Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Why's he want you to hook up with your old boyfriends?" Allie asked.

"It's a bottom/top thing," Jen explained. "Making me do things. It shows he's controlling me."

"Whatever happened to whip and chains?" Allie joked. "Dog collars?"

"Ohhhh baby, tie me up," Jen joked back, playfully bumping her hip against Allie's. Then she explained, "Frank's more into manipulation. Head games. Not physical as much."

"Fucking's not physical?" Allie said skeptically.

"It is but, he controls my body," Jen said. "He controls who I fuck, when I cum. See? It's way more controlling. And exciting."

"Yeah, I guess," Allie said with a nod. She wasn't a submissive like Jen but with the right man (like her husband Darren) it was exciting sometimes to let go and be a bottom. Still, all those men. Colin and Tom were bad enough, but those repulsive old men? Voicing her concerns, she said "Are they safe?"

"I trust Frank," Jen said. "I've known him since I was a teenager. He's good friends with my parents. He wouldn't hurt me."

Allie slowly nodded. Then what Jen said registered. "Wait, he controls your orgasms?" she asked.

Jen nodded and said, "I'm not allowed to cum unless he's there. I especially can't cum with Mike."

"God Jen, seriously?" Allie said disapprovingly.

"Mike and I have sex all the time," Jen assured her. "I never deny Mike. I just can't cum with him. Only with Frank."

"Sheesh Jen," Allie sighed, processing all this. Then she had a thought. She whispered "Do you think he'll set you up with Ricky?"

"No way. Ricky's in California," Jen said. Then she looked alarmed, remembering Allie's earlier flub about the beach blowjob. "You can never talk to Mike about Ricky," she whispered urgently. "Never. Don't even mention Ricky's name."

"Jen, I won't, god," Allie said feeling unfairly chastised. She looked inquiringly at her best friend. "So, you never told Mike?"

"Of course I never told Mike," Jen said.

While Allie was still getting her head around Mike's cuckold fantasies, she was beginning to understand him a little. She asked, "But, on some level, wouldn't Mike get off on it?"

Yeah, Mike would get off on it. Initially. But then ...

"Trust me Allie," Jen said. "It would not be a good thing."

A little later Jen saw Frank arrive. She felt her heart quickening. She felt herself getting moist. All from just Frank walking into the bar. Jen knew she had it bad. Was it infatuation? Or were they pass that now, to – what?

Master and slave? Jen shuddered at the thought. She liked "top" and "bottom" better. "Master" and "slave" ... that was too intense.

Jen texted Mike. "Frank's by the door. I'm going over."

Mike texted back a moment later. "K."

Jen waited a few moments. She couldn't see her husband but she assumed he was moving to a good vantage point to watch. She gave him time to get there.

Jen nonchalantly made her way over to Frank. She smiled and beamed into his eyes. She glanced around. Her work friends were about 20 feet away with people between them. She reached out from her hip (below eye level) and squeezed Frank's hand. "Hi," she said.

"Hi," Frank said, squeezing her hand back. Jen reluctantly pulled her hand back.

"So, Tom, really?" Jen said giving him a "what the fuck" grin.

"Would you have preferred Jimmy?" Frank said grinning back at her.

"Ah, no," Jen said with a laugh.

"I knew you needed relief," Frank said. "I also knew Mike would have an issue if it was me."

Jen looked surprised at Frank. He was being considerate of Mike? Once again his softer side both surprised and charmed her. "Thank you," she said.

Frank smiled. Of course it was easy for him to be generous since he knew Mike would soon disappear. He was surprised CATF had not yet taken action. But it would be soon. With Mike out of the picture he would have Jen all to himself. He would have her as much as he wanted. And he wanted a lot.

Frank looked at her left hand. He frowned seeing the rings there.

Reading his mind, Jen said "Frank I'm with my friends and Mike's here. I have to wear my rings."

"Give them to me," Frank ordered holding out his hands. He hated when she wore the rings around him. He had told her that. He hated when she disobeyed him.

"No," Jen said. She protectively covered her left hand with her right.

"You're afraid I'll lose them?"

"I know you won't lose them," Jen conceded.

"Give them to me," Frank insisted.

"Frank ...," Jen said helplessly.

"If Mike objects I'll give them back," Frank said.

Jen looked at Frank. "You promise?"

