Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Frank stopped her by grabbing her wrist. "He'll show you a card," he told her. "That's how he'll identify himself. You'll go to his room and fuck him. Do you understand Jenny?"

"Yes," Jen said.

Frank smiled at her. He tenderly stroked her face. The gesture was almost loving. "Afterwards, you'll make yourself pretty for me again. You'll fix your hair and makeup. And brush your teeth. You'll put the panties back on. Do you understand Jenny?"

"Yes," Jen said again. Her cheeks burned and her voice was dry.

"What are you Jenny?"

Jen hesitated, then said "... I'm a slut."

Frank tenderly stroked her face again. "What else?" he asked.

Jen hesitated again. Then she said "... I'm your slut." Jen's heart was beating wildly. Her pussy throbbed.

Frank grinned, beaming into her eyes. "That's right Jenny," he said. He affectionately padded her ass. "Good girl. And Jenny?"


Giving her an approving smile, Frank said "You may cum with this man."

Jen turned a lot of heads as she walked through the casino floor. Official looking men in harsh black suits frowned at her. Jen feared they assumed she was a hooker and were going to order her to leave the casino. She shuddered at the humiliating thought. She ducked into a ladies room. She was so turned on she had to wipe the wetness from her inner thighs.

Jen found the B Bar. It was in the middle of the casino floor. Many men at the tables and slots were turning to look at her. As always Jen pretended not to notice. But all the male attention and hungry lustful glances were getting her even more hot.

The B Bar was packed but a group of men immediately made room and offered her a bar stool. Jen smiled gratefully and sat down. They offered to buy her a drink but Jen politely declined. Frank said there would be man, not men. So these guys weren't the one. The men were half drunk and didn't like Jen's rejection (even though she was polite). Some muttered "cock tease." Others muttered "slut." Jen pretended not to hear, but their degrading comments made her pussy tingle even more.

She ordered a vodka martini. Fuck tequila. She was nervous and anxious and vodka was her go-to spirit. Men hit on her but no one produced a card. She politely declined all their advances.

As Jen crossed her legs on the bar stool, she felt exposed. A big part of it was being braless in the stretchy, diaphanous top; also, being pantyless in the short tight mini-skirt. She realized being barelegged made it worse. She would have felt less exposed in pantyhose or even stockings. Hosiery was comforting, like armor. Being barelegged, she felt vulnerable. She reflected how hard it was being a girl. The weaker sex. Any one of these men could take her. Use her for their pleasure. She'd be powerless to stop it. The fantasy got her hot. Jen told herself to calm down. Otherwise she'd have to go to the bathroom again.

Jen wanted Frank's friend to show up. She wanted fucked. Not just fucked. She wanted degraded. She wanted to be used. She was a slut. She wanted to be treated like a slut.

She wasn't thinking about Mike or even Anna. Her body was her weakness. And at that moment she was giving into her weakness. She wanted fucked. She needed it. Where was he?! She hoped he was handsome. She hoped he had a good body. She hoped he was big. Where the fuck was he?!!

In the end, he didn't need to show her a card. She knew him immediately. And he had all of those things. Handsome. Good body. Big cock. After a moment, she realized she wasn't even surprised to see him.

It was Ricky.

Ricky was about 30 feet away. It looked like he was looking for something. Or someone. He turned. He saw Jen. He looked shocked. The look of shock turned to one of disbelief. Finally he broke out into a big grin.

"Holy shit, Jen Andrews!" Ricky gushed. He was still grinning. "What are you doing here?"

"Hi Ricky," Jen said grinning back at him. The grin was authentic too. Even though she knew this was one of Frank's mind games, she was still happy to see Ricky again.

Jen stood up and they hugged hello. Then they both sat on bar stools.

"So what are you doing here?" Ricky asked again.

"I live here, in New York," Jen said. "What are YOU doing here? Are you still in LA?"

"Yeah but, I got this crazy offer for a free vacation," Ricky said showing Jen a card.

