Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Can you believe what she's wearing?" Jasmine angrily scoffed to Deidre. They were both looking at Jen across the room. They were standing off to the side and whispering so no one else could hear.

"Or not wearing," Deidre said with a grin. From across the room she tilted her head contemplatively and said "I never imagined Jen with pierced nipples. Always seemed too corporate to me."

"She's fucking Frank," Jasmine hissed judgmentally. "Cheating on Mike."

"Oh come on Jas. You've told me enough about them," Deidre said. "They swing. It's not cheating if she has Mike's permission."

"I thought you hate Jen," Jasmine said frowning at her best friend (and sometimes lover).

"No, YOU hate Jen," Deidre said. She knew there was often a fine line between hate and lust and suspected that was the case here. After a moment Deidre asked, "You love me right?" She always asked this question before Jasmine got involved with someone else (boy or girl). She asked this just before Jas began dating Mike.

Jasmine answered the same way every time. "Of course I love you," she whispered. It was true too.

"Then go ahead," Deidre said looking into Jasmine's eyes. "Take Jen to bed. Fuck her."

Jasmine stared at Deidre for a long time. She squeezed Deidre's hand reassuringly (doing it at hip level so no one could see). "I'll just talk to her," Jasmine said.

"Sure Jas," Deidre responded. She knew Jasmine. When she wanted something, "no" wasn't an option. She got what she wanted. Although, as with Mike Andrews, she sometimes had a hard time holding onto it.

"I'm just going to talk to her D," Jasmine insisted.

"Okay Jasmine," Deidre said.

Jasmine stared at Deidre again. Then she turned and moved towards Jen.

"Frank can I have a moment with Jen?" Jasmine said.

Frank looked at Jasmine. Then he nodded and moved away.

Jasmine and Jen stood there for a moment, facing each other, not saying anything. Then Jasmine said, "You know, if you wore that to high school you'd get dress coded." She was looking at Jen's chest.

Jasmine meant it as a joke but Jen was so self-conscious at that moment she didn't hear the levity in the busty blonde's voice. She defensively stammered, "Well, I'm not in high school." Jen knew her comeback was weak. She wanted to shoot back that Jasmine was the bimbo who wore string bikinis on CNN. But she bit her tongue, trying to keep things civil and professional. Instead she said "Jasmine, I think it's best if I leave your campaign. I'm resigning." From her jacket Jen retrieved a folded piece of paper. Her resignation letter. She handed it to Jasmine.

Jasmine's eyes went wide. Keeping her emotions in check, she tersely said "Please come with me." Trying to attract as little attention as possible, Jasmine made a beeline to the study of her big suite. Inwardly sighing, Jen reluctantly followed her.

Jasmine closed the door. She said, "I was joking about the dress code. If that's why –."

"That's not why," Jen said. "I've done all I can here. I've decided on a career change."

"Career change? What?" Jasmine asked.

"I got a part on Broadway," Jen said smiling proudly. Seeing the scorn on Jasmine's face, she awkwardly looked away and said "Anyways ..."

Jasmine's jaw dropped. "Broadway?" she said incredulously. Always the practical one, she said "You're a partner in a prestigious advertising firm. You're throwing all that away? And what are you, 30? No one goes to Broadway at 30."

"I'm 29," Jen stubbornly corrected her. She turned 30 the next week. She didn't mention that of course.

Jasmine rolled her eyes as if saying "big fucking difference." She said "How are you going to support yourself? Mike's still teaching right?"

"He's joining Apple," Jen told her.

Jasmine looked even more shocked. Now she really angry. SHE told Mike to take the Apple Code Master job. He refused. NOW he was taking the job? Not for HER, but for JEN? It was another slap in the face. More evidence that Mike dumped her for this flat chested bitch. Jasmine was hurt and furious!

"No!" Jasmine said angrily. "I do not accept your resignation! We had a deal!"

"I did my part," Jen insisted. "Anyways, you never wanted me here."

"Stop saying anyways!" Jasmine said. She was practically screaming.

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"You always say anyways!" Jasmine said, irate. "It's not anyWAYS, it's anyWAY!" She hated when people said "anyways." Especially pretty girls. It was so charming and cute. And at that moment she didn't want to see Jennifer Andrews as charming and cute.

"What?" Jen said again, bewildered.

"We had a deal," Jasmine hissed in a low dangerous voice. "You're staying until the election. That's final. I do NOT accept your resignation!" She angrily tore up Jen's resignation letter and stormed out of the room.

"What the fuck?" Jen thought to herself as she watched Jasmine storm out.

