Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike was proud of his wife. His big smile showed it. Jen couldn't help blushing a little at getting praised by all these super-smart people.

"So we're stuck," Maria said glumly. "We can make faster and faster computers but until we figure out the X factor we'll never make a quantum computer."

Jen shrugged and said "Well, maybe you ought to make a human think faster like a computer."

"What?" Mike said looking at his wife. There was something in what she said. The gimmer of an idea.

"You know, like the X-Men movies?" Jen joked.

"Oh yeah like making a mutant," Maria said with a grin.

Mike stared at his wife, a big smile coming to his face. The X-factor idea was forgotten; this was way better. "I can't believe you just brought up the X-men movies," he said, a delighted smile on his face. "It was like when Allie brought up Harry Potter."

Jen slowly nodded, a fake smile plastered on her face. She and Mike had been together for over 10 years. In all that time, he had never, ever, mentioned Allie unless it involved her. Until now. The memory of the Fonzie charm dangling from Allie's wrist flashed through her head again.

"Jen, what's the F?" Maria asked looking curiously at Jen's ankle.

"What?" Jen said. She was disoriented and didn't know what Maria was talking about.

"The black F on your ankle," Maria said.

Jen's legs were demurely crossed. She looked down at her ankle. So did Mike. They both saw a black F. It was about 1 inch high. A black F.

Jen was just as surprised to see it as Mike. She immediately knew what happened. Frank wrote the F on her ankle while she was napping in his room. The shit.

But Jen was still bothered by Mike's reference to Allie. So without thinking she blurted out "Oh that. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo."

Mike's jaw dropped. "Since when?" he said.

"Recently honey, just today," Jen said with fake sweetness. Wanting to make sure Mike understood exactly when, and with who, she added "When Anna was taking a nap. That's when I decided to get a tattoo."

Mike's eyes went wide. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jen was going to let Frank brand her with his initial?!

Maria and Brent looked at each other, sensing the sudden tension between Mike and Jen. "Um, Jen, what does F stand for?" Maria hesitantly asked.

"Family," Jen said without any hesitation.

"Oh, ah, that's so sweet," Maria said awkwardly. She shared another glance with Brent.

The 2 couples split up soon after with Maria and Brent sputtering a quickly conceived excuse about a vague dinner reservation.

Mike was reeling. Was Jen really thinking about letting Frank ink her ankle with his initial? To Mike that would be the greatest betrayal. To allow her lover to marred her beautiful legs and feet with a tattoo.

"Family? Really?" Mike hissed angrily. He managed to keep his voice low so other people in the bar couldn't hear. "You mean Frank right? Or fucking Frank. Maybe you're going to ink two Fs on your ankle."

"Mike," Jen began, realizing the charade had gone too far.

"When were you going to tell me Jen?!" Mike lashed out. "How could you even think about this without talking to me first?!"

Suddenly Jen got angry and annoyed. "Oh, so we've finally reached your limits," she scoffed sarcastically. "Getting pregnant's okay. Keeping my pussy just for Frank's okay. But no tats. You know Mike, sometimes I wish you were more possessive."

"What are you talking about?" Mike said angrily.

"I'm talking about me!" Jen said just as angrily. She was hurt now too. It was all coming out, all the memories and doubts that resurfaced after seeing Ricky. "I wish you were more possessive of me!"

"What are you talking about?" Mike said again. He was less angry now, but confused. "I am possessive of you."

Jen laughed. But it was a bitter laugh. "Mike you share me with other men," she said. "Not exactly the dream I had growing up."

"But ... you like that," Mike said, still not understanding. "We both like the game. That doesn't mean I'm not possessive of you."

Jen looked down. It was hard staying mad at Mike when he had that hurt puppy dog look on his face. And she knew she was being unfair. The game was as much her as Mike. Although, that didn't prevent Jen from still wishing her husband was more possessive of her.

"It's a bad joke," she said shaking her head regretfully. "There's no tattoo. I didn't notice the F until just now. Frank must have done it when I was sleeping."

Mike was relieved. But now he was more bothered about her "possessive" comment than the tattoo. He said "Jen I am possessive of you. I'm super possessive of you."

"I know," Jen said giving him a weak smile. "I guess, sometimes, it screws with my head."

"The game?"