"Can I see it?" Jen asked. Ricky handed over the card. It said:

For our men in service. A fully paid trip to the Borgata in Atlantic City. Not a scam! Everything will be pre-paid. Go to the B Bar on Saturday night and you might see an old friend. Thank you for your service to our country.

"Jen ... did you set this up?" Ricky asked hopefully. "Are you the old friend?"

"I didn't send it," Jen said honestly, although she knew who did of course. She laughed to hide her nervousness and deceit.

"But we're old friends right?" Ricky asked with a grin.

"Of course we are Ricky," Jen said. She looked at him. He was wearing his Marine uniform. He looked ... really good. She touched the emblem on his arm. "Is this a promotion?"

"Yeah, last year," Ricky said proudly. "I'm a Captain now."

"Wow Ricky, that's awesome," Jen gushed. She was really happy for him. "You look really good."

Ricky gave Jen a quick up and down look. Well, he intended it to be quick. But his eyes locked on her chest and then he was paralyzed. He saw her nipples clearly. Well, not really because her shirt was black and opaque. But the dents made by her nipples were clearly visible. No way she was wearing a bra. He saw more too. The bars. The sweet innocent Jen pierced her nipples?! Ricky quickly got an erection.

"Um ..." Jen said awkwardly as Ricky stared at her chest. Her usual line was "I'm up here." But she didn't want to be flirty. Then she laughed inside, at herself. In this outfit she couldn't help but be flirty!

Ricky jerked his eyes up. "Sorry," he said looking embarrassed. He said awkwardly, "You ah ... you look good too."

"Thanks," Jen said. She was embarrassed too at showing so much. She turned and folded her arms on the bar. In this position she had to turn her head to look at Ricky but this way her chest was partially covered by her arms.

"Are you and Mike still together?" Ricky asked. The way her arms were folded, he had a clear view of her left hand. He was looking at her ring finger. Jen flushed, knowing what he saw – nothing. No wedding rings.

"Of course we are," Jen said, thumbing her ringless ring finger. She stammered "I must have forgotten my rings upstairs."

Ricky was still looking at her ring finger. He saw the indents where her rings normally were. He asked "So Mike's here?"

"Yes, he'll be down in a minute," Jen lied. She nervously sputtered, "He, ah, um, had to do an email run for work."

Ricky slowly nodded as he looked intently at her. He asked "So, you guys still play around?"

Jen flushed red. "I don't feel comfortable talking about that," she sputtered out.

Ricky nodded again, still looking at her. Then he grinned and said "Do you play craps?"

"Um ... no," Jen said, taken a little off balance by the abrupt change of subject.

"Let me show you," Ricky said hopping off the bar stool. He dropped some bills on the bar then offered Jen his hand. Jen hesitated, then took Ricky's hand. He helped Jen off the barstool. Ricky showed no reaction when Jen pulled her hand back. Ricky led her to the craps table next to the B Bar.

The craps table was crowded. Maybe because Ricky was in uniform or because of the way Jen was dressed (probably a combination of both), people moved to give them space. Also, they gave the dice to Ricky.

Ricky explained the rules to Jen. The players around the table (all men) were unusually patient because they were enjoying the view. More than a few smiled and whispered among themselves as they talked about the blonde haired, blue eyed eye candy at their table.

Ricky gave a stack of chips to Jen and she hesitantly laid a few on the table. Ricky grinned at her, then he tossed the nice. There were groans as Ricky rolled 12.

A few people suggested Ricky give Jen a turn. The stickman offered Jen 5 dice. "Pick 2 ma'am," he said. Jen flushed when she saw his eyes were on her chest (the stickman was so old he could be her grandfather). She quickly picked 2 dice.

Ricky placed a few chips on the table and smiled at her encouragingly. Jen had no idea what she was doing as she tossed the dice. There were happy shouts as she rolled a seven. The stickman paid out the Pass Line bets.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:13 PM

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