Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Mike went into his closet and returned with 3 small packages. He handed her the first one, a small rectangular box. Jen's eyes went wide when she opened it. It was a diamond tennis bracelet.

"Oh my god," Jen said as she put it on her wrist. "Mike this must have cost a fortune!"

"Don't worry I didn't go into our savings," Mike assured her.

"Then, um, how?" she gently asked. No way he was able to afford this with his teacher or CATF salaries. Since he was part time with both he didn't make much.

Mike gave her a lopsided grin. "Daily fantasy sports," he said. "I wrote a program. It works, sort of. It's about weighing the different analytics. More complicated than that actually. Non-deterministic because of the human element and injuries. But –."

"It gets me hot when you talk all sciensy to me," Jen joked, grinning at her husband.

Mike grinned back. He joked, "Well, how Fish Called Wanda of you."

"Oh baby, talk foreign to me," Jen joked back in a playful husky voice. She used her hands to fan herself.

Mike thought a moment. Then he made a series of guttural sounds.

"What was that?" Jen said with a laugh.

"Klingon," Mike deadpanned. "I think I just said, I want to ravish you in a slimy pool of Romulan bloodworms."

"Well, I don't see how any girl could resist that," Jen said laughing. Mike laughed with her.

Mike handed his wife the second box. Still grinning, she opened it. Inside was her iPhone. "What?" she said not understanding.

"I put it on your phone," Mike explained. "Bruce Springsteen."


Mike smiled at his wife. He said "It turns out he's a supporter, from Liberty-gate. He sang happy birthday to you."

"OH – MY – GOD!" Jen yelled her eyes going wide. She hurriedly swiped and pressed the screen to play the recording. Her eyes went even wider as she listened. First a personal happy birthday message from the Boss to Jen. Then a soulful acoustic rendition of "Happy Birthday to Jennifer." At the end Bruce even added a few playful chaa-chaa-chaas.

"Oh my god Mike!" Jen gushed, so excited and thrilled she didn't know what to do with herself. She hugged him as they listened again.

"The last one ... it's kind of more a present to me than you," Mike said hesitantly.

"What is it, lingerie?" Jen joked with a delighted sparkle in her eyes, still reveling in gift #2. She couldn't believe it. Bruce sang her happy birthday!

Jen opened the last present. It was a book.

"We've been together since I was 21," Mike explained, he was now 33. "Except that time apart." He grimaced thinking about that time they were separated; both when he was in jail and when he was in San Francisco.

Mike said, "I wrote this – it's like a diary of that time. You probably won't like parts." He gave a weak grin; he was referring to when he was with other girls, particularly Jasmine. "But I want you to have it, even if you never read it. Because this way, it makes me feel like we were never apart."

Jen stared at the book; the tennis bracelet and Bruce were forgotten. Then she stared at Mike. "I'll read every word," she swore, a lump in her throat, clutching the book to her heart.

Jen teared up. She wiped it away with the back of her hand. "I'll write you a diary," she promised. "For your birthday."

"I'd really like that," Mike said smiling and beaming into her eyes. "That would be the best present."

Jen gave him a sad, regretful smile. "You won't like parts either."

"It's part of you. I want to know everything," Mike assured her, squeezing her hand.

Jen felt teary eyed as she looked at her husband. At that moment, he was the only man she wanted. No, not just for that moment. For the rest of her life.

Jen saw her life clearly at that moment. It was like clouds parting and the powerful, beautiful sun shining through. The clarity was uncommon, and amazing.

Jen didn't need the game. She didn't need Frank or any other man. All that was over. Mike was all she wanted. All she needed. For the rest of her life. Just Mike.

[Author's note: For those who are bored with the story and want it to end, you can consider this the last chapter.]

Cheating and Rivals Part 42

Jen felt teary eyed as she looked at her husband. At that moment, he was the only man she wanted. No, not just for that moment. For the rest of her life.

Jen saw her life clearly at that moment. It was like clouds parting and the powerful, beautiful sun shining through. The clarity was uncommon, and amazing.

Jen didn't need the game. She didn't need Frank or any other man. All that was over. Mike was all she wanted. All she needed. For the rest of her life. Just Mike.

Jen was about to tell Mike that when he grinned and said "So Maria and Brent got together."

"Oh yeah," Jen said, a little disoriented by Mike's abrupt change of subject. "Yeah. I saw her Facebook status changed. But I thought they were already together."

"They were just casually dating before. Now they're serious," Mike told her. He gave an embarrassed grin and said "Brent and I were in the bathroom at the same time, next to each other. I saw his junk. He's not much bigger than me. Just think. If they get married, that's all Maria will have for the rest of her life."

"If she loves him I doubt she minds Mike," Jen said with a laugh.

"But our way is so much better," Mike said stroking Jen's arm.