"Yeah," Jen said. She almost added "And seeing Ricky again." But she didn't. She didn't want to open that can of worms. So instead she eyed him and asked "So exactly when did Allie bring up Harry Potter?"

Mike got it. Jen was an incredibly jealous person. Now he understood why she was so upset. Unfortunately, the answer wasn't going to make her feel any better. "When we were at the sex party," he said honestly.

"Oh okay, the sex party, perfect," Jen said with a humorless laugh.

"I don't plan on going to any more sex parties with her," Mike quickly added.

"Well that's something," Jen said with another humorless laugh. She decided to come clean with her husband. She said "I don't think Allie was a good choice. She knows too much about you."

"What?" Mike said not understanding.

Jen looked at her husband. Maybe Mike wasn't the best looking man around. While definitely cute, he wasn't gorgeous like Scott or Tom (or Ricky). But Mike had so much on the inside. He was a way better catch than any of those men. Most girls (the really pretty ones) never looked twice at Mike, so they never discovered all the really awesome things about him. But Allie knew Mike. She already knew those things.

Jen and Allie were best friends. They'd been through a lot. But Allie was on the rebound and could easily be tempted by a great guy like Mike. Jen realized she never should have let Allie within 10 feet of her husband. And they went to a freaking sex club together! Jen trusted Mike. But did she trust Allie?

"What do you mean, Allie knows too much about me?" Mike asked again.

"Never mind, it's nothing," Jen said with a tight smile. She didn't want to explain it to Mike. Maybe it was her insecurities, the fact she just turned 30 (and was feeling old). If Mike knew how great a catch he was, maybe his eyes would start wandering. Maybe at a girl like Juliet for example. She was younger, sexy and beautiful. In her worse nightmare, Mike dumped her for a younger, more busty version of herself like Jules. She was sure a free spirited party girl like Juliet would love to pay the game with Mike.

It was about 9pm when Mike and Jen got back to their hotel room. Anna was sound asleep. Since it was still early, Maggie went out to explore some of the DC nightlife.

"You're going to Frank's?" Mike asked. Jen heard some anxiety in his voice but mostly excitement. She could tell he wanted her to see Frank.

"You're not mad about the F?" Jen asked.

Mike thought about it. Her "you're not possessive enough" comment really threw him for a loop. Frank's F paled in comparison to that. Also, well ... it kind of turned him on too. More than "kind of" actually. Frank "branding" Jen with his initial. It really fueled his cuckold fantasies. And it was just marker. If it was a real tattoo that would be different. But this was temporary.

"Nothing bad happened," Mike said.

Mike's answer surprised her. But Jen saw the excitement in his face. She knew her husband was like that, often thinking with his little head instead of his big one. Frank's F did it for Mike. It was a way for Frank to subtly cuck Mike in front of his friends without starting rumors (or being permanent like a real tattoo.). For not the first time, Jen thought about how Frank was the perfect "boyfriend" for their game. He got them both off.

"No nothing bad happened," Jen agreed. "I'll tell Maria tomorrow I decided not to get a tattoo."

"What else happened today?" Mike asked, wrapping his arms around Jen's waist and pulling her towards him. Jen felt Mike's erection pressing against her.

"Wild stuff," Jen said with a laugh. "I think I told you about Frank's friend Juliet? We had a threesome."

Mike's jaw dropped. "You say that so casually, like it happens every day," he said with a laugh.

"I know, right?" Jen said with a laugh back. "This is Frank. He likes to play games."

With an intrigued smile Mike asked "So did you like it?"

Jen knew Mike was asking more about Juliet than Frank. Men were like that. "It didn't suck," she joked. With a shrug she added "A girl's fun sometimes."

"What's Juliet like?" Mike asked.

"Young. Beautiful. Big tits. Your basic nightmare," Jen said with a humorless laugh.

Mike heard the sourness in his wife's voice. He asked, "You're jealous of Juliet?"

Jen shrugged. Yes she was jealous. Frank was hers to keep though. All she had to do was give Frank what he wanted - spent more time with him. It wasn't like that would be hardship duty for her, and probably Mike would agree to it (look how easily he gave Monday to Frank, and how he wanted her to see him now). But sooner or later Frank would demand something she couldn't give without really hurting Mike and their marriage.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:22 PM

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