"I promise," he said, his hand still out. Hesitating another moment, Jen took off her wedding and engagement rings – Mike's rings – and put them in Frank's hand. Frank put the rings in his pants pocket. Frank grinned inside, knowing the rings – the strongest symbol of their marriage – were next to his cock.

"I have your birthday gift," Frank said.

"Not here," Jen said nervously looking around.

"Is anyone looking?" Frank asked with an easy smile. Obviously he didn't care if her co-workers saw them together.

Jen looked around again. "No," she conceded. She noticed everyone focused on Allie, who was acting like the lively pre-Darren Allie. Was her best friend running interference so she could talk to her "boyfriend"?

"Here," Frank said. He discreetly opened his hand at hip level so no one could see.

Jen gasped. It was a white gold necklace with a single diamond. The diamond was huge and perfect, a sibling of those in her nipple and belly rings, but way bigger. "Frank no ... it's too much," she said.

"Ask Mike," Frank said magnanimously.

"Really?" Jen said again.

"Certainly," Frank said with a reasonable smile. "It's up to Mike." He knew Mike wouldn't object; he would look like a sore loser. If he did, Frank would give the necklace to Jenny after Mike's "disappearance." Either way he won.

"... okay," Jen said hesitantly. The necklace was freaking beautiful! She was relieved it wasn't a tennis bracelet (she was wearing it on her left wrist), to prevent competition between her men. Did she really have "men"?

"We can leave in a little bit," Jen told Frank.

"I actually have to get back," Frank told her. "I'm closing a deal."

"Oh," Jen said disappointed. "How much time do you have?"

"Another 30 minutes."

"Only 30 minutes?!" Jen thought sourly. Her body screamed with disappointment. She needed Frank. She wanted tonight with him. She didn't want to wait until tomorrow.

"Are Lou and Hugh outside?" Jen asked "In your limo?"

"Hugh," Frank told her.

"Can we go to your limo?" Jen whispered hopefully.

"Of course," Frank said grinning. He loved the influence he had over Jenny. That she desired him so much. It got his dick hard.

"Can Mike watch?" she asked hesitantly.

Frank frowned. He didn't like the idea of Mike being there in such close confines. But he was trying to act reasonable about Mike. So he said "Yes, but he can't touch you. And I don't want you to talk to him." Mike could be there, but he didn't want to know he was there. He would be a non-entity. A figurative fly-on-the-wall.

Jen stared at Frank, as if weighing her body's needs versus her obligations to her husband. Finally she agreed. "Okay," she said. She squeezed Frank's hand again. "I'll be right back."

Jen dodged through the crowd, hurriedly searching for Mike. HE found HER a moment later. He'd been watching them talk (although he couldn't hear anything). "What's the plan?" he asked excitedly.

"Frank can't come over, he has work," Jen explained hurriedly. They only had a half hour. "His limo's outside."

Mike got it immediately. "Okay, let's go," he said excitedly.

"Wait baby," Jen said with a gentle hand to his chest. She opened her hand. She was holding Frank's necklace. It sparkled like a thousand suns even in the dim light of Death & Co.

"Wow," Mike said awed.

"Yeah," Jen agreed.

"You must love it," he said stating the obvious.

"Well ...," Jen said with a helpless grin. "Frank said it's up to you. If I keep it."

Mike looked at his wife. It was like the Caribbean vacation. And the private jet. And the other jewelry. He didn't want to be the bad guy who said no. That would make him look like a sore loser.

Mike took the necklace from her. "You're a goddess. You deserve beautiful things," he said. He reached around and clasped the new necklace around her slim elegant neck.

"Mike ..." Jen said with an embarrassed giggle. He always talked like she was a princess – a REAL princess – and it embarrassed her sometimes. But she didn't stop him as he put Frank's necklace around her neck. She squeezed his hand. "Baby, in Frank's car ... you can't touch me, and we can't talk."

Mike frowned. "Frank's rules?" he asked.

Jen nodded. She saw Mike was bothered. Of course he was. But what could she do? It was how Frank did things. Mike should be used to it by now.

"It's just head games honey," she said reassuringly, rubbing his arm. "We'll be home soon. You can touch me all you want then."

Mike frowned. He didn't like this. Jen was his wife. She belonged to him. Her body belonged to him. But clearly Jen didn't think so. Frank Tower trumped everything. Jen's words "You can touch me all you want." It sounded like pity, or (at best) condescending. Like throwing a bone to him. Or sloppy seconds.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:11 PM

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