The sun was still shining strong. The clarity of her life still there. "About the game," Jen said. "I was thinking. Maybe –."

"You know what's really amazing?" Mike said cutting her off.


"Your face when a really big guy penetrates you. You're so beautiful Jen," Mike gushed.

"Mike god," Jen said with an embarrassed smile. "The words you use." She shuddered as she said "Penetrates."

"You know that's a big thing for me."

"Yeah but –," Jen sputtered.

"This week, I beat off thinking of you and Frank," Mike admitted. "The last time I saw you together. I watched him enter you. He stretched you so much."

"Frank's a big boy," Jen agreed with a nod. She felt herself getting hot with this talk. Talking about their game always got her that way. She felt the sky clouding over. The clarity dimming. Her life was no longer so clear. Still ...

"It's just, about the game. I was thinking –," Jen said, but Mike interrupted her again.

"How will we play it tomorrow?" Mike asked excitedly. He reached over and cupped her breast. He played with the nipple bar.

"Tomorrow? What?" Jen said. Her eyelids fluttered as Mike fondled her. She was thinking "Mike's not telling me to take out Frank's nipple rings. He's playing with them. He wants me to wear them."

"The happy hour. How will we play it, with Frank there?" Mike asked again.

Jen stared at her husband. She thought "Mike wants Frank to be at the happy hour. He wants to see me with him. He wants Frank to come home with us."

Mike moved his hand to Jen's upper thigh. "I want to watch him stretch you again," he said, caressing her leg just below her pussy.

Jen cheeks flushed at the prospect. Of Frank's muscular body and his beautiful thick cock. Her nipples ached and her pussy throbbed.

The sky was cloudy again. Yes, her life was Mike and Anna. But also playing the game. Like, pretending to be unprotected when she was really using the sponge. Being Frank's bottom. Cumming only when he allowed. Fucking men at Frank's command.

Being a slut. Not a goddess. A slut.

"The party's at Death & Co," Jen said. "Remember that place? It's so crowded with people coming and going all the time. No one will notice Frank there."

"You mean, no one will notice you flirting with Frank," Mike said with a knowing grin.

Jen grinned back. She said "Remember this weekend we have a Jasmine fundraiser."

Mike nodded. He knew "we" meant Jen and Frank. Familiar, delicious cuckold angst shuddered through his body.

"So, I'll be with Frank both Friday and Saturday nights," Jen pointed out.

"Yeah," Mike said, his voice hoarse with excitement. That was a lot of time with Frank. A lot of time they'd be apart. The whole weekend. Mike already missed his wife, his loneliness even greater since he'd been gone most of the week. While still delicious, the angst got painful and moved towards bad hurt territory.

Just in time though, Jen grinned at him and said "We'll get rid of Frank after our adult fun tomorrow night. So we'll have all Friday night and Saturday morning before I have to go."

"That sounds really good," Mike said smiling back, feeling relieved.

"And the fund raiser's in Atlantic City," Jen said. "So I'll be home early Sunday."

"Great," Mike said. "I'll get something for dinner and we'll have a lazy football Sunday." He felt better. The angst was still there but now it was in a box. There was hurt, but it was the kind that made the game exciting for him. It wasn't bad hurt.

The next night Death & Co was packed. Mike and Jen met after work and arrived together holding hands. Soon though they were separated by the swarm of people, all wishing her happy birthday. There were so many people between them Mike couldn't even see his wife.

Allie appeared next to Mike smiling at him. They gave each other a hello hug.

"Happy birthday," Mike said.

"You always know how to ruin a party bubble boy," Allie said sassily, but she still wore a smile. She didn't want to think about turning 30.

Mike grinned back at her. "Here, I got you something," he said handing her a small box. Allie opened it. Inside was a small charm for a charm bracelet. It was Fonzie on a motorcycle.

"Oh my god," Allie said laughing. "Now you're officially my wingman."

Mike grinned at her.

Allie got serious and whispered "Hey, Jen's with Frank this weekend right? Do you have time tomorrow?"

"What's up?" Mike asked.

"It's about Darren," Allie said looking anxious. "It's not all worked out but I don't want to go by myself. Are you up for it? I already asked Jen."

"Yeah, sure," Mike said.

As always, Jen was surrounded by people. Not too far away she saw Tom talking to Scott and other guys from the office. As Tom spoke they glanced her way. Her heart sank. Was Tom bragging about their hookup earlier that week?

Jen saw Allie. She moved to her and said "Have you heard rumors about me?"

"Rumors?" Allie asked.

"About me and Tom," Jen said.

"Oh my god Jen what did you do?" Allie said.

Jen couldn't help a slight grin.

"God you're a skanky slut!" Allie said, but she couldn't help grinning too.

"Frank set it up," Jen whispered with a delighted smile. She quickly told her what happened. She also gave her a quick rundown of Frank's other setups.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 05:11 PM

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