Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen looked awkwardly at Mike. She said "Um, honey? Anna. Can you ...?"

Mike understood. Jen wanted to say goodbye to Frank. The way a girl would say bye to her boyfriend. He moved to Anna's door so if she woke up early he could head her off before she saw her mother kissing another man. Mike felt like the 3rd wheel again. The cuckold husband.

Jen held Frank's hand as she walked him to the door. Mike could see them but not hear. They embraced. Kissed. Whispered. Kissed and whispered again. Then Frank hugged her tight. They kissed once more. Finally he left.

Mike moved over to his wife. She seemed lost in thought, not noticing his approach. "Missing Frank already?" Mike asked. He wore a smile to make it sound like a joke but there was a bitter edge in his voice.

"Sorry," Jen said as she emerged from her reverie. She smiled at Mike and squeezed his hand. "Sometimes Frank can be sweet. I know you probably hate hearing that. He's never as sweet as you. But he's just so different when he acts like a normal person. It's always kind of shocking."

Mike slowly nodded, processing this. "So what'd he say?" he asked.


"What sweet thing did he say?"

"Oh, nothing really," Jen said with a shrug. "He wished me happy birthday. Said he really liked me. He can't wait until tomorrow. Just normal stuff. That's why it's sweet."

"Tomorrow night," Mike said.


"You're not seeing Frank until tomorrow night," Mike said. "Not tomorrow. Tomorrow night."

"Of course baby," Jen assured him, squeezing his hand again. "That's what I meant."

Mike almost winced when she called him "baby." "I've mentioned this before," he said. "I wish you wouldn't call him baby."

"Oh," Jen said, surprised. She honestly didn't realize she was doing that. "I'm sorry. Sometimes it slips out. I'll pay more attention."

"It's not a big deal," Mike said trying to sound nonchalant. "I'm just saying ..."

"Of course honey," Jen assured him, squeezing his hand again. "Baby is for us. I'll do better. I promise."

Mike frowned when she called him "honey." He wanted her to call HIM "baby." Then Mike mentally shook himself; he knew he was being a child. "Will you calm down!" he silently chastised himself.

Jen stroked her finger down Mike's chest. "So have fun last night?" she asked with a grin.

"You had a good birthday," Mike said. Even though his stomach was still churning he forced a grin.

"Well yeah," Jen said with a laugh. Inside she was elated. She got it from Frank 3 times! The most ever in 1 night! "Not sure I'll be able to walk right today," she added with a laugh, referring to getting fucked THREE times by such a thick cock. God she was in heaven!

"He really stretches you," Mike said.

"Frank's a big boy," Jen agreed with a grin. "You had fun though right?" she asked. With a giggle in her voice she joked "Right, my little cucky?" She put her hand over Mike's crotch. He was hard of course.

"It was tough sometimes," Mike admitted.

"Did I go too far?" she asked him looking concerned.

"I guess ... it would have been nice if you looked at me sometimes," Mike told her. He felt like a pathetic wuss. But he needed to get this off his chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jen said. "I thought you wanted me to pretend like you weren't there."

"Were you just pretending?" Mike asked with a laugh. The laugh was without humor and had some bitterness in it.

"Of course I knew you were there Mike," Jen assured him. She rubbed his arm. "I love you. I can't help but know you're there."

"So you really were pretending?" Mike asked again. This time, though, there was hope instead of bitterness in his voice.

"Of course I was pretending," Jen said rubbing his arm. She looked at Mike's face. "Oh my god, you're really upset. I'm sorry baby." She wrapped her arms around Mike and hugged him tight.

"I'm okay, it's just ... I'm okay," Mike said. His words came out like a relieved sigh. He closed his eyes as his wife hugged him. He felt the Jen Meter filling up. He felt better. He felt calmer.

They heard rumblings from Anna's room. Their daughter was waking up.

"I'm going to hop in the shower," Jen said pulling away from Mike.

"Just a minute," Mike said holding Jen tight. The Jen Meter had been dangerously low. He still needed more of her attention.

