of the cab and hurried into her house.

Cheating and Rivals Part 50

Over the following weeks Jen spent more time with Frank. It became a routine. She spent Friday night to Sunday morning plus one or two lunches with Frank (lunches worked best because it didn't take time away from Mike and Anna). The rest of the time was Mike's.

Frank seemed satisfied with this arrangement. He never mentioned Juliet. Jen knew though it was possible he was seeing Jules -- or other girls, like Paige -- and just not telling her. Frank was a man after all and had needs. The prospect made Jen jealous but what could she do? She wasn't exclusive to Frank (she still had sex with Mike) so how could she expect Frank to be exclusive to her? It bothered her though (when she allowed herself to think about it). She knew this was a rift that might eventually drive them apart. Jen didn't like thinking about that possibility; at the same time she thought that might ultimately be a good thing for her marriage.

Mike had mixed feelings about the arrangement. But it really wasn't that much more time. Just an afternoon or two a week. And, he spent most Saturday nights with them, so he still spent enough time with his wife to keep the Jen meter filled up and not get bad hurt.

Mike didn't see Allie. They didn't text or call each other. He heard through Jen that things were not going well between Allie and Darren; it looked like they were headed for divorce. He felt sorry for Allie, and worried too.

Mike felt guilty but in some ways he was glad it happened. Because now he understood Jen better. He understood how things could quickly spiral out of control when they were playing the game. He also understood how easy it was to lie and cheat.

It was Wednesday afternoon, a week before Christmas. Jen and Frank were panting, both of them sweaty from sex. Frank turned towards Jen and caressed her arm. "Your plans for the holidays?" he asked.

"We're supposed to go to my parents for Christmas," Jen said.

"Excellent," Frank said. "You can attend my Christmas eve party at the Belmont house."

"That's probably not a good idea," Jen said with a frown.


"You know why," Jen told him. "Are you inviting my parents?"

"If you would rather I won't," Frank said reasonably.

Jen pursed her lips. Her parents would be offended (and suspicious) if she was invited but they weren't. The last time she was able to blame it on the campaign but that wouldn't work this time. (See Cheating and Rivals -- Parts 17 and 18.)

"Jenny, I would like to see you over the holidays," Frank said. He gave her an earnest smile and said "Consider it your Christmas gift to me. Don't worry. I'll be discreet. Remember the CATF weekend? All went well."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:25 PM

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