Jasmine left the party and went to Deidre's room to cool off. "How dare her!" Jasmine said angrily. She was furious. "Quit on me? The primaries aren't until April. We have months to go. People can't bail on me! We have too much to do!"

"Jas, we have more than enough money," Deidre said diplomatically. "You're right, there's still months left. But Jen's done her job. All your numbers are up."

"Will you stop defending her?!" Jasmine yelled. "Who's side are you on?!"

"I'm on your side Jas," Deidre said, looking imploringly at Jasmine and squeezing her hand. "I'm always on your side."

"And did you see her?! No bra?! With that top?!" Jasmine scoffed. "And that skirt?! Could it be any shorter?!"

Deidre shrugged. She grinned and said "She's got the legs for it." Jasmine glared an evil eye and Deidre laughed. "Come on, it's not the end of the world," she said. She rubbed Jasmine's shoulders. "God you're so tense Jas."

Deidre worked on Jasmine's neck and shoulders. "You need to relax," she said running her hands up and down Jasmine's back and sides.

Deidre kissed up Jasmine's neck. Jas turned her head and their lips met. They soon were kissing and fondling.

Jasmine took over. She always did. She was the alpha dog with Dee; with most people. She undressed Deidre and sucked on her tits. Deidre's breasts were medium sized. Smaller than hers but way bigger than Jen's. She thought about Jen. She wished it was that flat chested bitch underneath her. She'd suck and bite on her pathetic tiny tits so hard it'd make her cry.

Jasmine pushed Deidre onto her back on the bed. "I feel like being a little rough," she told her best friend and lover. "Okay?"

"Yeah Jas, yeah," Deidre moaned. She arched out her back craving Jasmine's lips on her breasts again.

Jasmine undressed and got their bag of toys. She pulled out a new toy, a strap on. It was double sided, a small dick and a big dick. Jasmine was wet, she didn't need any lubrication. She put the small dick inside herself then buckled the belt.

Jasmine got between Deidre's open legs. She rubbed the head of the big dick between Deidre's glistening pussy lips. "This might hurt a little," Jasmine told Deidre. It was a new toy. They never used a dildo this big with such a thick head.

Deidre looked into Jasmine's eyes. "Are you going to hurt me?" she asked. "Or Jen?"

Jasmine looked back into Deidre's eyes. Then, holding the base of the dildo with her right hand, she pushed into Deidre's pussy. Deidre groaned as the big dildo stretched her.

"Take it slut!" Jasmine said as she pushed more of the big dildo inside Deidre.

"Jas, stop, too much," Deidre said, her eyes watering up from the pain. But Jasmine didn't stop. She penetrated Deidre until she was (fake) balls deep. Then she began moving in and out. She moved faster and harder.

"You like that bitch? You like it?" Jasmine hissed as she jackhammered into Deidre.

"Oh god oh god oh god!" Deidre cried. It hurt but it felt so good! "Oh god you're making me cum!" Moments later Deidre arched her back and came.

Jasmine kissed Deidre as she came down from her orgasm. Then she pulled out and took off the strap-on. She collapsed on the bed next to her friend.

"You cum?" Deidre asked, rolling onto her side to look at her lover. She stroked down Jasmine's chest, over her big perfect tits and down to her flat stomach.

Jasmine shook her head no. "That's okay," she said.

"Let me ...," Deidre said as her hand moved to Jasmine's clit. She wanted to get her friend off.

"No that's okay," Jasmine said squeezing her legs shut. "You know I don't cum all the time."

Deidre was silent for long moments, studying her friend. "You wish I was Jen right?" she said. "You'd cum with her."

"No. I WISH you'd stop talking about her," Jasmine said irritably.

"You've had a crush on her for a while," Deidre said.



"I dated Mike. He dumped me to go back to Jen," Jasmine said. "Now you say I've got a crush on her. That's too –." She paused, trying to think of the right word. "Weird. Pathetic. Creepy."

"It's complicated being bi," Deidre said with a grin.

Jasmine looked at Deidre. She asked "How does it make you feel?"

"About you crushing on Jen? We're not exclusive," Deidre said with a shrug. Looking thoughtful she added "Sometimes I feel like we're with each other until we find someone else."

"I'm not crushing on Jen," Jasmine insisted. But Deidre knew better. They both knew better. Finally Jasmine said "We'll always be best friends, right?"

"Yeah," Deidre said. Grinning, she added "And sometimes we'll fuck,"

Jasmine grinned back. "I better get back to my room," she said climbing out of bed. By now the party should be over.

"Are you going to talk to Jen?" Deidre asked.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:14 PM

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