"Um, baby?" Jen said uncertainly. She whispered "I know I smell like sex."

"Yeah okay," Mike said. He let her go.

Jen cupped his erection. "I'll take care of this tonight mister," she said with a grin at him.

Cheating and Rivals Part 46

Maggie arrived at 9am, around the same time Jen left for work. The college student was almost their full time nanny now. Maggie was okay with that. She was finding NYU to be a bore; she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. Until then she liked being Anna's nanny. For one she loved the little blonde pipsqueak. For another she was fascinated by Mike and Jen's lifestyle. She was secretly keeping notes. She thought some day she might write a book.

Mike went into the small alcove of the loft apartment that he called his home office. He opened his Mac and began his work day. The Apple work wasn't hard; there was just a lot of it. He was paid well though so he didn't complain. It felt good being the breadwinner again. That was how it was supposed to be. The man was supposed to support his family.

Around lunch time Mike got an email from Colonel Banks. An email to decrypt. He immediately shifted over to that project. The CATF work was more challenging and interesting and he felt he was doing something useful. Decrypting the email was a challenge but by the end of the day he got it.

Mike frowned as he read the message. It again mentioned "the Twins." He knew there was a fierce debate within the US intelligence community about the Twins. What did it mean? Two targets? Two operatives? A codeword that had nothing to do with the number 2?

Mike had read all the messages about the Twins (he had a hand in decrypting almost all the messages). His gut feeling was "the Twins" referred to 2 targets. But it was just a feeling, he didn't know for sure. He forwarded the decrypted message to Banks, hoping his team could make sense of it.

A few minutes later Banks sent another email. Mike's heart sank as he read it.


Jen took her time getting to work. She had nothing pressing going on, now that most of her clients had been transferred to other partners. Rather than miss her old responsibilities, she felt an exuberant sense of freedom. She never wanted to return to the high pressure life of advertising. And, with how much Apple was paying Mike, she didn't have to.

Jen was excited about the prospect of Broadway for a year or 2. Then, after she got that out of her system, she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. Of Anna, and another baby. Jen had come around to what Mike wanted. Like her husband, she wanted another baby.

Jen made 3 stops on the way to work. The first was a custom framing shop. When she left, Anna's birthday card was mounted in a beautiful antique frame.

Next Jen went to the Sesame Street store on Broadway. Mike thought Anna's birthday gifts were surprises. They weren't (other than the sweet birthday card). Anna was only 3 years old. She told her mother everything. In fact, Jen had taken Anna to the Sesame Street store many times. Anna picked out the presents with Jen weeks before Mike took her to the store. So last night with Frank, Jen knew something. The Sesame Street store stocked a ton of the Elmo stocks.

Jen bought a brand new pair of the Elmo stocks. Anna would never know the difference. No one would; they were all the same. They were just silly Elmo socks after all.

Jen had the original pair in her pocket. They were soiled now after last night with Frank. As she left the store, she dropped the original, soiled socks in the trash can.

Finally Jen stopped at the Starbucks for coffee. She ordered her normal coffee concoction, a skinny caramel latte with no whip. Behind the counter a young man grinned and said "Hey no-whip Jen."

Jen turned and smiled at him. It was barista boy. "Hi Joey," she said. She couldn't believe he still worked there. Surely he must have graduated from college by now? But maybe he was going to grad school.

Joey came around the counter and tried to flirt with Jen. Jen knew the signs; he was hitting on her. Hoping she might go to bed with him again.

Jen though had no interest in Joey. Their romp together had been fun. But right now she only had eyes for Frank Tower. Joey didn't measure up to her current boyfriend. Most men didn't.

A slight shudder ran through Jen's body as she thought about Frank. A smile crossed her lips too, remembering that morning and the sweet things Frank said to her. She still couldn't believe she was involved with him. She had a big crush on Sophie's dad in high school (most of her friends did); and now she was his girlfriend. It's funny how life turned out.

As she walked out of the Starbucks, with the framed birthday card and new Elmo socks in her bag, Jen was thinking about Frank Tower.

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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:20 PM

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